The principal objective of Graduate Studies is to offer education beyond the baccalaureate level to those who aspire to become intellectual leaders in the professions and in various fields of teaching and research. These studies are designed to assist graduate students in developing and pursuing individual educational programs requiring superior accomplishment through carefully directed intellectual activity.
Purpose. The purpose of this catalogue is to provide information about the graduate programs of Sam Houston State University to students and prospective students , as well as to the faculty and staff of the University. Included is information concerning requirements for admission to Graduate Studies at Sam Houston State University, services available to students, graduate course offerings, and listings of the administrative officers and the graduate faculty of the University.
While every effort has been made to make this catalogue as complete and accurate as possible, it should be noted that changes may occur at any time in requirements, deadlines, fees, courses, etc. listed herein.
This catalogue was prepared well in advance of its effective date; therefore the course descriptions may vary somewhat from actual course content because of advancements in the discipline, interests of individual professors, or decisions to change the scope of a course. Thus the descriptions that follow are not provided in the nature of a contractual obligation.
Graduate Faculty. The faculty of Graduate Studies consists of those members of the University academic administration and faculty who have been appointed to graduate faculty membership in accord with established procedures. It is expected that these members will be actively engaged in recognized scholarly activities, fundamental research, or professional activity.
The Vice President for Academic Affairs is responsible for the academic programs of all graduate students. The dean of each college serves as the official representative of the graduate faculty of the college and as the official channel of communication between the graduate students of the college and the University administration.
Graduate Council. The Graduate Council is a standing committee. It is an advisory body to the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs who is the chief administrative officer of the Graduate Faculty. This Council is responsible for making recommendations regarding general policies pertaining to graduate study at the University.
Graduate Courses. A graduate course is an advanced course requiring critical analysis and study. Such courses normally require frequent use of the library for reference to papers reporting original research. Five types of graduate instruction are recognized: (1) lecture courses requiring organization by the instructor of material on an advanced level; (2) supervised laboratory courses; (3) seminars for the critical study of an organized field through reports presented by students or instructors; (4) research by individual students under the direction of members of the Graduate Faculty; and (5) professional internships. In some instances, an undergraduate level course is required to provide sufficient stem work to pursue a graduate course. In order to receive graduate credit for an undergraduate level course, the student must receive prior written approval from the department chair and the dean of the college.
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