Course Descriptions

Home Economics Program

The graduate program in Home Economics is designed to provide advanced specialized leadership in various professions, and to further professional competencies for students in extension, business, industry and education.

The graduate program in Home Economics is designed to accomplish the following basic purposes:

1. to develop leadership for home economics professions;

2. to extend competencies for home economists in extension, business, industry and education; and

3. to prepare promising students for doctoral study.

The curriculum is organized to permit advanced study and research in the following areas:

Child Development


Family Economics, Equipment and Management

Family Relations

Foods and Nutrition

Home Economics Education

Housing and Furnishings


Authorized degree program: Master of Arts degree with a major in Home Economics.

Master of Arts, Plan I. Designed primarily for prospective college or secondary school teachers, study may be chosen in one area of Home Economics by selecting a majority of credit hours and a thesis topic in that area. The comprehensive examination must be taken in two areas of study in the major field and one primary area in the minor. Thesis required.

Master of Arts, Plan II. Designed for prospective college or secondary school teachers who wish to take thirty-six semester hours in Home Economics, this plan provides for twelve semester hours of Home Economics. The comprehensive examination must be taken in two areas of study in the major field. A thesis is not required.


FCS 460 Clinical Dietetics
FCS 467 Seminar in Clothing, Textiles and Merchandising
FCS 468x Research Problems
FCS 478 Advanced Nutrition

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