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MA in Special Education

Program Description | Admission | Degree RequirementsDegree Plans | Courses

Program Description

This 36-hour degree plan is designed for those holding a valid teaching certificate. Candidates seeking Educational Diagnostician Certification must complete an additional 9 hours of coursework (SPD 677, SPD 678, and SPD 679). The degree plan originates in the Department of Language, Literacy, and Special Populations. The candidate must successfully complete a departmental comprehensive examination. Candidates must be enrolled in coursework during the semester they take comprehensive examinations.

MA: This degree is designed for individuals who wish to write a thesis as part of the requirements for the degree. It is available to majors in Reading and Special Education. Students seeking the Master of Arts in Reading (thesis option) will not take RDG 639. Students in the Special Education Program for Low-Incidence Disabilities and Autism and the Behavior Disorders Program complete a master’s thesis in their Master of Arts Program. A comprehensive examination and/or portfolio review will be taken during the final semester of coursework. The degree plan originates in the Department of Language, Literacy, and Special Populations.



Degree Requirements

Master of Arts in Special Education
Low Incidence Disabilities and Autism Program


SPD 538 Practicum and Methods in Special Education 3 SCH
SPD 560 Seminar in Autism Spectrum Disorders 3 SCH
SPD 562 Study of Cognitive and Low-Incidence Disabilities 3 SCH
SPD 630 Applied Behavior Analysis 3 SCH
SPD 633 Behavioral Assessment and Intervention 3 SCH
SPD 632 Evaluation and Measurement of Behavior 3 SCH
SPD 635 In-Home Training and Family Issues 3 SCH
SPD 637 Behavior Change and System Support 3 SCH
SPD 677 Assessment of Low Incidence Populations 3 SCH
SPD 682 Internship in Behavior Analysis 3 SCH
SPD 698 Research Methods in Behavior Analysis 3 SCH
SPD 699 Thesis 3 SCH
Total Hours M.A. 36 SCH


Master of Arts in Special Education
Behavior Disorders Program


SPD 535 Education of Individuals with Disabilities 3 SCH
SPD 560 Seminar in Autism Spectrum Disorders 3 SCH
SPD 568 Teaching Learners with Mild/Moderate Disabilities 3 SCH
SPD 630 Applied Behavior Analysis 3 SCH
SPD 631 Study of Behavior Disorders in Children 3 SCH
SPD 632 Evaluation and Measurement of Behavior 3 SCH
SPD 633 Behavioral Assessment and Intervention 3 SCH
SPD 635 In-Home Training and Family Issues 3 SCH
SPD 637 Behavior Change and System Support 3 SCH
SPD 682 Internship in Behavior Analysis 3 SCH
SPD 698 Research Methods in Behavior Analysis 3 SCH
SPD 699 Thesis 3 SCH
Total Hours M.A. 36 SCH


Master of Arts. This degree is designed for individuals who wish to write a thesis as part of the requirements for the degree. It is available to majors in Reading and Special Education. Students seeking the Master of Arts in Reading (thesis option) will not take RDG 639. Students in the Special Education Program for Low-Incidence Disabilities and Autism and the Behavior Disorders Program complete a master’s thesis in their Master of Arts Program. A comprehensive examination and/or portfolio review will be taken during the final semester of coursework. The degree plan originates in the Department of Language, Literacy, and Special Populations.


Degree Plans





Special Education (SPED)

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