Kinesiology Program
Course Descriptions

The graduate program in Kinesiology is designed to accomplish the following basic purposes: increase the professional expertise of teachers and coaches, to prepare students for positions in corporate, commercial, and hospital health care programs, to prepare students for sports management positions, and to prepare students interested in pursuing doctoral degrees.

The student's knowledge in all areas of course work, exclusive of the thesis, will be evaluated during the comprehensive examination. Scores for either the Graduate Record Examination or the Miller Analogies Test must be submitted before students are admitted to Graduate Studies. A composite score of 800 or more on the Graduate Record Examination is required; or, a score of 50 or more on the Miller Analogies Test.


A student majoring or minoring in Kinesiology may choose from: Master of Arts, Plan I; Master of Arts, Plan II; Master of Education, Plan I; Master of Education Plan II. The professional applications for each degree are described below:

Master of Arts, Plan I. This plan is designed to prepare individuals for college teaching and for students who wish to pursue doctoral studies in the future.

Master of Arts, Plan II. This plan is designed to prepare teachers, coaches, adaptive physical education and commercial and corporate fitness managers.

Master of Education, Plan I. This plan is designed for elementary teachers who are Education majors and who choose to minor in Kinesiology.

Master of Education, Plan II. This plan is designed for secondary education majors who choose to minor in Kinesiology.

Students may elect to concentrate in such areas as teacher-coach, fitness management, or adapted Kinesiology with the selection of course work to be determined at the time of academic advisement. All students are required to complete a research course and statistics course.

MASTER OF ARTS, PLAN I (Thesis Option)

Under this thirty semester hour plan, the student will take twenty-four semester hours of course work in Kinesiology and six semester hours (KIN 698, 699) for the thesis.

MASTER OF ARTS, PLAN II (Non-thesis Option)

Under this thirty-six semester hour plan, the student will take all course work in Kinesiology.

Graduate-level courses from related disciplines are permissible with prior approval from the Department Chair.


This plan is designed for majors in Elementary Education who wish to minor in Kinesiology. The thirty-six hour degree program is divided as follows:

1. a major of eighteen to twenty-four hours in education

2. a minor of twelve to eighteen semester hours in Kinesiology


Within this thirty-six hour degree plan the student may take twelve to twenty-four hours in Kinesiology, six to twelve hours in a second teaching field, and twelve to eighteen hours in Education.

Selected 400-level offerings may be applied toward graduate degree with prior approval from the Chair of the Department of Health and Kinesiology. Consult the undergraduate catalogue for course descriptions.

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