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English Program

The graduate program in English is designed to train students in preparation for doctoral work in university graduate schools, to improve the professional competence of public school teachers, to prepare promising scholars for college teaching, to advance the skills of creative writers, and generally to train students whose careers require advanced verbal and analytical abilities.


Students seeking admission to the graduate program in English must meet the basic requirements of Graduate Studies specified in the ADMISSION section of this catalogue. In addition, the Department of English requires the following:

  1. A combined GRE score (Verbal and Quantitative) of at least 1000, a Verbal score of at least 500, and an undergraduate GPA of at least 3.0.


    A combined GRE score (Verbal and Quantitative) of at least 800, a Verbal score of at least 450, and an undergraduate GPA of at least 3.25.
  2. At least two letters of recommendation that discuss the applicant’s suitability for graduate study.
  3. A scholarly/critical writing sample with a minimum of ten pages; students wishing to pursue a creative writing emphasis may submit a creative portfolio as a supplement to the scholarly/critical writing sample.
  4. An applicant must have completed at least twelve hours of upper-division English courses with a GPA of 3.0 or better.

The English graduate curriculum is organized into five blocks containing twelve areas of study:

BLOCK I English Language and Linguistics; Early and Middle English Literature
BLOCK II World Literature; Literary Criticism and Theory; Rhetoric and Composition; Creative Writing
BLOCK III Renaissance and Seventeenth-Century English Literature; Eighteenth-Century English Literature; American Literature Before 1800
BLOCK IV Nineteenth-Century English Literature; Nineteenth-Century American Literature
BLOCK V Twentieth-Century English Literature; Twentieth-Century American Literature

There are three additional curriculum courses: Research Methods (ENG 698); Thesis (ENG 699); and Directed Study of Selected Topics (ENG 539).

Students are required to take Research Methods (ENG 698), at least one course from each block, and at least one course each in British and American Literature.

A student may take one 400-level English course for graduate credit, with pre-approval by the Departmental Chair. The student may take Directed Study of Selected Topics (ENG 539) up to two rimes, with pre-approval by the Department Chair. See the Graduate English Handbook for guidelines and restrictions.


A student majoring in English may choose from three degree programs: Master of Arts, Plan I; Master of Arts, Plan II; and the Master of Education, Plan II (which is administered by the College of Education).

PLEASE NOTE: Plan I may be thesis or nonthesis; Plan II and Master of Education Plan II are nonthesis degrees only.

All MA students must complete four steps before being admitted to candidacy and filing an official degree plan:

  1. Must complete Research Methods (ENG 698). The student should complete ENG 698 during the first semester of graduate work, if possible, but in any event must complete the course by the end of the second long-term semester for which he or she is enrolled.
  2. Must complete the language requirement (Block I course).
  3. Must complete six additional hours of course work.
  4. Must have a B or better average for the twelve hours completed.

After meeting these requirements, the student should file a Declaration of Major form with the Graduate Advisor, who will then file a degree plan for the student.

All MA students must also pass the English program’s written comprehensive examination (offered in October, February, and June of each year) and an oral defense of a designated portion of their graduate work (the oral defense covers either the areas chosen for the written examination or, in the case of thesis students, the thesis).

Master of Arts, Plan I (Thesis or nonthesis). This degree plan is designed for prospective junior and senior college teachers, for students who plan to continue their studies at a doctoral level, and for teachers of high school English who wish to increase scope, depth, and expertise in their teaching specialty. There is no minor under Plan I. Nonthesis students will take thirty-six hours of course work; thesis students will take thirty hours of course work and six hours of Thesis (ENG 699). Students may pursue a creative writing emphasis, which includes a one-semester internship with the Texas Review Press, two creative writing workshops, and the writing of a creative thesis.


Research Methods ENG 698 3 hours
Block I ENG 577; ENG 583; ENG 589 3 hours
Block II ENG 568; ENG 571; ENG 573; ENG 584 3 hours
Block III ENG 572; ENG 575; ENG 578 3 hours
Block IV ENG 579; ENG 580; ENG 585; ENG 586 3 hours
Block V ENG 581; ENG 587; ENG 588* 3 hours
Electives   12 hours
Thesis ENG 699 6 hours
    Total: 36 hours

NOTE: When appropriate, a student under Plan I may substitute for the thesis (ENG 699) six hours of graduate course work, resulting in thirty-six hours of course work.

Master of Arts, Plan II (Nonthesis only). Designed for teachers who wish preparation in two teaching fields, the degree plan consists of twenty-four semester hours of English and twelve hours in a second field. The minor field must logically support the major and must be chosen from departments offering graduate-level courses, such as history, art, political science, or, in the case of public school teachers, education.


