The University operates thirty-six residence halls, small houses, and apartment complexes, including a small house (capacity 30 residents) for graduate and senior students, a small house (capacity 36 residents) for juniors, seniors, and graduate students, two honors houses, a wellness house, a nontraditional house (students 24 years of age or older), and two apartment units for upperclassmen and families. A brochure which includes complete details of the housing program at Sam Houston, including information regarding specific residence halls, applicable rates, and policies, is available upon request from the Computer Services Department, P.O. Box 2449, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas 77341. Additional information may be obtained by calling the Department of Residence Life at (936) 294-1812.

A student is required to be enrolled in the university each semester, including summer, in order to reside in university housing. Either the husband or wife must be enrolled in the university while living in family apartments or SHSU Colony Apartments.

A housing application form is included with the University brochure and may be filed in person or by mail. A room and board deposit of $75 and a $100 prepayment of rent is required with the application for housing. Assignments are made on a space-available basis according to the date of application. Prior to the beginning of a semester, the student will be mailed a residence hall or apartment contract and assignment, the appropriate arrival and check-in hours, and other information. The contract must be signed and returned by the specified date in order to guarantee the reservation. This contract will be in effect and must be adhered to for the academic year. In some instances, contracts may be drawn for a period of one semester, if approval is obtained in advance.

Should you become unable to fulfill your reservation, refunds may be made under certain conditions. Please refer to the housing application for specific details regarding refunds which are determined by the dates cancellations are received.

Payment for housing may be made in full at registration, or in three installments. The balance of rent or one-half of the balance is due during academic registration. Additional installments are due prior to the sixth and eleventh class weeks. Rent for summer terms is due in full at academic registration, and a late fee of $10 is charged on all payments received after established deadlines.

University residence halls are closed during the holidays of Thanksgiving and Christmas, and during Spring break.

Sam Houston State University Colony Apartments

The University maintains two-bedroom, unfurnished apartments located on Avenue H across from the University Theatre Center, for upperclassmen and families. All single residents must be enrolled in the university, and at least one member of married resident families, either the husband or the wife, must be enrolled in the university.

University Family Apartments

The University also maintains partially furnished two-bedroom apartments for families, with either the husband or wife enrolled in the university. Living room furniture is not included in the furnishings.


The Department of Residence Life currently provides four meal plans. Payment for meal plans may be made in full at academic registration or in three installments. The installments are one-half at registration and the balance in two equal payments prior to the sixth and eleventh class week, respectively. Also available is the Bearkat Express plan which may be opened upon payment of an initial deposit with meal charges deducted as usage occurs. Money deposited into Bearkat Express account is non-refundable.

All students are encouraged to take advantage of meal plans. Meal service begins the day the residence halls open and continues through final examinations. Available dining facilities may include two cafeterias -- Belvin and/or Smith, and four locations in the Lowman Student Center -- Huntsville Room, Burger King, Taters & Stuff, and Gretel's.

Rates and detailed information may be obtained from the Department of Residence Life, P.O. Box 2416, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas 77341, or by calling (936) 294-1812.


Summer accommodations vary from year to year because of renovation and maintenance schedules; however, facilities are offered to both single and married students. Rooms in large residence halls and small houses for single students, and apartments for families usually are open for summer school students. Assignments are made according to date of deposit.

The Bearkat Express plan is also available during summer sessions. Additional information concerning the summer food plan may be obtained from the Department of Residence Life.

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