Computer accounts are available to all students. These accounts are kept active as long as a student is enrolled.
Client machines supported are PC and Macintosh workstations. These are contained in labs operated by the Computer Services department that are accessible by students 24 hours a day. Software for these client machines is maintained on a Windows NT server, and is available to all clients connected to the Campus network (SAMnet).
The administrative computer functions have been developed for the internal needs of the University and to serve the students with a convenient way to interact with the University. Examples are: telephone registration, electronic transcript transmission, and electronic funds transfer for financial aid loans. Also available for students is SamInfo, SHSU's campus-wide information system (CWIS). Through SamInfo, students may access libraries, change their addresses and majors, print their degree plans, and determine their university financial obligations.
Many students participate in building and maintaining the computing infrastructure at the University. More than 75 are employed by the Computer Services department during a year. They gain valuable experience for the future and provide an essential part of the operations of the department and university.
To access SamInfo via the Internet, TELNET SHSU.EDU with the username as SAMINFO. SHSU's WEB server address is Questions regarding SHSU's computer resources may be addressed to HELPDESK@SHSU.EDU.
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