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Academic Support Services


Academic Support Services


Advising (Student Advising And Mentoring Center)

Located in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences Building, the Student Advising and Mentoring Center (SAM Center) at Sam Houston State University offers academic counseling and academic enrichment services to all undergraduate and graduate students. The SAM Center is a resource dedicated to helping students adjust to academic life at Sam Houston State University. Services available include aid with time management and/or study skills, GRE and GMAT preparation, locating tutors, and special programs for student populations served at Sam Houston State University.

The SAM Center is housed on the first floor of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences Building. The Center can be contacted by e-mail at SAMCenter@shsu.edu or by any of the following telephone numbers: (936) 294-4444; toll free, (866) 364-5211; in Houston area, (281) 657-6432.

Academic Advisement

students in one or more of the following categories be subject to academic advisement prior to registration:

  • All undergraduate students whose current overall SHSU GPA is below 2.50.
  • All undergraduate students who do not have an SHSU GPA, i.e., new freshmen and new transfer students.
  • All undergraduate students subject to TSI regulations.
  • All students who have 90 or more hours including hours currently enrolled.

Each student who is subject to academic advisement will report to the Student Advising and Mentoring Center (SAM Center) to consult with an academic advisor. Students who are classified as “General Studies” students, i.e., no declared major, will also be advised in the SAM Center. Students who have declared a major will be advised in either the SAM Center or assigned an advisor within their major department/program; if students are in doubt about their academic advisor, they should contact the SAM Center.
Each student subject to academic advisement must be advised and cleared prior to registration.  Students subject to TSI regulations are subject to TSI advisement.

Students are urged to review the academic calendar which provides the dates for advance registration. Students should plan their advisement session with an advisor at an early date; no appointment is needed to meet with an advisor at the SAM Center.  Once the Schedule of Classes is posted online early each semester (usually eight weeks before advance registration), students can be advised and cleared for registration.

Information Resources

The University has three departments to support the campus information technology within the Information Resources Division:  University Computer Services (UCS) – Administrative Applications, UCS-Systems and UCS Client Support.

The Administrative Applications department provides the programming support for all the administrative functions such as registration, admissions, grade entry, and payroll.  Administrative Applications is also heavily involved with the campus wide implementation of the SunGard Banner ERP system.

The systems department manages the server and networking infrastructure, such as the gigabit connectivity for all campus buildings including residence halls.  Each resident has his/her own high-speed internet connections.  Also, wireless access points are provided throughout the main campus with SamNet.

The Client Support department provides the staffing for the general-access computer labs.  The Helpdesk is also in the Client Support department, and is available to help students with their computers accounts, PINs, profiles, and their residence hall Ethernet ports.

From the University web site, students can activate and begin using SHSU computer accounts as soon as they are accepted to the University. To ensure prompt communications, the University will send official statements and documents to student’s SHSU e-mail addresses. The assigned e-mail address is username@shsu.edu.  The use of University e-mail and all other computing resources is governed by the Computer Services Acceptable Use Policy     (https://www.shsu.edu/administrative/policies/finop/information_resources/documents/foir01acceptuse.pdf) SHSU will never ask students to share their passwords with anyone.  Each student will be assigned a six-digit personal identification number. This PIN should also not be shared with anyone.
Former students who have completed at least 15 hours of course work at SHSU will be eligible to opt-in to keep an SHSU e-mail account.

The three Computer Services departments employ more than 100 students as lab assistants, 24/7 system operators, web designers, software and systems programmers, helpdesk assistants, and software/hardware technicians. Students are encouraged to apply for part-time employment through Jobs4Kats.

The website for the Division of Information Resources is https://www.shsu.edu/~ucs_www/. Questions regarding SHSU’s computer resources may be addressed to HELPDESK@SHSU.EDU or (936) 294-1950.

English Language Institute

The mission of the English Language Institute is to provide necessary English language and cultural skills for international students to be admitted into academic programs at Sam Houston State University or other colleges and universities.  Throughout the academic year, the English Language Institute (ELI) offers extra-curricular activities to enhance English language and cultural competency acquisition.  For more information, the website is www.shsu.edu/~www_eli/mission.html

Institutional Research

The Office of Institutional Research & Assessment (IRA) is a University administrative service and support unit. The office collects, analyzes, appraises, reports and disseminates data on behalf of the university, its executive administration and its educational leaders for the purpose of promoting evidence-based reflection, planning, and action. The IRA office provides information and conducts research studies to comply with federal, state and other reporting mandates, and to assess policy, programs and special initiatives. The Office supports all university units in assessment-based improvement efforts, and provides technical assistance in validating and documenting those efforts and improving those processes for the reaffirmation of accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools and by other professional and educational accreditation organizations. 

