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MS in Information Assurance and Security

Program Description | Admission | Degree RequirementsCourses

Program Description

Graduate study in Information Assurance and Security is accessible both to students who have completed undergraduate Computer Science or Management Information Science majors or minors and to those with baccalaureate degrees in technical fields with the equivalent of a Computer Science or Management Information Science minor in formal coursework or professional experience. Applicants who do not possess the appropriate academic, technical or experiential backgrounds may be required to take stem work courses to ensure a minimum standard of technical competence. Stem work decisions are made on an individual basis by the department chair.


Applicants seeking admission to the graduate program in Information Assurance and Security must submit the following directly to the Office of Graduate Studies:

  1. A Graduate Studies Application with the application fee
  2. Official transcript from the baccalaureate degree granting institution
  3. Official GRE scores
  4. Two letters of recommendation that address the applicant's qualification for graduate study.

Admission preference is given to applicants with a GPA of 3.0 or higher.

Degree Requirements

The Master of Science in Information Assurance and Security program has a total of 36 semester credit hours. There is an internship and non-internship option available for a Master of Science degree in Information Assurance and Security. Selection of the non-internship option will require completion of an additional elective course in Computer Science, Digital Forensics or Information Assurance.

Plan 1 - MS in Information Assurance and Security

Choose all from:
CS 534 <COSC 5325> Operating System Security
CS 537 <COSC 5335> Database Security
DF 564 <DFSC 5325> Organizational System Security
DF 566 <DFSC 5335> Risk Assessment and Financial System Security
DF 589 <DFSC 6335> Disaster Recovery
DF 637 <DFSC 6347> Directed Management and Development Project
Choose five from:
Approved Information Assurance and Security courses1
3 Internship DF 670 <DFSC 6370> Internship or an approved elective
1 Selections should be made in consultation with the Graduate Advisor.


Elective Courses

DF 531 <DFSC 5310> Principle and Policy In Information Assurance
DF 535 Malware
DF 561 <DFSC 5319> Network Security I
DF 587 File Systems Forensics
DF 630 <DFSC 5318> Cyber Law
DF 661 <DFSC 6310> Cyber Warfare and Terrorism
CS 568 <COSC 5310> Cryptography and Steganography
CS 661 <DFSC 6311> Network Security II


Other Scholarly Requirements

A committee advisor is assigned to each student at the time the student registered for DF 637 <DFSC 6347> Directed Management and Development Project. Committee appointments are made by the Chair of the Computer Science Department based upon recommendation from the Computer Science Graduate Advisor. The advisory committee consists of graduate faculty from the Computer Science Department. Students are required to complete a written comprehensive examination prior to registering for DF 637 <DFSC 6347>. Students may be also be required to supplement their written responses in an oral examination. Students must be enrolled the semester in which they take comprehensive examinations. Once enrolled in DF 637 <DFSC 6347>, a student must be continually enrolled in each major semester until graduation.


Computer Science (COSC)
Digital Forensics (DFSC)

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