Research Methods ENG 698 3 hours
Block I ENG 577; ENG 583; ENG 589 3 hours
Electives Selections must be from at least three different blocks 18 hours
Courses in the minor   12 hours
    Total: 36 hours

Master of Education, Plan II (Nonthesis only). This program is for teachers of English in the secondary schools; interested students should apply to the College of Education. The plan requires:

  1. A minimum of twenty-four hours of undergraduate credit in English
  2. Thirty-six hours of graduate credit, with twelve to twenty-four hours in English
  3. Six to twelve hours in a second teaching field
  4. Twelve to eighteen hours in education

Students in this degree program will be advised jointly by the Department of Curriculum and Instruction and the Department of English. Comprehensive examinations are supervised by the College of Education.


All courses are three credit hours.

*ENG 531 CREATIVE WRITING FICTION. A graduate writing workshop that emphasizes the writing and revision of fiction and creative nonfiction.

*ENG 532 CREATIVE WRITING POETRY. A graduate writing workshop that emphasizes the writing and revision of poetry.

*ENG 533 PRACTICUM: EDITING AND PUBLISHING. An internship course in editing and publishing. Students will be able to work both on and off campus in various settings as writers and editors.

ENG 539 DIRECTED STUDY OF SELECTED TOPICS IN LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE. Designed for individual students who wish intensive supervision in the study of a topic in language or literature. May be taken only with the written consent of the Department Chair; limit six hours.

ENG 567 PRACTICUM IN TEACHING COLLEGE COMPOSITION. A study of modern rhetorical principles and methodologies used in teaching college-level writing.

ENG 568 LITERARY CRITICISM AND THEORY. A study of various theories and theorists of literary interpretation, with application and practice writing criticism.

*ENG 569 STUDIES IN THE NOVEL. A study of the emergence and development of the novel as a distinct literary genre. Designed to allow for reading of the novel in various contexts, nations, and periods.

ENG 571 STUDIES IN MODERN WORLD LITERATURE. Selected writers, movements, or literary types of the 19th and 20th centuries.

ENG 572 COLONIAL AMERICAN LITERATURE. Studies in the literature of exploration and colonization of the New World and in the early national period of the United States.

*ENG 574 STUDIES IN WOMEN’S LITERATURE. Selected women writers from various historical periods, genres, and nationalities. Emphases may differ each semester.

ENG 575 STUDIES IN RESTORATION AND EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY ENGLISH LITERATURE. Selected writers, movements, or literary types of Restoration and 18th-Century Britain.

ENG 576 THE CLASSICAL TRADITION. A survey of the Greek and Roman heritage and its influence upon subsequent literature.

ENG 577 STUDIES IN EARLY AND MIDDLE ENGLISH LITERATURE. A study of selected works in Old and Middle English literature.

ENG 578 STUDIES IN THE LITERATURE OF THE RENAISSANCE. Selected writers, movements, or literary types of 16th- and 17th-Century England. Topics include Studies in Shakespeare, Studies in Spenser, and Studies in Milton.

ENG 579 STUDIES IN ROMANTIC LITERATURE. Selected writers, movements, or literary types of the English Romantic period.

ENG 580 STUDIES IN VICTORIAN LITERATURE. Selected writers, movements, or literary types of the English Victorian period.

ENG 581 STUDIES IN TWENTIETH-CENTURY ENGLISH LITERATURE. Selected writers, movements, or literary types of 20th Century England.

ENG 583 STUDIES IN ENGLISH LINGUISTICS. Areas of study include sociolinguistics, dialectology, lexicography, stylistics through linguistic analysis, principles of semantics, and linguistics in relation to the teaching of English.

ENG 584 STUDIES IN RHETORIC AND COMPOSITION THEORY. Selected topics in historical and contemporary rhetoric, rhetorical criticism, and composition theory.

ENG 585 STUDIES IN AMERICAN LITERATURE, 1800-1860. Selected writers, movements, or literary types of the period.

ENG 586 STUDIES IN AMERICAN LITERATURE, 1860-1920. Selected writers, movements, or literary types of the period.

ENG 587 STUDIES IN AMERICAN LITERATURE, 1920-THE PRESENT. Selected writers, movements, or literary types of the period.

ENG 588 THE STUDY OF MAJOR FIGURES IN AMERICAN POETRY. Selected writers and movements contributing to the development of American poetry.

ENG 589 HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. A cultural, historical, and philological survey of the development of the English language from its Indo-European prototype through Anglo-Saxon, Anglo-French, and Early Modern English to its present form.

*ENG 590 STUDIES IN TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION. In-depth study in technical/professional communication. Students will survey the field and conduct primary research.

ENG 698 THESIS RESEARCH METHODS (BIBLIOGRAPHY). An introduction to research methods in literature and the study of the book. Required of all English majors under MA, Plan I; MA, Plan II; and MEd, Plan II. Counted as first three hours of thesis under MA, Plan I; and MA, Plan II.


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