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MS in Computing and Information Science

Program Description | Admission | Degree Requirements | Courses

Program Description

The Computer and Information Science curriculum utilizes state-of-the-art software, software development methodologies, project management techniques, and hardware. Emphasis is placed on preparing students for an environment where change is the norm. Computer and Information Science may be selected as the major for the Master of Science degree. Computer and Information Science may also be selected as a minor for MS and MA degrees in related areas.


Applicants seeking admission to the graduate program in computing and information science must submit the following directly to the Office of Graduate Studies:

  1. A Graduate Studies Application with the application fee
  2. Official transcript(s) of all previous college work
  3. Official GRE scores
  4. Two letters of recommendation that address the applicant's qualifications for graduate study
  5. International Applicants Only: TOEFL or IELTS scores. The minimum requirement for TOEFL is 550 paper-based, 213 computer-based, and 79 internet-based. The minimum requirement for IELTS is 6.5.

Graduate study in computing and information science is accessible to students who have completed undergraduate computer science majors or minors and to students with baccalaureate degrees in related fields with the equivalent of a computer science minor in formal coursework or professional experience.

At the minimum, candidates are expected to present a background comparable to that provided in the following courses as described in the Undergraduate Catalog of Sam Houston State University.

CS 146 <COSC 1436> Introduction to Algorithms and Programming
CS 147 <COSC 1437> Programming Algorithms and Data Structures
CS 334 <COSC 3318> Data Base Management Systems
CS 362 <COSC 3319> Data Structures
CS 431 <COSC 4327> Computer Operating Systems
CS 482 <COSC 4318> Programming Languages
MTH 299 <MATH 2399> Calculus Survey
MTH 379 <MATH 3379> Statistical Methods in Practice

Applicants with less preparation will be required to complete additional stem work as part of the graduate program.

In general, applicants whose GRE score exceeds 1000 will likely to complete the master's degree successfully. Admission preference is given to those applicants with an undergraduate GPA in excess of 3.0. However, please note that a holistic review of each student's application file will be completed, and admission will be granted on a competitive basis.

Degree Requirements

The MS in Computing and Information Science requires a minimum of thirty-six hours of graduate credit. There are two plans leading to the degree; neither plan requires a thesis. Plan 1 allows the student to take twelve hours in a secondary field that logically supports the major.

A committee advisor is assigned to each student at the time the student registers for CS 561 <COSC 6347> Programming Practicum or CS 698 (thesis). Committee appointments are made by the Chair of the Computer Science Department based upon recommendation from the Computer Science Graduate Advisor. The advisory committee consists of graduate faculty from the Computer Science Department and, where applicable, one from the minor area. Students are required to complete a written comprehensive examination prior to registering for CS 561 Programming Practicum or CS 698 Thesis. Students may be also be required to supplement their written responses in an oral examination.  Students must be enrolled the semester in which they take comprehensive examinations. Once enrolled in CS 561 Programming Practicum or CS 698/699 Thesis a student must be continually enrolled in each major semester until graduation.


Plan 1 - MS in Computing and Information Science (Non-thesis)

Choose all from:
CS 531 <COSC 5327> Operating Systems
CS 536 <COSC 6319> Software Engineering
CS 564 <COSC 6318> Programming Languages
CS 566 <COSC 5318> Database Systems
CS 563 <COSC 5326> Networks and Data Communications
CS 574 <COSC 5319> Data Structures
CS 561 <COSC 6347> Programming Practicum1
Choose one from:
Graduate courses in COSC or DFSC2
3 Secondary Field Choose four from:
Graduate courses in a secondary field that logically supports the major2
1 Once enrolled in CS 561 <COSC 6347>, the student must enroll in this course until graduation.
2 Courses should be selected in consultation with the Graduate Advisor.


Plan 2 - MS in Computing and Information Science (Non-thesis)

Choose all from:
CS 531 <COSC 5327> Operating Systems
CS 536 <COSC 6319> Software Engineering
CS 564 <COSC 6318> Programming Languages
CS 566 <COSC 5318> Database Systems
CS 563 <COSC 5326> Networks and Data Communications
CS 574 <COSC 5319> Data Structures
CS 561 <COSC 6347> Programming Practicum1
Choose five from:
Graduate courses in COSC or DFSC2
1 Once enrolled in CS 561 <COSC 6347>, the student must enroll in this course until graduation.
2 Courses should be selected in consultation with the Graduate Advisor.



Computer Science (COSC)
Digital Forensics (DFSC)

Senior Courses Open to Graduate Students
With departmental approval, a maximum of six hours of the following senior (4000-level) courses may be taken for graduate credit toward the MS in Computing and Information Science. Course requirements in senior courses must be appropriately modified for graduate credit.

CS 430 <COSC 4316> Language Translators
CS 431 <COSC 4327> Computer Operating Systems
CS 437 <COSC 4319> Software Engineering
CS 470 <COSC 4340> Special Topics in Computer Science
CS 482 <COSC 4318> Programming Languages

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