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Educational Diagnostician Certification

Program Description | Admission | Certificate RequirementsCourses

Program Description

The Educational Diagnostician Certification is designed for individuals seeking to improve and extend their professional skills in special education. The coursework provides students with the academic foundations for certification as an Educational Diagnostician.

Applicants interested in the Educational Diagnostician Certification are required to have a valid teaching certificate to enter the program. Graduate Students earn their Master's Degree in Special Education with preparation for certification as an Educational Diagnostician.


Applicants seeking admission for the Educational Diagnostician Certification must submit the following directly to the Office of Graduate Studies:

  1. A Graduate Studies Application with the application fee
  2. Official transcript from the baccalaureate degree granting institution
  3. Two recommendation forms
  4. Writing sample
  5. Copy of applicant's teacher certification; post-master's certification requires teacher certification in special education or completion of SPED 5301
  6. Official GRE scores, if GPA in last 60 hours is below a 3.0


For recommendation forms and writing sample instructions, please contact the Department of Language, Literacy and Special Populations at (936) 294-1108 or visit the Office of Graduate Studies program page at https://www.shsu.edu/~grs_www.

Certificate Requirements


Plan 1 - Educational Diagnostician Certification

1 Specified Courses Choose all from:
SPD 538 <SPED 6308> Practicum and Methods in Special Education
SPD 535 <SPED 5305> Individual Assessment of Cognitive Functioning
SPD 635 <SPED 6304> In-Home Training and Family Issues
SPD 637 <SPED 6307> Behavior Change and System Support
SPD 678 <SPED 6311> Seminar in Special Education
SPD 537 <SPED 5302> Assessment in Special Education
SPD 677 <SPED 6310> Assessment of Young Children and Low-Incidence Populations
SPD 679 <SPED 6312> Practicum for Educational Diagnosticians
  Specified Certification Courses Other required courses for the Master's Degree in Special Education with Educational Diagnostician Certification
SPD 535 <SPED 5301> Education of Individuals with Disabilities
SPD 562 <SPED 5303> Study of Cognitive and Low Incidence Disabilities
SPD 568 <SPED 5304> Teaching Methods for Learners with Mild to Moderate Disabilities
SPD 631 <SPED 6305> A Study of Behavior Disorders in Children



Special Education (SPED)

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