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MA in Counseling

Program Description | Admission | Degree RequirementsCourses

Program Description

The Master of Arts in Counseling is a CACREP accredited program designed for students seeking licensure as a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) or a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT). 

Licensed Professional Counselor - Students completing this degree will have the academic requirements needed to apply for a temporary license as a Professional Counselor in the state of Texas. 

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist - The LMFT program provides specific coursework and practical information to help prepare students for employment in settings that focus on the family system. Typically, students graduating from the LMFT program secure employment in adoption and placement agencies, community agencies that specialize in counseling survivors of rape and sexual abuse, home-based family therapy programs in community mental health agencies, etc. Once licensed, the graduates of this program may also work in private practice. 

This degree is a CACREP accredited program designed for individuals who wish to write a thesis as part of the requirements for the degree. This degree plan meets the academic requirements for licensure as a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC). *Fifty-four semester credit hours are required to fulfill the requirements for this degree. A comprehensive examination will be taken during or after completion of CNE 676. Students must be enrolled during the semester the comprehensive examination is taken.



Degree Requirements

Master of Arts in Counseling
Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC)

Plan 1 - MA in Counseling

Choose all from:
CNE 511 <COUN 5111> Counseling Program Orientation
CNE 564 <COUN 5364> Theories of Counseling
CNE 663 <COUN 6363> Assessment in Guidance and Counseling
CNE 585 <COUN 5385> Pre-Practicum Techniques of Counseling
CNE 597 <COUN 5397> Human Growth and Development Across the Lifespan
CNE 579 <COUN 5379> Methods of Research
CNE 534 <COUN 5334> Effective Human Behavior
CNE 674 <COUN 6374> Practicum in Group Counseling
CNE 570 <COUN 5370> Career Counseling Across the Lifespan
CNE 593 <COUN 5393> Community Counseling
CNE 592 <COUN 5392> Cross Cultural Issues in Counseling
CNE 591 <COUN 5391> Child and Adolescent Counseling
CNE 676 <COUN 6376> Supervised Practice in Counseling
CNE 512 <COUN 5112> Ethics for Counselors
CNE 632 <COUN 6332> Theories of Marriage and Family Therapy
CNE 686 <COUN 6386> Field Practicum1
Restricted Elective
Choose one from:
CNE 510 <COUN 5110> Workshop in Counseling
CNE 513 <COUN 5113> Assessment in Marriage and Family Therapy
3 Restricted Electives Choose two from:
CNE 599 <COUN 5399> Play Therapy Basics
CNE 631 <COUN 6331> Advanced Play Therapy
CNE 634 <COUN 6334> Professional and Ethical Issues in Counseling
CNE 637 <COUN 6337> Counseling for Sexual Concerns
CNE 633 <COUN 6333> Techniques of Marriage and Family Therapy
1 CNE 686 <COUN 6386> Field Practicum is taken twice for a minimum of six hours.





Required Courses
CNE 511 Counseling Program Orientation 1 SCH
CNE 564 Theories of Counseling 3 SCH
CNE 663 Assessment in Guidance & Counseling 3 SCH
CNE 585 Pre-Practicum Techniques of Counseling 3 SCH
CNE 597 Human Growth and Development 3 SCH
CNE 579 Methods of Research 3 SCH
CNE 534 Effective Human Behavior 3 SCH
CNE 674 Practicum in Group Counseling 3 SCH
CNE 570 Career Counseling Across the Lifespan 3 SCH
CNE 512 Workshop: Ethical & Professional Issues in Counseling 1 SCH
CNE 510 Workshop: Elective (Psychopharmacology or Advanced Appraisal Techniques) 1 SCH
CNE 591 Child and Adolescent Counseling 3 SCH
CNE 593 Community Counseling 3 SCH
CNE 676 Supervised Practice in Counseling 3 SCH
CNE 592 Cross Cultural Issues in Counseling 3 SCH
CNE 632 Theories of Marriage & Family Therapy 3 SCH
CNE 686 Field Practicum I 3 SCH
CNE 686 Field Practicum II 3 SCH
CNE 698 Thesis I 3 SCH
CNE 699 Thesis II 3 SCH
Total Hours   54 SCH



