Course Descriptions

Computing Science Program

The graduate program in Computing Science provides current, advanced training for students preparing for professional employment or further study at the doctoral level. Computing and Information Science may be selected as the major for the Master of Science degree; also available is the Master of Education, Plan II when Computing Science is selected as a teaching field. Computing Science may also be selected as a minor for MS and MA degrees in related areas. It is a particularly appropriate minor for the teacher pursuing a MA in Mathematics.

Entrance Requirements

Students seeking admission to the graduate program in Computing Science must, under normal circumstances, meet the basic requirements of Graduate Studies specified on page 22 of this Catalogue. In addition the following are required:

1. A combined (V + Q) GRE score of 900,

2. At least two letters of recommendation that address qualifications for graduate study.

Graduate study in Computing Science is accessible both to students who have completed undergraduate Computing Science majors or minors and to those with baccalaureate degrees in related fields with the equivalent of a Computing Science minor in formal course work or professional experience. As a minimum, candidates are expected to present a background comparable to that provided in CS 272, 333, 336, 364, 431, 437, 474, MTH 299, STA 379 and ACC 231 as described in the undergraduate catalogue of Sam Houston State University. Applicants with less preparation will be required to complete additional stem work before being admitted to the graduate program. A 3.0 undergraduate grade point average, both overall and in Computing Science courses, is required.

All courses presented as stem work must be completed with a grade of B or higher.

Both Plan I and Plan II of the Master of Science Degree are available. (See the General Information section of this catalogue for general requirements.) The graduate advisor will review each applicant's background and assist in developing individual study plans including any required stem work. A formal degree plan will be prepared upon completion of the program exam. Selection of a minor and the choice of electives must be approved by the Computing Science Coordinator to ensure a properly balanced program.

The oral comprehensive examination, required by the University of all master's degree candidates, will be administered by a committee consisting of faculty from the Computing Science Program, a member from the minor area, if any, and a representative from the College of Arts and Sciences. This committee is appointed by the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences based upon recommendations from the Computing Science Coordinator. Students must submit a request for scheduling the oral examination to the Computing Science Coordinator at least 4 weeks prior to the desired date for the examination.

Master of Science, Plans I and II.

Common Requirements:

1. An 18-hour core consisting of CS 531, 536, 561, 564, 582, and 584.

2. An oral examination over Computing Science courses included in the individual degree plan

3. An oral presentation of the student's practicum project

4. 6 semester hours of approved Computing Science courses

Additional Requirements:

1. Plan I must include a 12-semester hour minor in a field approved by the Coordinator of Computing Science. Plan I may only be chosen if the student's plan of study provides for a minimum of 48 semester hours (total graduate and undergraduate) in Computing Science or the student has extensive professional experience in computing science.

2. Plan II must include 12 additional semester hours of approved Computing Science courses.


CS 430 Language Translators
CS 431 Computer Operating Systems
CS 437 Software Engineering
CS 474 Data Structures
CS 477 Simulation

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