KIN 534 PRACTICUM. Culminating course. On-site teaching experience in personal working environment or special internship arranged. Supervisory assistance by project staff at frequent intervals. Periodic seminars.

KIN 567 ADVANCED PHYSIOLOGY OF EXERCISE. Advanced content which reflects the scientific principles underlying exercise is coupled with a heavy emphasis on laboratory experiences. Students will be required to conduct an applied research project on a topic of their choice. Prerequisite: KIN 373 or permission of instructor.

KIN 570 ADVANCED COACHING TECHNIQUES. Emphasis is given to the analysis, presentation and evaluation of playing skills and team strategies employed in interscholastic athletic programs.

KIN 574 RESEARCH SEMINAR. A study is made of research techniques, identification of problems, research designs and data gathering procedures.

KIN 575 STATISTICAL DESIGN IN HEALTH AND KINESIOLOGY. Principles of advanced statistical techniques and measurement theory with emphasis upon their application to health, kinesiology, and related areas will be presented.

KIN 577 INDEPENDENT STUDIES. This course is adaptable to the needs and interests of the individual student. Students with specific interests are provided the opportunity to investigate and make application in theoretical, laboratory, or field experience approaches to their area of concentration. May be repeated provided the repetition is in a different area of study. Prerequisites: KIN 574 and permission of Department Chair.

KIN 579 MANAGEMENT OF ADULT FITNESS PROGRAMS. An analysis of factors associated with the development and conduct of adult fitness and cardiac rehabilitation programs. Special attention will be given to standards established by the American College of Sports Medicine leading to certification of Fitness Instructor.

KIN 588 SPORT MANAGEMENT. Central to this course is an analysis of effective administrative practices in school and college programs of kinesiology and sports. Special emphasis will be given to the areas of finance, legal liability, public relations, and principles of personnel management.

KIN 589 SPORTS IN AMERICAN CULTURE. A study is made of cultural derivations of sporting patterns from antiquity to the contemporary era. Emphasis is placed on sports participation in relation to social structures, subcultures and human values.

KIN 592 A DEVELOPMENTAL PROGRAM OF KINESIOLOGY FOR EARLY AND MIDDLE CHILDHOOD. This course is designed to provide an understanding of the sequence and relationship of motor development and perceptual activity throughout the pre-school years. It includes experiences related to readiness for learning physical skills, movement education approaches, and curricular content for early childhood.

KIN 593 ADVANCED STUDIES IN THE PSYCHOLOGY OF SPORT. Concepts and theories are presented which concern the psychological factors involved in sports and their effects on performance.

KIN 595 ADVANCED BIOMECHANICS. A study is made of the efficient use of the human body in work, play and rest. Emphasis is placed on muscular structure, mechanical and neurological aspects. Prerequisite: KIN 362 or permission of instructor.

KIN 598 SIGNIFICANCE OF MOTOR LEARNING. This course will present the theoretical and experimental bases for the understanding of human behavior in movement. Areas of study include, movement, perception, motivation, exceptional performance, personality, and maturation.

KIN 599 WORKSHOP IN KINESIOLOGY, RECREATION, AND SPORT. An intensive laboratory-oriented experience for practitioners seeking to upgrade teaching, coaching, or leadership competencies in areas related to Kinesiology, Coaching, and Athletics. May be repeated for credit with approval of Department Chair.

KIN 631 FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT IN KINESIOLOGY. A study of guidelines for planning and evaluation of kinesiology and recreational facilities. Consideration will be given to factors associated with the acquisition and maintenance of equipment.

KIN 698 THESIS. This phase of the thesis investigation includes the completion of the review of the related literature, formulation of the research design and procedures and related pilot studies. Some data collection may also occur, and the thesis symposium must be completed to the satisfaction of the advisor and members of the thesis committee.

KIN 699 THESIS. This phase of thesis work includes the completion of the data collection, as well as the actual writing and defense of the thesis.

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