Four grades are given in graduate courses at the University: A denotes academic excellence; B denotes acceptable performance; C denotes insufficiency in achievement, although it is a passing grade; and the grade F denotes failure.

The mark IP denotes "in progress" and is given in theses and other courses which cannot be completed within one semester. The mark CR denotes "credit" and is given in one-hour workshops and may be given on transferred courses. The mark WP denotes "withdrew passing" and the mark WF denotes "withdrew failing." The mark X denotes an incomplete course. If the student meets the prescribed requirements of the course before the end of the next academic semester after the X is given, the student will receive the grade earned; otherwise, the mark X will be automatically changed to an F. The mark of Q will be given students who drop courses from the thirteenth class day, for a semester, or from the fifth class day, for a summer session, until the last day for dropping courses without grade of F as stated in the Academic Calendar. Courses with the mark of Q will not be counted as courses attempted, and will not be included in determining grade point averages.

The graduate student who elects to drop all courses, i.e., to resign from the University, must report to the Registrar's Office and process a Resignation Request. (See Resignations, pages 27-28.)

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