2001 - 2003 Graduate Catalogue

... | Ed & Applied Science | Education | SED

Department of Curriculum and Instruction


SED 531 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER EDUCATION. An introduction to computers in the classroom with emphasis on software, types of computers, and practical applications.

SED 560 ADVANCED TECHNIQUES AND METHODS OF INSTRUCTION. Study is made of current teaching techniques, strategies and materials. Students will identify, research and develop approaches to problems pertaining to their teaching field.

SED 583 INTEGRATING CURRENT TECHNOLOGIES IN TEACHING. Laboratory experiences are provided for graduate students in the preparation, selection, and use of audio-visual materials for teaching and in the operation of audio-visual equipment. This course is recommended for both Education and non-Education majors.

SED 587 WORKSHOP IN EDUCATION. The topic(s) included will vary with academic program and semester offered.

SED 590 ADVANCED METHODS IN CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT AND DISCIPLINE. This course is designed for K-12 teachers of all subject areas. Increased proficiency in classroom management skills is the primary objective of the course. Teachers will be provided with an understanding of the factors influencing individual and group behavior in school settings; methods of diagnosing school and classroom factors that may be eliciting the problem; and the options available for influencing student behaviors.

SED 593 ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING. Study is made of typical methods of measuring intelligence, achievement, special aptitudes, and personality. Emphasis is placed on the interpretation and use of tests. Elementary statistical terms and processes are mastered.

SED 594 THE SECONDARY SCHOOL CURRICULUM. The course is planned to give the mature student a knowledge of the numerous factors which help to determine the offerings of the secondary school. Recent and current trends in curriculum revision and research which provide basis for the need for change in major areas of the secondary school curriculum are studied.

SED 597 HUMAN GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT ACROSS THE LIFESPAN. A review of theory and current research concerning the growth and development of the individual through the life span with emphasis placed on childhood and adolescence. The course attempts to relate theory and research to present concerns and problems of teachers through the study of physiological, psychological and social interrelationships. Experience in the procedures of child study are provided.

SED 598 INTERNSHIP IN SECONDARY TEACHING. This course is designed for the student who possesses a baccalaureate degree from an accredited university, has met all requirements for admission to the teacher education program, and is eligible for an internship as defined by the Texas Education Agency guidelines.

SED 599 INTERNSHIP IN SECONDARY TEACHING. This course is designed for the student who possesses a baccalaureate degree from an accredited university, has met all requirements for admission to the teacher education program, and is eligible for an internship as defined by the Texas Education Agency guidelines.

SED 670 CRITICAL ANALYSIS AND REFLECTION FOR TEACHING. This course is designed for classroom teachers of all subject and grade levels. The focus of this course is to prepare teachers to read published research critically, to integrate those findings with personal experience in order to make reflective instructional decisions and to participate in pedagogical research, theory-building, elementary statistics.

SED 732 ADVANCED AUTHORING AND INTEGRATION OF TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION. This course is designed to provide skills in production of CD-ROMS for educational leaders to use in developing multimedia presentations, the production and selection of technology and research regarding the use of technology.

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