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Home | Education & Applied Science | Education | Education and Leadership EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP COURSE DESCRIPTIONSAdministrtation and Supervision Course Descriptions Counseling Course Descriptions
EDL 731 LEADERSHIP THEORY AND APPLICATIONS. Examination of many leadership theories, models, and processes with emphasis on the results of the applications of various theories, models, and processes to educational leadership. Prerequisites: Admission to Ed.D. Program in Educational Leadership. Credit 3. EDL 732 INSTRUCTIONAL THEORY AND APPLICATIONS. Systematic study is made of existing research on key factors influencing instructional effectiveness and on models for school restructuring. The relationship of instruction and school effectiveness is explored in depth. Prerequisites: Admission to Ed.D. Program in Educational Leadership. Credit 3. EDL 733 SOCIETAL FACTORS AFFECTING EDUCATION. Through this course, graduate students will have the opportunity to examine the political, economic, and cultural factors affecting public school education and instructional leadership today. This course is designed to provide instructional leaders with insight and background into the life styles, values and aspirations of various cultural groups as related to the leadership process. Prerequisites: Admission to the Ed.D. Program in Educational Leadership. Credit 3. EDL 734 ISSUES IN CONTEMPORARY EDUCATION. Analysis of the research literature and field-based data relative to current issues facing instructional leaders in contemporary schools will be completed. Assessment of enrollment trends, curriculum changes, personal problems, and financial patterns are issues that will be addressed. Prerequisites: Admission to the Ed.D. Program in Educational Leadership. Credit 3. EDL 735 CONFLICT MANAGEMENT FOR CONTEMPORARY EDUCATION. Examination of conflict management processes and skills with emphasis on interaction patterns, interpersonal relationships, and communication skills. Prerequisites: Admission to the Ed.D. Program in Educational Leadership. Credit 3. EDL 736 EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP INTERNSHIP. Students participate and are evaluated in an intensive study and field experience relating to positions in educational leadership. Designed to provide insight into problems in the leadership process in an operational setting distinct from prior or concurrent work experience. Prerequisites: Completion of 12 hours of leadership area core. Credit 3. EDL 761 ACCOUNTABILITY AND MEASUREMENT FOR CONTEMPORARY EDUCATION. This course is designed for the study of educational problem solving and accountability and their relationship to needs assessment techniques, evaluation methodologies, and decision-making processes. Prerequisites: Admission to the Ed.D. Program in Educational Leadership and EDL 772. Credit 3. EDL 762 METHODS OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH. Study of qualitative research with emphasis upon an understanding of statistical concepts and procedures necessary to create and implement effective educational research. Prerequisites: Admission to the Ed.D. Program in Educational Leadership. Credit 3. EDL 763 APPLICATION OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH. Fundamental concepts and tools of research applied to educational problems. Each student will prepare a proposal for the dissertation. Prerequisites: Admission to the Ed.D. Program in Educational Leadership and EDL 761. Credit 3. EDL 770 EDUCATION POLICY AND ETHICS. The purpose of this course is to provide the student with opportunities to study how educational policy is developed through micro and macro political elements, to examine ethical and value issues confronting educational leaders, and to demonstrate how individual values drive ethical behavior and ethical decisions. Prerequisites: Admission to Ed.D. Program in Educational Leadership. Credit 3. EDL 772 QUALITATIVE METHODOLOGY. This course is designed to teach qualitative research methodology within an educational leadership problems-based contextual framework. The course will emphasize qualitative research techniques through lecture, discussion, readings, and field-based research projects using the methods learned. Prerequisites: Admission to the Ed.D. Program in Educational Leadership and EDL 762. Credit 3. EDL 787 DOCTORAL FIELD STUDIES IN EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP. This course will provide the doctoral student an opportunity to engage in a detailed and in-depth field study of a program or problem in educational leadership. The student will work under the supervision of a doctoral faculty member and will be expected to produce a written product or presentation. Prerequisites: Admission to the Ed.D. Program in Educational Leadership and permission of Supervising Professor. Credit 3. EDL 833 DISSERTATION. The completion of an approved dissertation which will contribute to Instructional Leadership. Minimum of 9 hours total required. Field-based projects will be emphasized. May be repeated. Prerequisites: Admission to the Ed.D. Program in Educational Leadership; completion of required Leadership Core and Research Component course work and successful completion of comprehensive exam. Credit 3. |