2001 - 2003 Graduate Catalogue

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CNE 510 WORKSHOP IN COUNSELING. This course deals with current topics in the field of counseling. The topics selected for the workshop will be based on needs identified through collaborative endeavors with schools, service centers, professional organizations and governmental agencies. The course may be repeated for a maximum of 3 hours.

CNE 533 INTRODUCTION TO COUNSELING AND GUIDANCE. Study is made of the social, cultural, and economic changes which influence the life styles of the various populations in America today. The services provided in a comprehensive program of guidance and counseling are discussed.

CNE 534 EFFECTIVE HUMAN BEHAVIOR. A study is made of the dynamics of human behavior with emphasis on understanding dysfunction as well as the basic nature of human beings who successfully cope with the problems that confront them in everyday life. Attention is given to development of emotional health in personal and social contexts such as home, school, work, and marriage. Prerequisite: CNE 564.

CNE 564 THEORIES OF COUNSELING. A comprehensive study is made of the major theories of counseling. Attention is given to systematic ways of viewing the counseling process. Divergences and convergences among theories are examined for practical application. Prerequisites: CNE 533, CNE 585, and CNE 597.

CNE 570 CAREER COUNSELING ACROSS THE LIFESPAN. This course is designed to assist the counselor in developing and initiating a comprehensive career education program. A study is made of the world of work as well as the dynamics and developmental aspects of vocational choice. Emphasis is also placed on the use of occupational information, test scores, personal data, grades, and other pertinent information in working with students individually and in groups. Prerequisites: CNE 533 and CNE 597.

CNE 579 METHODS OF RESEARCH. Study is made of types and methods of educational research, the collecting, analyzing and sharing of data with the pubic. The student is expected to complete a research project or field study utilizing appropriate methods of educational research.

CNE 585 PRE-PRACTICUM TECHNIQUES OF COUNSELING. This course is designed to provide experiences in the exploration and application of individual counseling techniques. Role-playing, self-exploration, and structuring of the counseling relationship are emphasized. Prerequisites: CNE 533 and CNE 597.

CNE 587 WORKSHOP IN COUNSELING. This course is designed to serve the needs of in-service counselors in schools and those in private practice. Topics will vary as needs demand. May be repeated as scheduled topics vary.

CNE 591 CHILD AND ADOLESCENT COUNSELING. This course is designed to help students develop approaches for putting counseling theories into practice in helping children and adolescents who are experiencing difficulties in their developmental, personal and social growth. Prerequisites: CNE 534 and admission to candidacy.

CNE 592 CROSS CULTURAL ISSUES IN COUNSELING. This course will examine the sociocultural characteristics and counseling issues related to the varied cultures in today's society. Hispanic, African-American, Native American, and Asian American cultures will be examined along with issues related to gender and Gay/Lesbian concerns.

CNE 597 HUMAN GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT ACROSS THE LIFESPAN. A review of theory and research concerning the growth and development of the individual through the lifespan with emphasis placed on childhood and adolescence. The course attempts to relate theory and research to present concerns and problems of teachers through the study of physiological, psychological and social interrelationships. Experience in the procedures of child study are provide.

CNE 599 PLAY THERAPY BASICS. This course is designed to enhance/increase the counselor's understanding of the child's world as perceived by the child, the relationship between the child's world and behavior. The major theories of play therapy, and the utilization of play media to facilitate the child's self-exploration, self-expression, self-understanding, and personal growth will be explored. Prerequisite: CNE 564.

CNE 631 ADVANCED PLAY THERAPY. This course is designed to provide play therapists with extensive practical research experience in regard to issues relative to the play therapy relationship. Case analysis, theoretical application, and current research issues and trends will be investigated. Prerequisite: CNE 599 or approval of instructor.

CNE 632 THEORIES OF MARRIAGE AND FAMILY THERAPY. This course focuses on basic concepts in marriage and family therapy, theories of therapeutic change in families, marriage and family development and foundations of family systems therapy. Prerequisite: CNE 564.

CNE 633 TECHNIQUES OF MARRIAGE AND FAMILY THERAPY. Application of the main approaches in family therapy to clinical work. This includes skill development in working with couples and families in a variety of contexts. Prerequisite: CNE 632.

CNE 634 PROFESSIONAL AND ETHICAL ISSUES IN COUNSELING. This course studies the current ethical issues and professional role of marriage and family therapists, mental health counselors and school counselors. This includes study of the Texas Family Code, the licensing acts for Marriage and Family Therapists and Professional Counselors, and regulations for school counselors. Prerequisite: CNE 585.

CNE 635 METHODS OF CONSULTATION, COORDINATION AND COUNSELING. A comprehensive study is made of contemporary practices of consultation and coordination in the school counseling profession. The course includes study of community service agencies, referral sources, legal and ethical practices and the acquisition of practical school counseling skills. Prerequisites: CNE 564 and CNE 674.

CNE 636 FIELD PRACTICUM. The course provides supervised experiences in a counseling setting. Study is made of the duties and responsibilities of the counselor at work. Prerequisites: CNE 676 and subject to individual placement.

CNE 662 FOUNDATIONS OF SUBSTANCE ABUSE COUNSELING. An introduction to counseling persons involved in substance abuse; basic concepts in treatment and rehabilitation; professional (practices) assessment and treatment planning; treatment modalities; laboratory work and field study.

CNE 663 ASSESSMENT IN GUIDANCE AND COUNSELING. Study will include the principles of assessment and evaluation in counseling, assessment instruments used in the counseling services, elementary statistical concepts, methods of evaluating assessment instruments, the process of synthesizing and interpreting assessment data, and the ethics of assessment. Prerequisites: CNE 534.

CNE 664 SEMINAR IN SUBSTANCE ABUSE COUNSELING. The focus of this course will be on advanced issues related to substance abuse treatment. Primarily there will be an exploration of individual counseling strategies and techniques.

CNE 668 SEMINAR ON DRUGS, SOCIETY AND POLICY ISSUES. This course will provide students with a critical understanding of a variety of important issues and problems surrounding the subject of drugs. A different topic will be discussed each class meeting.

CNE 674 PRACTICUM IN GROUP COUNSELING. Participation in small group activities is a significant part of this course which has been designed to meet the needs of counselors in a variety of settings. The didactic portion of the course will focus on the knowledge, practice, skills, and person of the effective group counselor. Prerequisites: CNE 564 and CNE 585.

CNE 676 SUPERVISED PRACTICE IN COUNSELING. This laboratory course is designed to prepare the student in the practical application and integration of the principles and methods of counseling. Prerequisites: Admission to candidacy and CNE 674.

CNE 738 HUMAN DYNAMICS AND CONSULTATION SKILLS. Developing effective human relations and communications skills are crucial to prepare for interactions with parents, students, staff, and school boards. Conferencing skills, active, emphatic listening skills, and knowledge of personality and family dynamics will be developed. Students will learn to network with the community and systems in broader contexts. Doctoral students only.

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