Graduate Catalog : 2005-2007
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This program of study aims to prepare qualified individuals for positions as health education specialists in public schools and in a variety of community health settings. Experienced individuals in the field of public health may qualify for positions such as health education coordinators in medical services (health maintenance organizations, nursing homes, hospitals, physicians’ offices, etc.), comprehensive planning, communication, and administrators of public health education.

Entrance Requirements – Admission into the Health and Kinesiology Master’s Programs requires that a student must:

  1. submit Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores, and when applied to the following formula, 250 (undergraduate grade point average) + GRE scores, attain a minimum of 1500 for regular admission.
  2. have a minimum grade point average of 2.5 on all previous college studies, or a 2.8 in the advanced coursework on the baccalaureate degree.
  3. have completed an undergraduate degree (major or minor) in Health Education or have at least 18 hours of field related coursework.
  4. complete the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and score at least 550, if that individual is from a non-English speaking country.

Students who do not meet the entrance requirements may be conditionally admitted for one semester, and are allowed to complete a maximum of 6 graduate hours.

Program Requirements

All students are required to pass a comprehensive written examination covering all coursework at the conclusion of the program, exclusive of the thesis, if applicable. Those selecting the thesis option are also required to successfully complete an oral defense of that research study. The comprehensive examination can be taken when the student is within his/her final 6-hours of coursework, and must be completed at least three-weeks prior to the graduation date. Students must be enrolled during the semester that the comprehensive examination is taken.

For a 30-hour program, a maximum of 6-hours of coursework can be transferred from another institution, or applied to the graduate program from an area of study outside of Health. For a 36-hour program, a maximum number of 12-hours can be transferred from another institution, or applied from disciplines outside of Health. For any of the graduate degree options, only one independent study (HED 577), and a maximum of two pre-approved 400-level offerings, may be applied toward the coursework. Consult the undergraduate catalog for 400-level course descriptions. All coursework falling under one of these considerations must have the approval of the Chair of the Health and Kinesiology Graduate Committee.

The Master of Arts in Health (thesis option) is a 30-hour program designed to prepare individuals for college teaching, health positions requiring formalized research, and for students who which to pursue doctoral studies in the future.

Master of Arts in Health
(Thesis Option)

Core Coursework
Foundations of Community Health 3 SCH
Human Ecology 3 SCH
Research Seminar 3 SCH
Statistical Design in Health and Kinesiology  
Electives   6 SCH
Select from:
HED 533, 534, 538, 560, 561, 565, 577
Health Program Planning-Pre-Internship 3 SCH
Internship in Health Education 3 SCH
Thesis 3 SCH
Thesis 3 SCH
Total Hours   30 SCH

The Master of Arts in Health (non-thesis option) is a 36-hour program designed to prepare students to enter into a variety of health career tracks.

Master of Arts in Health
(Non-thesis Option)

Core Coursework 12 SCH
Foundations of Community Health 3 SCH
Human Ecology 3 SCH
Research Seminar 3 SCH
Statistical Design in Health and Kinesiology 3 SCH
Electives   18 SCH
Selected from: HED 533, 534, 538, 560, 561, 563, 565, 577
Health Program Planning-Pre-Internship 3 SCH
Internship in Health Education 3 SCH
Thesis 3 SCH
Thesis 3 SCH
Total Hours   36 SCH

The Masters of Education (non-thesis option) is a program designed for secondary school teachers. All such degrees originate in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction and require the completion of a minimum of thirty–six hours of graduate credit, at least thirty of which must be in courses numbered 500 or above.

Master of Education
Teaching Field: Health

Core Coursework 12 SCH
Foundations of Community Health 3 SCH
Human Ecology 3 SCH
Research Seminar 3 SCH
Statistical Design in Health and Kinesiology 3 SCH
Electives   6-12 SCH
Selected from: HED 533, 534, 538, 560,561, 563, 565, 577
Education   12-24 SCH
Total Hours   36 SCH


HED 531 FOUNDATIONS OF COMMUNITY HEALTH. The epidemiological, biostatistical methods of investigating are applied to health problems. Additionally, the historical and philosophical foundations of community health are presented with an orientation to current health programs and problems.

HED 532 HUMAN ECOLOGY. A study of the major factors which determine health or illness, including how populations respond to various determinants of health including lifestyle, heredity, environment, and health care resources.

HED 533 COLLOQUIUM IN HUMAN SEXUALITY. A study of all the factors influencing growth and development. Consideration of the special problems including developing family life and sex education programs in the schools are evaluated.

HED 534 COLLOQUIUM IN THE USE AND ABUSE OF DRUGS. A value education approach to the prevention of drug use and abuse is presented along with personal, family, community and school factors influencing drug use. The origins and derivations of drugs are explored. The mental, emotional, physical, social and physiological effects from the use of drugs will be analyzed.

HED 538 COLLOQUIUM IN CONSUMER HEALTH EDUCATION. The study of consumer goods and services as related to the health of individuals, their family and their community. Marketing principles for health promotion and current health care bioethical issues are addressed.

HED 560 COMMUNICATION THEORY AND PRACTICE FOR COMMUNITY EDUCATORS. A laboratory experience built around research on motivational concepts as they influence changes, perception, attitudes, values and behavior. Diffusion patterns, group discussion and decision making, and interviewing techniques will be covered. Attention will be given to the selection, use, and evaluation of media, materials, visual aids, press, radio, mass media, etc.

HED 561 THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF HEALTH EDUCATION AND HEALTH PROMOTION. A study of the history, philosophy, and practices of Health Education. Exploration and application of behavioral science concepts and methodologies to community health education and in-service training of health professionals. Case studies and other practice models will be used.

HED 563 LEADERSHIP IN HEALTH PROMOTION AND SPORT MANAGEMENT. This course is designed for the individual who will assume some type of supervisory position in health promotion or sport management. The course’s focal point involves exposure to administrative skills required of those who serve in a leadership capacity.

HED 565 AGING AND HEALTH PROMOTION. A discussion of health promotion issues for the elderly including physical assessment, chronic care, health care maintenance, psychological adaptation, nutrition, and other current topics.

HED 574 RESEARCH SEMINAR. A study is made of research techniques, identification of problems, research designs and data gathering procedures. Students will develop a proposal for a research project.

HED 575 STATISTICAL DESIGN IN HEALTH AND KINESIOLOGY. Principles of advanced statistical techniques and measurement theory with emphasis upon their application to Health, Kinesiology, and related areas will be presented.

HED 577 INDEPENDENT STUDIES. The student with specific interest and background experience in a specialized area will have the opportunity to apply theoretical concepts in a laboratory situation. He/she may have practical experiences in a clinic, agency, special school or other types of institutions. Prerequisite: Permission of the Chair of the Health and Kinesiology Graduate Committee.

HED 696 HEALTH PROGRAM PLANNING: PRE-INTERNSHIP. A comprehensive review of the components of health program planning with emphasis on the socio-economical, cultural, and political factors that influence the health status of a community. Emphasis is focused on a comprehensive approach to health program planning models.

HED 697 INTERNSHIP IN HEALTH EDUCATION. Field experience in an approved setting for health education: medical, community, school, or workplace under the supervision of a qualified health educator or approved preceptor.

HED 698 THESIS. This phase of the thesis investigation includes the completion of the review of the related literature, formulation of the research design and procedures and related pilot studies. Some data collection may also occur, and the thesis symposium must be completed to the satisfaction of the advisor and members of the thesis committee.

HED 699 THESIS. This phase of the thesis work includes the completion of the data collection, as well as the actual writing and defense of the thesis.