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MA in Sociology

Program Description | Admission | Degree Requirements | Courses

Program Description

The Master of Arts in Sociology is designed to provide students with advanced and up-dated instruction in quantitative and qualitative techniques of sociological research, statistics, and theory. Students will develop the advanced professional skills necessary to analyze social issues in applied settings. These skills include research grant writing, program evaluation, impact assessment,and community-based research.


Students seeking admission to the graduate program in Sociology must submit the following: 

  1. a completed Graduate Studies Application for Admission with the application fee to Graduate Studies.
  2. official transcripts from the baccalaureate degree granting institution (minimum 2.8 overall GPA).
  3. official GRE scores. For candidates with a significant work history, we will consider work experience in lieu of GRE scores. A current resume/curriculum vitae is required.
  4. two letters of recommendation.

A holistic review of each student’s application file will be completed on a competitive basis.

Degree Requirements

The Master of Arts in Sociology requires a minimum of 37 hours of graduate credit, 24 of which must be in Sociology and must be in courses numbered 5000. In addition, all students must write a professional paper. While the overall topic of the professional paper is the choice of the student, the specifics will be decided upon by the Director of Graduate Studies in conjunction with appropriate faculty.

Professional papers will be finalized in SOCI 6398. The semester before enrolling in SOCI 6398, students must submit to the Director of Graduate Studies a 10-15 page paper that will serve as a draft for the professional paper. This paper may be a paper you have previously written for a course that you would like to expand into a professional paper. The deadline for submission for spring enrollment is October 1st and March 1sr for fall enrollment.

Once submitted, the paper will be reviewed by SHSU faculty who will make recommendations for revision and development. Feedback will be provided by October 15thfor spring enrollment and March 15thfor fall enrollment.

Once feedback has been provided, the student will develop a detailed revision plan for the professional paper. This plan must be submitted to the Director of Graduate Studies by November 1st for spring enrollment and April 1st for fall enrollment.

The revision plan must be approved by the Director of Graduate Studies and Department Head before registering for SOCI 6398.

Degree Plan - MA in Sociology

Choose all from:
SOC 543 <SOCI 5414> Social Statistics
SOC 567 <SOCI 5312> Seminar in Sociological Research
SOC 585 <SOCI 5310> Seminar in Sociological Theory
SOC 698 <SOCI 6398> Thesis (Professional Paper)
Applied Core Electives
Choose one from:
SOC 532 <SOCI 5376> Applied Research Methods
SOC 568 <SOCI 5378> Techniques of Research Proposal Writing in the Social Sciences
SOC 577 <SOCI 5380> Social Impact Assessment and Program Evaluation
3 SOCI Electives Choose at least four from:
SOC 576 <SOCI 5320> Sociology of Community
SOC 564 <SOCI 5351> Seminar in Environmental Sociology
SOC 589 <SOCI 5324> Seminar in Social Change and Development

SOC 537 <SOCI 5322> Seminar in Medical Sociology
SOC 565 <SOCI 5353> Seminar in Race and Ethnic Studies
SOC 582 <SOCI 5355> Seminar in Social Inequality
SOC 587 <SOCI 5337> Gender and Society
SOC 589 <SOCI 5324> Seminar in Social Change and Development

SOC 572 <SOCI 5331> Sociology of the Family
SOC 587 <SOCI 5337> Gender and Society
4 Other Electives Choose three from:
Graduate Courses1
1 Courses must be approved by the Graduate Advisor.



Sociology (SOCI)

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