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SSP in School Psychology

Program Description | Admission | Degree Requirements | Courses

Program Description

The Specialist Degree in School Psychology is designed to produce effective practitioners and prepares students for further graduate study and/or junior college teaching. This program provides the training needed for certification by the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) and licensure as a Licensed Specialist in School Psychology in Texas. 

Graduates of the program can seek licensure as Licensed Specialists in School Psychology (LSSP) in Texas and as a Nationally Certified School Psychologist throughout the United States. Graduates may also choose to seek licensure as a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC). 

This degree includes 300 hours of practicum experience and a year-long internship in a public school. The program is approved by NASP.


Applicants seeking admission to the school psychology program must submit the following directly to the Office of Graduate Studies:

  1. A Graduate Studies Application with the application fee
  2. Official transcript(s) of all previous college work
  3. Official GRE scores
  4. Three letters of recommendation from faculty in the student's major at the undergraduate degree-granting institution
  5. Personal statement

Applicants should have at least eighteen undergraduate hours of psychology which should include a course in research methods and a course in statistics. An undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or higher is required.

Degree Requirements

Plan 1 - SSP in School Psychology

Choose all from:
PSY 530 <PSYC 5330> Psychopathology
PSY 561 <PSYC 5361> Neuropsychopharmacology
PSY 581 <PSYC 5381> Advanced Learning Theory
PSY 587 <PSYC 5387> Advanced Statistics
PSY 597 <PSYC 5397> Advanced Developmental Psychology
CNE 592 <COUN 5392> Cross Cultural Issues in Counseling
ASE 532 <EDAD 5332> Administration and Organization of Public Schools
PSY 594 <PSYC 5394> Psychometrics
PSY 595 <PSYC 5395> Assessment of Intelligence and Achievement
PSY 598 <PSYC 5398> Advanced Child Assessment
PSY 694 <PSYC 6394> Practicum in Psychometrics
PSY 533 <PSYC 5333> Theory and Research in Psychotherapy I
PSY 538 <PSYC 5338> Consultation in School Psychology
PSY 535 <PSYC 5335> Special Problems in Psychology
PSY 539 <PSYC 5339> Advanced School Psychology
PSY 691 <PSYC 6391> Practicum I
PSY 692 <PSYC 6392> Practicum II
PSY 671 A and B for 6 hours<PSYC 6371> Master's Internship in Psychology
PSY 760 <PSYC 7360> Multicultural Psychology
Choose onefrom:
Graduate courses in PSYC1
1 Selections must be made in consultation with the Graduate Advisor.



Psychology (PSYC)
Administration and Supervision (ASE) Course Descriptions                                                       to top

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