Course Descriptions

The Department of Library Science is charged with applying the University's mission specifically to the field of Library and Information Science. The goals of the Department of Library Science are to: 1) prepare competent professionals for school librarianship; 2) encourage and support scholarly research and publications; 3) promote and participate in faculty growth and development; 4) offer educational services to schools, libraries, and the community; and 5) plan, implement, and evaluate the academic curriculum, teaching effectiveness, physical resources, program policies, and the learning environment.

Master of Library Science (MLS). This 36-hour degree provides for the principles and procedures common to libraries and information centers. The primary mission of the Department of Library Science is the preparation of school library media specialists for grades pre-K-12.

Required courses include: LS 530, LS 532, LS 534, LS 537, LS 560, LS 564, LS 566, LS 570, LS 585, LS 596, 2 electives.


Students who wish to pursue the MLS degree should request the Application for Admission to the Master of Library Science Program from the Department of Library Science, Sam Houston State University, P.O. Box 2236, Huntsville, Texas 77341. This form is in addition to the Graduate Application for Admission which must be completed and filed with the Dean, College of Education and Applied Science.


This is the credential required for school library media specialists for employment in Texas schools including the Windham School System of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice Institutional Division.

This credential may be issued to one who has a Bachelor's Degree, a valid Texas teacher's certificate, 21 approved semester hours, 3 semester hours of practicum working in a Learning Resources Center or 3 additional semester hours directly related to learning resources course work and one year of successful experience on a permit as a full-time public school librarian. A passing score on the Examination for the Certification of Educators in Texas (ExCET) is required.

Six of the seven courses necessary for the Library Learning Resources Endorsement are LS 530, LS 532, LS 534, LS 537, LS 570, and LS 585. The final course is LS 566, Library Internship. LS 585 satisfies the state of Texas multi-ethnic course requirement. LS 560 is a Department of Library Science requirement for the Learning Resources Endorsement (LRE). No Library Science course which is over six (6) years old is acceptable towards a Learning Resources Endorsement. Application for this Endorsement is made through the Teacher Certification Officer, College of Education and Applied Science. Note prerequisites under individual courses.



This professional certificate is issued to one who has a Bachelor's Degree, a valid Texas teacher certificate, three years teaching experience, basic understanding of multicultural and multiethnic elements in society, 36 Library Science semester hours and a passing score on the ExCET test. The 36 hours includes LS 530, LS 532, LS 534, LS 537, LS 560, LS 564, LS 566, LS 570, LS 585, and LS 596 plus 2 electives. In addition to these requirements, two professional education courses must be taken at the graduate level. These six hours are subject to the approval of the Teacher Certification Officer, College of Education and Applied Science.

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