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FIN 536 SEMINAR IN BUSINESS FINANCE. Adapted to special needs and interests of students in business finance, investments, banking, and private financial institutions. Current developments and readings in business finance, techniques of financial analysis and financial instruments are emphasized. Prerequisite: FIN 367.

FIN 537 PROBLEMS IN ADMINISTRATIVE FINANCE. Financial framework of principles and selected cases in analysis for financial policy making, financial decision making, and financial interpretations at various levels in the organization. Prerequisite: FIN 367.

FIN 538 SELECTED TOPICS IN MONEY, CAPITAL, AND SECURITY MARKETS. Analysis of organization and functions of the money, capital, and security markets; and analysis of the factors affecting flow of money and securities. Prerequisite: FIN 367.

FIN 539 INTERNATIONAL FINANCE. A study of the various facets of international finance, such as analytical processes, instruments, institutions, techniques, investments, foreign exchanges, etc. Prerequisite: FIN 367.

FIN 569 SEMINAR IN INVESTMENTS. Principles and techniques in investment analysis for the evaluation of various types of securities. Emphasis is also placed on techniques and policies of portfolio management. Prerequisite: FIN 367.

FIN 575 READINGS IN FINANCE. This course is designed for the directed study of individual students who wish intensive supervision in some vital aspect of Finance. Prerequisites: GBA 587, FIN 537 and approval of Department Chair and Graduate Coordinator.