2001 - 2003 Graduate Catalogue

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ASE 510 SCHOOL ADMINISTRATOR WORKSHOP. This course deals with current topics in school administration. One semester hour is earned and the course may be repeated for a maximum of three hours. NOTE: Maximum of three hours workshop course work allowed in a student's program.

ASE 532 ADMINISTRATION AND ORGANIZATION OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS. This introductory course deals with the basic activities of educational management, theories and concepts, organization, and governance of the public schools. It is the initial course in the program(s).

ASE 563 SCHOOL SUPPORT SERVICES. Study is made of the management of school services for which the chief administrator of an educational unit is responsible. Topics considered include attendance accounting, financial accounting, property accounting, and general administrative details. Prerequisite: ASE 532.

ASE 572 FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL SCHOOL LAW. The course provides a study of the legal basis of school control; the relation of the federal government to public education, the state as the fundamental legal unit in organization and administration of a state system of schools; the district as the unit of local school control; and legal duties and responsibilities of the state and local boards of education. Prerequisite: ASE 532.

ASE 578 CURRICULUM PLANNING. This course provides a study of the various factors which influence curriculum change; the role and responsibilities of different personnel and agencies in curriculum planning; procedures in implementing curriculum change; and current programs in public school curriculum K-12.

ASE 579 METHODS OF RESEARCH. Study is made of types and methods of educational research, the collecting, analyzing and sharing of data with the public. The student is expected to complete a research project or field study utilizing appropriate methods of educational research.

ASE 586 SPECIAL POPULATIONS AND SPECIAL PROGRAMS. Study is made of special programs offered in public schools including special and compensatory education, bilingual and ESL education, adult and continuing education, and vocational and technical education. Prerequisite: ASE 532.

ASE 587 WORKSHOP IN EDUCATION. The topic(s) included will vary with academic program and semester offered.

ASE 610 WORKSHOP IN EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP. This course deals with current topics in educational leadership. The topics selected for the workshop will be based on needs identified through collaborative endeavors with schools, service centers, professional organizations and governmental agencies. The course may be repeated for a maximum of three hours. NOTE: Maximum of three hours workshop course work allowed in a student's program.

ASE 630 PUBLIC INFORMATION AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS. This is a study of systems for the development of school-community relations and an understanding of the school's purposes, functions, achievements and needs to the patrons. Prerequisite: Twelve hours of Principalship core course work, ASE 671 and ASE 694.

ASE 660 PSYCHOLOGY OF LEARNING. Study is made of the principles of psychology as they apply to learning and teaching. Pertinent research is studied in an attempt to find ways to make instruction more effective. Prerequisite: ASE 532.

ASE 662 PRACTICUM IN SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION (MID-MANAGEMENT). This two-semester laboratory course is designed to provide intensive study and field experience in problems relating to a specific job at the elementary, middle or senior high school level. Prerequisites: Completion of minimum of 36 hours required for masters course work. This course is repeated for six hours required for certification.

ASE 664 SCHOOL FINANCE. This course deals with basic concepts of public finance; problems in local, state, and federal support of education; state financial systems, with emphasis on Texas; local taxation; budgeting; financing capital items; and fiscal management. Prerequisite: Twelve hours of Principalship core course work and ASE 532.

ASE 668 INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP I. The course focuses on leadership for the improvement of instruction and includes current research on school and teaching effectiveness. Prerequisite: ASE 532.

ASE 671 ROLE OF THE PRINCIPAL IN SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION. This course is designed for school administrators and supervisors. Consideration is given to organization, program curriculum, plant supervision, and evaluation for the principal functioning at the elementary, middle or senior high school level. Prerequisite: ASE 532.

ASE 672 PRACTICUM IN SUPERVISION. This course provides a field practicum for students seeking a position as an instructional supervisor. It is designed to provide intensive study of the field of instructional leadership. Prerequisite: Final semester of masters work.

ASE 673 PRACTICUM IN SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION (SUPERINTENDENCY). The course provides a study of the duties and responsibilities of the school administrator as related to public relations, personnel administration, instructional leadership, financial management and school plant planning. Prerequisite: Final semester of certification work.

ASE 675 WOMEN IN EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP. This course addresses issues and challenges of particular interest to women in educational leadership positions. It is designed to encourage prospective women administrators by enhancing leadership, interpersonal and motivational skills.

ASE 687 FIELD STUDIES IN EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION. This course will provide postmaster's students an opportunity to engage in a detailed field study under the direction of graduate faculty. The topic and area of study must be approved by the supervising faculty member. Prerequisite: Master's Degree and approval of the supervising professor.

ASE 690 THE SCHOOL PLANT. The course is designed for school superintendents, business managers, and other school personnel whose responsibilities include school plant planning and management. Topics considered include how to use and maintain present school plants, keeping the school board and community informed as to building needs, selecting architects, and financing construction, and the developing educational specifications. Prerequisite: Twelve hours of Principalship core course work, ASE 532, ASE 664, and ASE 671.

ASE 694 INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP II. This course is designed to certify individuals as having completed Instructional Leadership Development. Emphasis is also placed on the improvement of instruction through research findings and demonstration of instructional improvement in various curricular offerings. Prerequisite: ASE 668.

ASE 695 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT. Study is made of the administrator's role in recruiting and retaining adequate staff. Such topics as recruitment, salary policy, tenure, leaves, contractual obligations, and academic freedom are considered. Prerequisite: Twelve hours of Principalship core course work and ASE 671.

ASE 696 APPRAISAL AND DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATIONAL PERSONNEL. This course is designed to prepare individuals to assess the effectiveness of instruction. Emphasis is also placed on evaluation techniques, conferencing with teachers and development of professional growth plans. Prerequisite: ASE 668 and ASE 694.

ASE 697 CURRENT ISSUES FOR SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS. This course will provide practicing and prospective school administrators an opportunity to become current with state and national education issues. These issues will include school finance, school law, special programs, leadership and management, instructional issues, evaluation of programs and personnel, and changing policies at the state and national level. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor.

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