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MED in Instructional Technology

Program Description | Admission | Degree Requirements | Courses

Program Description

The Master of Education in Instructional Technology is designed for educators who wish to learn more about the use of instructional technology in the classroom. The program will allow students to work with state of the art equipment in developing technology skills in such areas as web design, instructional multimedia development, and video and broadcast editing, while developing instructional technology leadership skills. This program blends Curriculum and Instruction, Computer Science, and Educational Leadership. The degree requires thirty hours of graduate credit.


Applicants seeking admission to the MED in Instructional Technology must submit the following directly to the Office of Graduate Studies:

  1. A Graduate Studies Application with the application fee
  2. Official transcript from the baccalaureate degree granting institution

Upon receiving the application and transcript, the department will solicit an online technology assessment from the applicant.

Degree Requirements


Plan 1 - MED in Instructional Technology

Choose all from:
CI 563 <CIED 5363> The Role of the Technology Liaison
CI 567 <CIED 5367> Readings and Trends in Instructional Technology
CI 569 <CIED 5369> Practicum for Technology Facilitation
CI 565 <CIED 5365> Technology and Cognition
CST 583 <CSTE 5336> Educational Multimedia
CST 585 <CSTE 5319> Critical Analysis of Instructional Software
CST 587 <CSTE 5337> Designing Instructional Materials for the Web
CST 589 <CSTE 5338> Development of Technological Infrastructure
ASE 578 <EDAD 5378> Curriculum Planning
ASE 668 <EDAD 6368> Instructional Leadership I



Curriculum and Instruction (CIED)
Computer Science Technology (CSTE)
Education Administration (EDAD)

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