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MED in Counseling

Program Description | Admission | Degree Requirements | Courses

Program Description

This degree plan is designed specifically for the student who wishes to work toward certification in School Counseling. It requires completion of forty-eight hours of graduate credit and may meet academic requirements for Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC). The program must comply with existing standards for professional certification. All students must take the comprehensive examination and usually take the exam during the final semester of coursework. Students must be enrolled in the university when taking the comprehensive examination. The degree plan originates in the Department of Educational Leadership and Counseling.



Degree Requirements

Master of Education in Counseling
School Counselor

Required Courses
CNE 511 Counseling Program Orientation (stem work) 1 SCH
CNE 564 Theories of Counseling 3 SCH
CNE 663 Assessment in Guidance & Counseling 3 SCH
CNE 585 Pre-Practicum Techniques of Counseling 3 SCH
CNE 597 Human Growth & Development 3 SCH
CNE 533 Intro to Counseling & Guidance 3 SCH
CNE 579 Methods of Research 3 SCH
CNE 534 Effective Human Behavior 3 SCH
CNE 674 Practicum in Group Counseling 3 SCH
CNE 570 Career Counseling Across the Lifespan 3 SCH
CNE 635 Methods of Consultation, Coordination, & Counseling 3 SCH
CNE 512 Workshop: Ethical & Professional Issues in Counseling 1 SCH
CNE 676 Supervised Practice in Counseling 3 SCH
CNE 592 Cross Cultural Issues in Counseling 3 SCH
CNE 632 Theories of Marriage & Family Therapy 3 SCH
CNE 510 Workshop: Elective Psychopharmacology or Advanced Appraisal Techniques 1 SCH
CNE 686 Field Practicum I 3 SCH
Elective: Select one of the courses below 3 SCH
CNE 591 Child & Adolescent Counseling 3 SCH
*CNE 593 Community Counseling 3 SCH
CNE 599 Play Therapy Basics 3 SCH
CNE 631 Advanced Play Therapy 3 SCH
CNE 633 Techniques of Marriage & Family Therapy 3 SCH
CNE 634 Professional & Ethical Issues in Counseling 3 SCH
CNE 637 Counseling Clients with Sexual Concerns 3 SCH
CNE 660 Student Services in Higher Education 3 SCH
CNE 664 Counseling for Addictions 3 SCH
Total Hours 48 SCH



Counseling (COUN)

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