CS 531 OPERATING SYSTEMS. An advanced treatment of the fundamental
concepts of operating systems
design for both mainframe and microcomputers. Examples of applications will be taken from
actual systems.
Prerequisite: CS 431.
CS 532 PARALLEL COMPUTING. This course is a study of algorithms, hardware,
architecture and programming
languages used to implement and support large scale parallel processing. Various
interconnection networks will be
introduced and algorithms developed on the multi-processor systems supported by these
networks will be
discussed. Prerequisites: CS 333, 431.
CS 533 MICROCOMPUTER INTERFACING. Emphasizes real-time programming
techniques useful in interfacing
digital systems to an analog environment. Topics include interrupt processing, serial and parallel
input/output, digital
to analog and analog to digital conversions, handshaking, and interface protocols and standards.
programming will be done in assembly language, C and/or FORTH. Prerequisites: CS 272,
CS 536 STRUCTURED SYSTEMS DESIGN. Emphasizes strategies, techniques and
logical methodologies to
deal with complexity in the design of large scale information systems. Techniques for
development of structured
systems specifications including physical data flow and process flow analysis, data dictionary
development and the
derivation of logical data structures through normalization of file structures are covered.
Prerequisite: CS 437 or
consent of instructor.
CS 560 SPECIAL TOPICS. Topics and courses are selected to suit individual needs of
students. The course may
be repeated for additional credit. Prerequisite: Consent of graduate advisor.
CS 561 PROGRAMMING PRACTICUM. The practicum provides the student an
opportunity to develop their
programming and analytical skills by applying concepts and techniques learned in organized
classes to real world
projects under the supervision of faculty and/or supervisory computing professionals.
Prerequisite: Eighteen hours
of graduate level CS. Student must register for this course every semester the practicum is in
progress but only
three hours of practicum will apply to the student's degree plan.
basic techniques for
interconnecting computers and peripherals for decentralized computing. Network components,
communications, interconnection architectures, communications protocols for geographic and
local area networks
and interprocess communications are covered. Prerequisite: CS 272.
CS 564 PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES. This course deals with the design, analysis,
implementation and
comparative study of programming languages. Prerequisite: CS 364.
CS 566 ADVANCED DATABASE SYSTEMS. Current database technology is
studied in this course. Topics
include distributed, client/server and parallel models; object oriented systems; database logic;
database hardware;
and expert databases. Prerequisite: CS 436.
CS 582 ADVANCED PROGRAMMING CONCEPTS. This course emphasizes the
implementation of intelligent
systems. An A.I. based language will be used to program applications selected from examples in
syntactic parsing,
automatic programming, search strategies or other appropriate areas. Prerequisite: CS 364 or
consent of instructor.
CS 584 ADVANCED DATA STRUCTURES. Reviews a number of important
concepts and algorithms with
emphasis on correctness and efficiency. Provides an advanced treatment of sorting, search
strategies, hashing, and
dynamic storage management. Applications to distributed file structures and database
management systems are
covered. Prerequisite: CS 474.
CS 593 MODELING THEORY. This course is a study of the use of analytical models
as aids in the formulation and
resolution of system alternatives. Emphasis is on problem definition, formulation and resolution
using appropriate
mathematical methodologies and analysis software packages. Also listed as MTH 593.
Prerequisites: MTH 379 and
CS 477 or consent of the instructor.
CS 594 NUMERICAL ANALYSIS. Topics covered in this course include solution of
equations; polynomial
approximations and interpolation; integrals; and curve fitting using least squares methods,
Chebychev polynomials,
and splines. Also listed as MTH 594. Prerequisite: MTH/CS 394 or consent of the instructor.
CS 698, 699 THESIS.
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