Graduate Catalog : 2005-2007
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Before the initial registration, the student should consult with the graduate advisor representing the field of his/her major interest. Academic advisement is encouraged prior to each registration. All students should confer with graduate advisors on a regular basis, monitor their own academic progress, and review the study plan on a continuous basis. A list of graduate advisors and e-mail addresses is available on the Graduate Studies webpage at



Once accepted to Sam Houston State University, students may register for classes during the scheduled registration periods. Registration schedules may be found in the Schedule of Classes at

During scheduled periods of registration, students may register via the internet or telephone. Internet registration may be accessed on SamWeb here. Students will need their social security number and PIN (Personal Identification Number) in order to access the registration menu. Students will also need to locate the CID (Course Identification) number for each course he/she would like to register for. CID numbers can be found in the Schedule of Classes at For further information please contact the Office of the Registrar at (936) 294-1019.



A graduate course is an advanced course requiring critical analysis and study. Typically, courses with numbers of 500- or 600-level are master’s level courses and 700-level or higher are doctoral level courses. Graduate courses normally require frequent use of the library for reference to papers reporting original research. To provide a greater range of academic course offerings, some graduate programs allow students to take a limited number of 400-level courses for graduate credit. In order to receive graduate credit for an undergraduate level course, the student must receive prior written approval from the department chair and the dean of the college and complete additional requirements as outlined by the professor. Please see the specific degree programs within this catalog for more details on taking 400-level courses for graduate credit.



Normal Load. The normal load for a full-time graduate student is nine (9) to twelve (12) hours per fall or spring semester and six (6) hours in the summer. Students enrolled in master’s and doctoral degree programs should enroll in a minimum of nine graduate hours in the fall and spring semesters and six hours in the summer to be considered a full-time graduate student. Master’s degree students desiring to enroll in more than twelve graduate hours in any one semester must obtain approval from the dean of the college in which they are enrolled. Doctoral students desiring to enroll in more than nine graduate hours must obtain approval from the dean of the college in which they are enrolled. It is important to note that the University requirements for full-time status and requirements of various financial aid programs may differ. It is recommended that students consult with the University Student Financial Aid Office to determine how assistantships and fellowships may impact their financial aid.

Course Load for Graduate Assistants. Graduate students employed by the University at least half-time as assistant instructors, research assistants, or teaching assistants should enroll in a minimum of six graduate hours per semester to be considered a full-time graduate student. The maximum course enrollment load for graduate assistants on one-half time employment is nine hours per semester or three hours per summer session. Graduate assistants on less than a half-time assistantship may have their maximum course load authorization increased proportionately by the appropriate department/school chair. For more information on the employment of graduate assistants refer to Academic Policy Statement 890303 at



Students may make schedule changes during periods of enrollment by accessing SamWeb online at Enrollment periods are stated in the Schedule of Classes. No schedule changes may be made after the deadline specified in the Academic Calendar.

To verify a class schedule after registering for classes and after processing schedule changes (adds/drops), refer to the Schedule of Classes at

After the initial payment of tuition, those students who make schedule changes resulting in enrollment for additional semester credit hours are responsible for payment of additional tuition and fees. Additional costs incurred for classes added after established payment dates are due on the day they are added. Failure to meet these payment deadlines will result in the classes being dropped from the student’s schedule or resignation of the student from the University by the Business Office.



Students may register for off-campus courses during the regular registration periods as listed in the current Schedule of Classes. Courses taught at a location away from the main campus carry residence credit. Off-campus procedures for resignations and schedule changes (adds or drops) are the same as for students attending classes on campus. See the current Schedule of Classes for a complete listing of courses and locations.

Sam Houston State University has approval from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to offer various degree programs at The University Center in The Woodlands. Courses completed as part of these programs carry residence credit.



Correspondence courses are not offered at the graduate level, nor can any correspondence course taken at any level or at any institution count toward a graduate degree at Sam Houston State University.



It is necessary to have on file with the University a correct residency address. A student who changes an address after completing registration should immediately report this address to the Registrar’s Office. The University assumes no obligation for failure of a student to receive communications. A student may change his/her address online at or provide the Registrar’s Office with a written request for an address change.

International students must contact:
Office of International Programs
Sam Houston State University
Box 2150
Huntsville TX 77341-2150
(936) 294-3892



Appropriate documentation which substantiates a legal name change for a student must be submitted to the Registrar prior to the student’s next registration. Registration under a name different from that used in the student’s last enrollment cannot be accomplished without the above certification, which becomes a part of the student’s permanent file. All degrees, grade reports and transcripts are issued under the student’s legal name as recorded in the Registrar’s Office.



  • Immediately upon arrival on campus, international students should make contact with the Office of International Programs to ensure that all admission and immigration papers are in order. Students must bring with them their I-20A/B, passport, visa and I-94 card. Visit or call:

    Office of International Programs
    Sam Houston State University
    Frels Bldg., Room 207
    Box 2150
    Huntsville TX 77341-2150
    (936) 294-3892

  • All international students are required to purchase the Group Hospitalization, Medical Evacuation, and Repatriation Insurance available to all eligible SHSU students or present proof of coverage by an equivalent policy. Proof of this insurance must be presented to designated University officials each semester before the registration process can be completed. Purchase of this insurance is coordinated through the University Health Center.

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