Master of Arts in Counseling
Clinical Mental Health Counseling

Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC)


Required Courses
CNE 511 Counseling Program Orientation 1 SCH
CNE 564 Theories of Counseling 3 SCH
CNE 663 Assessment in Guidance & Counseling 3 SCH
CNE 585 Pre-Practicum Techniques of Counseling 3 SCH
CNE 597 Human Growth & Development 3 SCH
CNE 579 Methods of Research 3 SCH
CNE 534 Effective Human Behavior 3 SCH
CNE 674 Practicum in Group Counseling 3 SCH
CNE 570 Career Counseling Across the Lifespan 3 SCH
CNE 512 Workshop: Ethical & Professional Issues in Counseling 1 SCH
CNE 510 Workshop: Elective (Psychopharmacology or Advanced Appraisal Techniques) 1 SCH
CNE 591 Child & Adolescent Counseling 3 SCH
CNE 593 Community Counseling 3 SCH
CNE 676 Supervised Practice in Counseling 3 SCH
CNE 592 Cross Cultural Issues in Counseling 3 SCH
CNE 632 Theories of Marriage & Family Therapy 3 SCH
CNE 686 Field Practicum I 3 SCH
CNE 686 Field Practicum II 3 SCH
Electives Select one of the courses below: 3 SCH
CNE 599 Play Therapy Basics 3 SCH
CNE 631 Advanced Play Therapy 3 SCH
CNE 633 Techniques of Marriage & Family Therapy 3 SCH
CNE 634 Professional & Ethical Issues in Counseling 3 SCH
CNE 637 Counseling Clients with Sexual Concerns 3 SCH
CNE 664 Counseling for Addictions 3 SCH
Total Hours 54 SCH
** An additional elective may be substituted for CNE 510 and CNE 512.


The Clinical Mental Health Counseling/LMFT provides specific coursework and practical information to help prepare students for employment in settings that focus on the family system. These specific courses are Theories of Marriage and Family Therapy, Techniques of Marriage and Family Therapy, Counseling Sexual Problems, and Professional and Ethical Issues. Typically, students graduating from the Clinical Mental Health Counseling/LMFT secure employment in agencies that provide services from a system’s perspective such as family service agencies, adoption and placement agencies, community agencies that specialize in counseling survivors of rape and sexual abuse, and home-based family therapy programs in community mental health agencies, etc. Once licensed, the graduates of this program may also work in private practice. Please note that an additional one-hour orientation seminar is a prerequisite for the degree. Students who want to graduate from the CACREP accredited Community Counseling Program must take CNE 593.


Master of Arts in Counseling
Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT)


Required Courses
CNE 511 Counseling Program Orientation 1 SCH
CNE 564 Theories of Counseling 3 SCH
CNE 663 Assessment in Guidance & Counseling 3 SCH
CNE 585 Pre-Practicum Techniques of Counseling 3 SCH
CNE 597 Human Growth & Development 3 SCH
CNE 579 Methods of Research 3 SCH
CNE 534 Effective Human Behavior 3 SCH
CNE 674 Practicum in Group Counseling 3 SCH
CNE 570 Career Counseling Across the Lifespan 3 SCH
CNE 513 Workshop: Assessment in Marriage and Family Therapy 3 SCH
CNE 593 Community Counseling 3 SCH
CNE 632 Theories of Marriage & Family Therapy 3 SCH
CNE 633 Techniques of Marriage & Family Therapy            3 SCH
CNE 634 Professional & Ethical Issues in Counseling 3 SCH
CNE 676 Supervised Practice in Counseling 3 SCH
CNE 510 Workshop:  Issues in Counseling 3 SCH
CNE 592 Cross Cultural Issues in Counseling       3 SCH
CNE 637 Counseling Clients with Sexual Concerns 3 SCH
CNE 686 Field Practicum I 3 SCH
CNE 686 Field Practicum II in Marriage & Family Therapy 3 SCH
Total Hours **54SCH


* CNE 633 must be taken before or concurrently with CNE 676.



Counseling (COUN)

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