Master of Music, Plan I. This degree allows for two fields of specialization: eighteen semester hours of Music (including the thesis) and twelve semester hours in a minor field other than music in which the student has the necessary undergraduate prerequisites. Course work in Music should be centered around one area of specialization and the minor field should logically support the major. Major areas of study are:
1. Conducting: Music 530, 567, 570 and three hours from 568, 580.
2. Kodály Pedagogy: Music 530 or 563, 532, 533, 534, 535, 536, 570 (recommended).
3. Musicology: Music 530 and nine hours from 575, 578, 579, 582.
4. Performance: Music 530, 568, and six hours of graduate level Applied Music.
5. Theory/Composition: Music 530, 563 and six hours from 474, 475, 567, 572.
The course requirements in the minor field will be determined by the minor department.
Master of Music, Plan II. This degree plan consists of thirty hours (thirty-six for nonthesis) taken entirely within the field of Music. It is especially designed for prospective junior college teachers, for persons who wish to pursue a program of depth in Music, and as preparation for doctoral studies in Music. The degree plan consists of a major area of twelve semester hours and two minor areas of six semester hours each. A thesis is written in the major area. Major areas of concentration are:
1. Conducting: Music 567, 570 and six hours from 568, 580, 582.
2. Kodály Pedagogy: Music 530 or 563, 532, 533, 534, 535, 536.
3. Musicology: Twelve hours from Music 568, 575, 578, 579.
4. Music Performance: MUS 511, eight hours of graduate level Music Performance and three hours from Music 492, 568, 582.
5. Theory/Composition: Music 530, 563, and six hours from 474, 475, 567, 572.
The remaining twelve hours will consist of limited electives in two areas. The choice of courses will be determined by the results of the entrance examination, a study of the student's undergraduate transcript, and a conference with the graduate advisor in Music. Music 530 will be required on all degree plans except for those for a major in Kodály Pedagogy, on which Music 563 may be substituted.
Master of Education, Plan I. This is the graduate program designed for Music Education in the elementary school. It consists of thirty-six semester hours distributed as follows: Music: 12 to 18 semester hours; Education, 18 to 24 semester hours. A thesis is not required. The course outline consists of Music 530 or 563, 532, 534, and 698. Additional hours may be chosen from Music 533, 535, 536, and 570.
Master of Education, Plan II. This is the graduate degree program designed for Music Education in the secondary school. It consists of thirty-six semester hours distributed as follows: Music: 18 to 24 semester hours; Education: 12 to 18 semester hours.
A thesis is not required. The course outline consists of Music 530, 563, 570, 698, and three to fifteen hours from 567, 568, 580, 582, and graduate Applied Music.
Undergraduate prerequisites will be determined by the graduate advisor on the basis of the entrance examination.
Students who major in Musicology should have a reading knowledge of one foreign language, preferably German.
One ensemble is required each semester in which a full load is carried or in which the student is in residence. A minimum of two semesters of ensemble participation is required.
MUS 462 | The Science and Art of Singing |
MUS 464 | Seminar in Composition |
MUS 474 | Twentieth-Century Musical Styles |
MUS 475 | Sixteenth-Century Counterpoint |
MUS 492 | Methods in Teaching Piano Music |
MUS 493 | Philosophical Foundations of Music |