Course Descriptions

Mathematics Program

Graduate degree plans in Mathematics can be designed to prepare students for careers in industry, business, or education, or for further study in mathematics. Both the Master of Arts and Master of Science degrees in mathematics are available and students may specialize in Mathematics as a teaching field on Plan II of the Master of Education degree.

Included in each degree program is a core of courses selected to provide the background necessary for further study in an area of specialization. Before nine semester hours of graduate mathematics have been completed, each student meets with the graduate advisor to review his/her academic progress and career plans, and to receive counseling concerning the direction of the remaining course work.

Entrance Requirements

Students seeking admission to the graduate program in Mathematics must, under normal circumstances, meet the basic requirements of Graduate Studies specified on page 22 of this catalogue. In addition the following are required:

1. A combined (V + Q) GRE score of 900,

2. At least two letters of recommendation that address qualifications for graduate study,

3. For international students whose native language is not English, a TOEFL score of at least 600.

A permanent faculty advisory committee is assigned to each student after admission to candidacy. Committee appointments are made by the graduate advisor in consultation with the department chair. Committee appointments may be changed if a revision of the study plan indicates that such a modification is needed. In programs which include the writing of a thesis, the advisory committee also serves as the thesis committee.

An oral examination is administered by the advisory committee for each Master of Arts and Master of Science degree candidate. [NOTE: The oral examination must be scheduled with the Graduate Advisor at least three weeks in advance. Request forms are available in the department office.] Comprehensive examinations for the Master of Education, Plan II degree program are administered by the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, but they include questions prepared and evaluated by members of the Mathematics faculty.

Requirements specified in the degree programs which follow are subject to minor modification by the department. Also, to ensure a balanced program, all electives must be approved by the department chair or an authorized representative of the graduate Mathematics faculty.

Master of Arts, Plans I and II. These programs are designed for persons who will specialize in mathematics teaching at the pre-university level. Complementary study in appropriate professional educational programs is encouraged.

Common Requirements:

1. Core courses: MTH 586, 587, 588, and 589.

2. A 3-semester-hour directed reading and research course in Mathematics.

3. 9 semester hours elective work in approved courses offered for graduate credit in Mathematics or Computing Science. However, at most 3 semester hours may be chosen from Computing Science.

4. An oral examination over core courses.

Additional Requirements:

1. Plan I must include a 12 semester hour minor in a second teaching field.

2. Plan II must include 12 semester hours of additional work in approved graduate courses in Mathematics.

Master of Science, Plans I and II.

Common Requirements:

1. One of the following sequences of core courses:

A. Applied core: MTH 561, 568, 573, and 569 or 594.

B. Theory core: MTH 561, 568, 573, and 577.

2. One of the following:

A. A thesis of 6 semester hours and 6 additional hours of approved courses offered for graduate credit in Mathematics.

B. A 3-semester-hour directed reading and research course and 9 semester hours of approved courses offered for graduate credit in Mathematics.

3. An oral examination over core courses (and the thesis, where applicable).

Additional Requirements:

1. Plan I must include a 12-semester-hour minor in an approved field.

2. Plan II must include 12 semester hours of additional study in approved courses offered for graduate credit in Mathematics.

Master of Education, Plan I. This program is designed to provide additional study in a teaching field for the professional elementary teacher and is initiated by the College of Education and Applied Science. Students with undergraduate elementary certification with a minor in mathematics may elect up to 12 semester hours in Mathematics on this 36-semester hour program. Mathematics 583, 584, and 585 are required.

Master of Education, Plan II. This program is designed to provide additional study in a teaching field for the professional secondary school teacher and is initiated by the College of Education and Applied Science. Students may elect from 9 to 24 semester hours in Mathematics on this 36-semester-hour program. Course requirements are adjusted to meet individual student needs. A core of three courses chosen from Mathematics 586, 587, 588, and 589 is required and Mathematics electives must be approved by the department chair or his/her designated representative. The Mathematics component of the (written) comprehensive examination is based upon the content of the required Mathematics core.


Courses open to students pursuing Master of Arts and Master of Education, Plan II programs:

MTH 466 Elementary Analysis
MTH 467 The Evolution of Mathematics
MTH 477 Algebraic Structures

Courses open to students pursuing Master of Science programs:

MTH 466 Elementary Analysis
MTH 477 Algebraic Structures

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