Graduate Catalog : 2005-2007
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MKT 568 SERVICES MANAGEMENT AND MARKETING. This course focuses on the unique challenges of managing and marketing services and understanding how to design and maintain quality services.

MKT 570 MARKETING SEMINAR. This course analyzes strategic policy formulation by marketing management with special emphasis on the influence of marketing institutions, market structure, merchandising, governmental regulation, and fluctuations of population and national income.

MKT 571 MARKETING RESEARCH. The course includes preparation, conduct, and interpretation of consumer investigation. One or more field investigations and the preparation of reports are required. Prerequisites: BAN 568.

MKT 572 MARKETING PROBLEMS. Case analysis is made of actual problems involving all relevant marketing mix areas. Course stresses development of student’s ability to analyze and develop sound strategy.

MKT 575 READINGS IN MARKETING. This course is designed for directed study of individual students who wish intensive study in some specific area of Marketing. Prerequisite: Approval of Department Chair and Graduate Coordinator.