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EMBA in Business Administration - Banking and Financial Institutions

Program Description | Admission | Degree Requirements | Courses

Program Description

The Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) in Banking and Financial Institutions program at Sam Houston State University is designed to develop and enhance a candidate’s skills that are necessary for a position of leadership in a financial institution or regulatory agency. The program emphasizes the integration and synthesis of various disciplines to develop a student’s ability to function and make sound administrative decisions in a dynamic financial institution environment. The EMBA program is suited for qualified students from any academic discipline who have experience in the financial institutions field.

The EMBA is a two-year cohort program with a new cohort beginning each fall semester. It is an on-line program with an annual two-week residency requirement prior to the start of each fall semester. During the residency period, students receive foundational instruction for the six courses to be completed during the upcoming academic year. Up to six hours of coursework may be transferred into the EMBA program from the Southern Methodist University Graduate School of Banking and the Graduate School of Banking at Louisiana State University.


Applicants must submit the following materials directly to the Office of Graduate Studies:

  1. A Graduate Studies Application with the application fee
  2. Official transcript(s) of all previous college work
  3. A Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) score report

Applicants with a baccalaureate degree from a recognized, accredited university in the United States who satisfy at least one of the following graduate admission formulas shall be admitted unconditionally into the MBA program.

200 x (overall GPA) + (GMAT score) ≥ 1100

200 x (advanced hours GPA) + (GMAT score) ≥ 1150

The grade point average (GPA) is based on a four-point scale and only courses from the baccalaureate degree granting institution are used for determining graduate admission. Students who are not in good standing at another college or university are not eligible for admission into any of the College of Business Administration’s graduate programs. 

Applicants who meet all other qualifications but whose combined score using the formulas above is less than 1100 but greater than 950 (or less than 1150 but greater than 1000 on advanced hours) will be invited to submit additional supporting information to be considered for admission by the College of Business Administration Graduate Admission Committee. The deadlines for submission of supplemental materials are:

Entering Term Deadline
Fall (August) July 15
Spring (January) November 15
Summer (June or July) April 15

Contact the College of Business Administration’s Graduate Coordinator for a list of additional materials that may be required.

International Applicants
International students or students whose native language is not English must submit a GMAT score of at least 450 and a TOEFL score of at least 550 on the paper based exam, 213 on the computer based exam, or 79 on the internet-based exam. International students must submit all required admission materials by the following dates:

Entering Term Deadline
Fall (August) June 25
Spring (January) November 12
Summer 1 (June) April 9
Summer 2 (July) May 10

All immigration requirements must also be satisfied prior to admission.

Degree Requirements

The degree program requires a minimum of thirty-six hours of graduate credit.

Plan 1 - MBA in Business Administration - Banking and Financial Institutions

Item Requirement
Hours Required
1 Specified Courses Choose all from:
ACC 564 <ACCT 5304> Accounting for Management
BAN 568 <BANA 5368> Techniques of Statistical Analysis
ECO 571 <ECON 5357> Seminar in Managerial Economics
FIN 532 <FINC 5320> Seminar in Commercial Banking
FIN 537 <FINC 5370> Problems in Administrative Finance
FIN 533 <FINC 5333> Financial Statement Analysis
FIN 538 <FINC 5338> Selected Topics in Money, Capital, and Security Markets*
FIN 534 <FINC 5395> Seminar in Commercial Lending
GBA 587 <BUAD 5310> Research Writing In Business
MGT 568 <MGMT 5335> Services Management and Marketing
MGT 562 <MGMT 5325> Project Management
MKT 570 <MKTG 5330> Marketing Seminar
*FIN 538 <FINC 5338> is a capstone course that satisfies the comprehensive exam requirement. A grade of “B” or better is required for graduation.



Accounting (ACCT)
Business Administration (BUAD)
Business Analysis (BANA)
Economics (ECON)
Finance (FINC)
Managment (MGMT)
Marketing (MKTG)

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