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EdD in Developmental Education Administration

Program Description | Admission | Degree Requirements | Courses

Program Description

The Doctor of Education in Developmental Education Administration is an interdisciplinary doctoral program designed to prepare educators to develop and administer programs for underprepared community college and university students. The doctorate provides the means for continued intellectual growth through advanced and specialized education that emphasizes original research with the goal to develop leaders in the field of Developmental Education Administration.

Graduates of this doctoral program will have the ability and knowledge to apply administrative theory to instructional leadership functions; set goals, assign responsibilities, and verify how well resources are allocated and utilized in instructional improvement; plan and administer the designed curriculum; use appropriate communication and interpersonal skills in consultation and evaluations; interpret the relationships among federal, state, and local education agencies and the laws applicable to the administration of the schools and universities; design educational research and interpret results; and apply data to educational processing capabilities and leadership functions.

Mentoring will be accomplished via telephone, electronic communications, and during the EDLD 7110 advising course sessions. In addition, during the period of candidacy status, distance students must schedule meetings with their advisors at least once each semester (three times per year – spring, summer or fall).  These meetings can be conducted via telephone and videoconferencing/web


Admission requires the commitment to devote a significant amount of time to the program. The Developmental Education Administration program follows a cohort model. This means that individuals are admitted to a specific group, called a cohort, and are required to take their coursework at the same time as the other individuals in the cohort. In the event of emergencies which require individuals to drop out of the normal schedule, they may be required to join another cohort with a different schedule.

Application Deadlines: March 1

Applicants seeking admission to the doctoral program in Developmental Education Administration must submit the following directly to the Office of Graduate Studies:

1. Graduate Studies Application
2. Application Fee
3. Official transcript from the baccalaureate degree granting institution
4. Official transcript showing receipt of a master’s degree
5. Graduate GPA of 3.5 or higher
6. Personal statement (1000 word maximum)
7. Three Reference Rating Forms, two from current or previous supervisors in schools or agencies where the applicant has been employed and one from a current or former graduate level professor who holds a terminal degree
8. Current resume or curriculum vitae
9. Official GRE scores with writing section (This requirement is not waived for any reason)

NOTE: Applicants selected after the initial screening will be invited for an online interview.


Degree Requirements

The program requires a minimum of sixty hours of graduate credit, successful passing of a comprehensive examination, and completion of a dissertation.

After the completion of twelve semester hours (two semesters) of doctoral level coursework in the program, each student will be considered for full admission to candidacy. A doctoral program committee will review his/her academic progress, interpersonal skills, and motivation to determine whether the student should continue with the program. After full admission to the program, the student’s doctoral dissertation committee will be assigned by the Director of Doctoral Studies and the Chair of the Department of Educational Leadership and Counseling.

A comprehensive examination will be taken after the completion of forty-two hours of required coursework. Following the written part of the examination, an oral examination is scheduled with the student’s Doctoral Dissertation Committee. Students must be enrolled during the semester the comprehensive examination is taken. After successful completion of the written and oral comprehensive examination, the student may defend the dissertation proposal.

Plan 1 - EdD in Developmental Education Administration

Developmental Education
Choose all from:
EDL 710 <EDLD 7110> Doctorial Study in Developmental Education
EDL 737 <EDLD 7337> Academic Writing and Research
EDL 760 <EDLD 7360> Developmental Education in Postsecondary Students
EDL 764 <EDLD 7364>Outcomes Assessment in Developmental Education
EDL 767 <EDLD 7367>Designing Learning Environments in Developmental Education
EDL 771 <EDLD 7371> Contemporary Issues in Higher Educational Leadership &     

EDL 774 <EDLD 7374> The College Student
EDL 777 <EDLD 7377> Theory & Practice of Higher Education Leadership
<COUN> or <EDLD> (TBA) Noncognitive Student Development
2 Research Tools Choose all from:
EDL 762 <EDLD 7362> Methods of Educational Research
EDL 763 <EDLD 7363> Application of Educational Research
EDL 772 <EDLD 7372> Qualitative Methodology
CNE 773 <COUN 7373> Statistical Methods for Counselor Education Research
3 Advanced Developmental Core Choose all from:
EDL 787 <EDLD 7387> Doctoral Filed Studies in Educational Leadership

READ 735 <EDLD 7335>Strategies for College Reading in Developmental Education
EDL 736 <EDLD 7336> Educational Leadership Internship
3 Dissertation Choose all from:
EDL 833 <EDLD 8333> Dissertation2
1 EDL 710 <EDLD 7110> must be taken three times for a total of three hours.
2 EDL 833 <EDLD 8333> must be taken at least three times for a minimum total of nine hours. Once enrolled in this course, the student must enroll in it until graduation.



Educational Leadership (EDLD)
Counseling (COUN)
Curriculum and Instruction (CIED)

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