Before the initial registration the student should consult the graduate advisor representing the field of his or her major interest.

The normal load for a full-time graduate student is nine (9) to twelve (12) hours per semester. Any exception to this guideline must be approved in advance by the dean of the college in which the student is seeking a degree. Six (6) hours is the maximum load per summer session. The maximum load for assistant instructors on one-half time employment is nine (9) hours per semester or three (3) hours per summer session. Assistant instructors on less than a half-time assistantship may have their maximum course load authorization increased proportionately by the appropriate department chair. Recipients of assistantships are normally required to register for the course loads specified above.

Dual Registration. Undergraduates at Sam Houston State University who at the beginning of a given semester are within twelve (12) hours of graduation or at the beginning of a summer school are within six (6) hours of graduation may apply for admission to Graduate Studies provided they meet the appropriate entrance examination requirements and have a B average or better for the last three semesters of course work. Such students must complete their undergraduate work and obtain the bachelor's degree during the first semester or summer session following their admission to Graduate Studies. The maximum total credit hour load for dual-registered students is fifteen (15) hours in the regular semester or six (6) hours in a summer session.

An undergraduate student may enroll in a graduate course for graduate credit only if he/she files a written petition for approval with the appropriate college dean stating that the student is reserving the graduate course for graduate credit and is not including it for credit on his/her undergraduate degree program. Such petitions must be approved by the chair of the student's major (undergraduate) department and the student's academic dean. The combined undergraduate and graduate course load shall not exceed fifteen (15) semester hours in a semester or six (6) semester hours in a summer session.

Requirements for Registration of International Students

1. Each student must provide evidence of his/her ability for financial support while studying in this country.

2. All international students are required to purchase the group Hospitalization, Medical Evacuation, and Repatriation Insurance available to all eligible SHSU students. Proof of this insurance must be presented to designated university officials each semester before the registration process can be completed. Further information concerning this required coverage may be obtained from the University Health Center. Purchase of this insurance is coordinated through the University Health Center.

3. Immediately upon arrival on campus, international students should make contact with the University Coordinator of Graduate Studies to ensure that all admission and immigration papers are in order.

4. Certified English translations are required for documents prepared in a language other than English.

Graduate Advisors. A graduate student entering the University for the first time is required to consult with the advisor in his or her particular field of interest regarding courses and various programs of study. Academic advisement is required prior to each registration. Graduate advisors will be available for consultation several days prior to registration.

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