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MS in Project Management

Program Description | Admission | Degree Requirements | Courses

Program Description

The Master of Science in Project Management is geared toward professionals engaged in managing the project life cycle in organizations in a wide array of industries and who are facing the challenges of introducing new products and services in rapidly changing environments. These managers must draw upon a host of knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics, as well as on sophisticated technological tools and techniques to meet project requirements. This thirty-six hour program therefore enables students to develop these competencies and prepares them to manage projects, both functionally and strategically. The program, which is offered in traditional, online, and hybrid formats, is comprised of twelve required courses which address all aspects of the project life cycle from design to delivery to customer to cash collection. The courses focus on the project management process: initiation, planning, executing, monitoring and controlling, and closing, as well as on the functional knowledge required to manage the process, such as time, cost, quality, human resource, communications, and risk management. The students will be required to manage a major project in the final capstone course.


Applicants must submit the following materials directly to the Office of Graduate Studies:

  1. A Graduate Studies Application with the application fee
  2. Official transcript(s) of all previous college work
  3. A Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) score report (Applicants with seven or more years of managerial and/or professional exprerience are not required to submit GMAT scores.)
  4. Essay about experience in project management (500 words or less, Times New Roman 12 point font) that addresses the student's reason for seeking the degree
  5. Evidence (resume) of at least three years of managerial and/or professional experience


Applicants with a baccalaureate degree from a recognized, accredited university in the United States who satisfy the following graduate admission formula shall be admitted unconditionally into the MS in Project Management program.

200 x (overall GPA) + (GMAT score) ≥ 1200

The grade point average (GPA) is based on a four-point scale and only courses from the baccalaureate degree granting institution are used for determining graduate admission. Students who are not in good standing at another college or university are not eligible for admission into any of the College of Business Administration’s graduate programs. 

Applicants who meet all other qualifications but whose combined score using the formulas above is less than 1200 but greater than 950 (or less than 1150 but greater than 1000 on advanced hours) will be invited to submit additional supporting information to be considered for admission by the College of Business Administration Graduate Admission Committee. The deadlines for submission of supplemental materials are:

Entering Term Deadline
Fall (August) July 15
Spring (January) November 15
Summer (June or July) April 15

Contact the College of Business Administration’s Graduate Coordinator for a list of additional materials that may be required.

International Applicants
International students or students whose native language is not English must submit a GMAT score of at least 500 and a TOEFL score of at least 550 on the paper based exam, 213 on the computer based exam, or 79 on the internet-based exam. International students must submit all required admission materials by the following dates:

Entering Term Deadline
Fall (August) June 25
Spring (January) November 12
Summer 1 (June) April 9
Summer 2 (July) May 10

All immigration requirements must also be satisfied prior to admission.

Degree Requirements

The MS in Project Management requires a minimum of thirty-six hours of graduate credit.

Plan 1 - MS in Project Management

Item Requirement
Hours Required
1 Specified Courses Choose all from:
MGT 560 <MGMT 5315> Seminar in Operations Management
MGT 561 <MGMT 5320> Management of Innovation and Technology
MGT 562 <MGMT 5325> Project Management
MGT 563 <MGMT 5330> Operations Planning and Control
MGT 566 <MGMT 5345> Seminar in Team Leadership
MGT 571 <MGMT 5350> Leading Organizational Change and Development
MGT 574 <MGMT 5355> Seminar in Human Resource Management
MGT 576 <MGMT 5360> Staffing Organizations
MIS 579 <MGIS 5360> Managing Business Systems Projects

MGMT 5338 Project Management Capstone*
MGMT 5318
Quality Managment*
MGMT 5323 Tools of Project Management*
*Pending approval by the THECB



Management (MGMT)
Management Information Systems (MGIS)

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