2001 - 2003 Graduate Catalogue

... | Ed & Applied Science | Education | SPD

Department of Language, Literacy, and Special Populations


SPD 535 EDUCATION OF INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES. This course provides an introduction to the strengths and needs of persons with disabilities, with implications for identification and educational programming for regular and special educators. Legislation and case law addressing the rights of individuals with disabilities are discussed.

SPD 537 ASSESSMENT IN SPECIAL EDUCATION. This course addresses basic measurement principles, formal and informal assessment, and the connection of assessment to instruction. Students gain experience with diagnostic tools for assessing achievement, social behavior, adaptive behavior, language, and perceptual-motor skills.

SPD 538 PRACTICUM AND METHODS IN SPECIAL EDUCATION. Students gain direct experience in the use of curriculum, methods, and materials for learners with special needs. Additional topics include assessment, modifications, adaptations, learning strategies, direct instruction and collaboration.

SPD 562 STUDY OF COGNITIVE AND LOW INCIDENCE DISABILITIES. This course is designed to provide an in-depth study of the strengths and needs of persons with mental retardation and other low-incidence disabilities. Topics addressed include etiology, family partnerships, educational needs, inclusive programs, and transition issues across the lifespan.

SPD 567 SEMINAR IN LEARNING DISABILITIES. A study is made of the research findings for persons with learning disabilities and other mild-to-moderate needs. History, theories, educational practices, social issues, and lifespan needs also are addressed.

SPD 568 TEACHING METHODS FOR LEARNERS WITH MILD TO MODERATE DISABILITIES. Course content centers upon a rationale for instruction of students with learning disabilities and presents a variety of methods, materials, and instructional strategies for students with learning disabilities.

SPD 587 WORKSHOP IN EDUCATION. The topic(s) included will vary with academic program and semester offered.

SPD 631 A STUDY OF BEHAVIOR DISORDERS IN CHILDREN. This course will focus on theories, characteristics, and treatment of mild, moderate, and severe behavioral disorders in children. Issues involving definition, classification and remediation of such disorders as aggression, autism, depression, and delinquency will be covered.

SPD 637 CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT AND PARENT INVOLVEMENT IN SPECIAL EDUCATION. Practical techniques for managing student behavior and for facilitating parent involvement in the education of exceptional students will be presented. Classroom management techniques for various disruptive, withdrawn, and deficient behaviors will be emphasized. Prerequisite: SPD 535.

SPD 677 ASSESSMENT OF YOUNG CHILDREN AND LOW-INCIDENCE POPULATIONS. This course provides instructional and practice in administration, scoring, interpretation, and reporting results of individual tests and assessments for young children, individuals with mental retardation, and persons with low-incidence disabilities. Informal techniques such as play-based assessment, portfolio assessment, and contextual assessment are presented. Prerequisites: SPD 537, PSY 595

SPD 678 SEMINAR IN SPECIAL EDUCATION. This course prepares students for the role of the educational diagnostician. Topics addressed include special education law, consultation and collaboration, second language learners with special needs, and research-based "best practices" in special education. Prerequisite: SPD 677, SPD 537, PSY 595

SPD 679 PRACTICUM FOR EDUCATIONAL DIAGNOSTICIANS. This course provides a field-based practicum under the direction of a certified educational diagnostician. It is designed to provide intensive study in the role of the educational diagnostician. Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.


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