Course Descriptions

    The graduate program in Physics is designed to prepare a student for a career as a physicist in industry or teaching, or for additional study towards the doctorate.

Admission Requirements
    Students seeking admission to the graduate program in Physics must, under normal circumstances, meet the basic requirements of Graduate Studies specified on page 22 of this Catalogue. In addition the following are required:

1. A combined (V + Q) GRE score of 1000,

2. At least three letters of recommendation that discuss your suitability for graduate study.

    In order to receive the degree, all graduate students are required to take a comprehensive examination based on the course work in graduate studies. The nature of this examination, which may be written and/or oral will be determined by the Physics faculty in consultation with the student's thesis director and must be successfully completed at least one semester prior to the anticipated date of graduation. In addition, an oral presentation of the thesis to the Physics faculty in seminar format is required and the thesis must be defended before the faculty committee assigned the responsibility for each individual student's graduate program.

Master of Science, Plans I and III - Not available in Physics.

Master of Science, Plan II. This degree plan requires a minimum of thirty-seven semester hours, thirty-one of which must be in courses numbered 500 or above. Physics 513, 563, 564, 568, 571, 698 and 699 are required. No more than two of these courses may be taken as conference courses. The remaining courses are selected from Physics 561, 562, 567, 569 and those senior level courses open to graduate students. The choice of physics electives will be made by the student with the consent and approval of the graduate advisor and department chair and will depend largely on the area of research which the student elects.

Master of Education, Plan II. This degree program is designed to provide additional study in a teaching field for the professional secondary school teacher and is initiated in the College of Education and Applied Science. Students may elect from 12 to 24 semester hours in Physics on this 36-semester-hour program. A thesis is not required. Course requirements are adjusted to meet individual student needs by the graduate advisor and department chair. Further information is provided in this catalogue under Teacher Education and Professional Certification Programs.


PHY 433

Light and Optics

PHY 466

Introductory Quantum Mechanics

PHY 467

Introduction to Solid State Physics

PHY 468

Electricity and Magnetism

PHY 470

Introduction to Theoretical Physics

PHY 471

Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics

PHY 496

Selected Topics in Physics



PHY 513  PHYSICS GRADUATE SEMINAR. This course is required for graduate students majoring in physics. The student will be required to present a seminar on a topic of current interest in physics. The topic must be approved by the instructor. The student is also required to attend all physics seminars presented during the semester of enrollment in PHY 513.

PHY 561  NUCLEAR PHYSICS. Properties of nuclei, interaction of radiation with matter, nuclear decay, theory of nuclear reactions, current models of nuclei, nuclear forces, neutron physics, nuclear fission, magnetic properties of nuclei, fundamental particles, and application of wave mechanics to nuclear problems are emphasized. Prerequisites: PHY 393 and 466.

PHY 563  ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY. A study is made of electromagnetic fields and the applications of Maxwell's equations to boundary value problems and electromagnetic wave propagation. Prerequisites: PHY 468 and MTH 476.

PHY 564  QUANTUM MECHANICS. The course includes a study of quantum phenomena and their relation to classical physics, Schroedinger's equation and its interpretation, the solution of Schroedinger's equation for physical systems and their experimental verification, approximation methods, Heisenberg's formulation, and selected applications to atomic and nuclear physics. Prerequisites: PHY 466 and 470.

PHY 567  SOLID STATE PHYSICS. Crystal structure, binding energy, lattice dynamics, band theory, electrical properties of metals, semiconductors, magnetic properties of solids, and low temperature properties of solids are studied. Prerequisite: PHY 466 and 468, or consent of the instructor.

PHY 568  CLASSICAL MECHANICS. This course is a comprehensive vector formulation of the principles of advanced mechanics, including the dynamics of particles and of rigid bodies, variational principles, Lagrange, Hamilton, and Hamilton-Jacobi theories, transformation theory, and other selected applications. Prerequisite: PHY 470.

PHY 569  SELECTED TOPICS IN ADVANCED PHYSICS. This course can be structured to meet the needs and interest of individual graduate students majoring in physics. Recent developments in specific fields of physics are considered. Course may be repeated for credit, provided the repetition is not in the same subject area.

PHY 571  THERMAL AND STATISTICAL PHYSICS. An introduction to the classical and quantum mechanical statistical theories of matter and radiation is provided. Emphasis is placed upon the ensemble versus the Boltzmann equation approach to statistical physics. The modifications of the theory necessary for application to plasmas and nonequilibrium phenomena are discussed. Prerequisites: PHY 466, 470, and 471.

PHY 698, 699  THESIS.