Newton Gresham Library

The Library contains more than 1.3 million books, bound periodicals, and government documents in a variety of formats, including multimedia, microforms, microfiche, recordings,, videotape, and newspapers. The library subscribes to over 3,000 periodicals in print and over 54,000 periodicals are available electronically. As a depository for selected federal and state government publications in a separate collection of over 230,000 print and non-print documents, the library also serves the citizens of five adjacent counties. The Library’s Thomason Room houses over 12,000 rare books and other materials on Texas, the Southwest, Mark Twain, Gertrude Stein, the Civil War, Library Science, Criminal Justice, and other topics. Other groups of materials housed in the Newton Gresham Library include paperbacks for recreational reading, current periodical issues, new books, and a children’s literature collection. The music listening room, study carrels, a small lounge area furnished with vending machines, and a copy center, including a public fax machine are provided for the convenience of students and faculty. Library resources may be electronically accessed through an online catalog from hundreds of library and campus computer workstations, as well as remotely via the Internet.

The campus network may be used to search for full text in electronic databases. The library maintains database licenses to over 200 online databases such as Web of Science, ERIC, Sociological Abstracts, PsycINFO, CJ Abstracts, NCJRS, Academic Search Complete, Business Search Complete, Lexis-Nexis Academic Universe, West Law Campus, Biological Abstracts and ScienceDirect. OCLC’s FirstSearch makes databases such as WorldCat, AGRICOLA, and Business and Management Practices available to SHSU students. TexShare, the statewide resource-sharing program, provides access to a variety of electronic databases, thousands of full-text journal articles and print material. A complete list of the electronic databases and electronic journals can be viewed from the Library’s web page at http://library.shsu.edu. Access to online catalogs of libraries throughout the United States, including nearby university libraries such as the University of Houston, Texas A&M University and the University of Texas is available via the Internet. Books, articles, documents, and other items which are not available locally may be requested Interlibrary Loan.

Eighteen librarians, twenty-nine support staff, and a number of student assistants provide reference, interlibrary loan, circulation, acquisitions, and other library services to the faculty, staff and students of the University, as well as to visiting scholars and off-campus users. The University Archives, located on the 4th floor of the Library preserves the history of the campus, as well as a collection of faculty monographic publications. A computer lab and classroom, staffed by Computer Services department, is available during regular library hours. The seventy plus networked workstations in this lab may be used to access the students’ personal computer space, as well as the library’s resources. To assist library users in utilizing library materials and services, over fifty printed guides and bibliographies have been developed by library faculty and staff. They are available in print format in the reference area, and are accessible electronically from the library’s home page. An online instruction series demonstrating how to use databases and find information is available to all students from the Library’s homepage. Librarians also provide access to information and help in using the library’s resources and services to students on and off campus with online chat (see Ask A Librarian on the Library’s homepage) e-mail and by phone.

Mathematics Tutoring Center

The University provides free personal tutoring services to all students enrolled in freshman or sophomore mathematics and statistics courses: MTH 0331D <MATH 0331D>, MTH 0332D <MATH 0332D>, MTH 1314 <MATH 1314>, MTH 1316 <MATH 1316>, MTH 1324 <MATH 1324>, MTH 1332 <MATH 1332>, MTH 1369 <MATH 1369>, MTH 1384 <MATH 1384> and MTH 1385 <MATH 1385>, MTH 1410 <MATH 1410>, MTH 1420 <MATH 1420>, MTH 1430 <MATH 1430>, STA 3329 <STAT 3379> and SPSS.

Tutoring is available for upper level Math and Statistics classes ONLY.  This does not include Business, Chemistry, Biology, etc. courses that include a math element. You must be enrolled in a specific Math or Statistics course for free tutoring. 

Tutoring is also available for the algebra portions only of the following Physics courses:
PHY 1305 <PHYS 1305>, PHY 1304 <PHYS 1304>, and PHY 1311 <PHYS 1311>.

The Math Center is located in the Farrington Building, Room 104.  The Center is staffed with graduate students from the Department of Math & Statistics and selct undergraduates majoring in mathematics. Hours of operation are posted on a semester-to-semester basis. For information regarding the Center, contact Debra Donald at (936) 294-1565.  Contact the Department of Mathematics and Statistics in the Lee Drain Building, Suite 420 for other infromation.

Reading Center

The SHSU Reading Center is an academic resource to assist students and faculty in pursuit of their academic and professional endeavors. The primary goal is to empower all students with effective reading strategies and the confidence to excel in expository reading. To this end, the Reading Center tutors provide students with individual and small-group reading instruction. To facilitate faculty members, the Reading Center Coordinator of Literacy Specialist can make reading strategy presentations in the classroom.
In addition to serving SHSU students who strive to become more proficient readers, the Reading center is available for international students to engage in conversation groups, prepare for the TOEFL, and get help academic reading.  Computer-assisted tutorials for test preparation are available for students wanting to pursue their education beyond the baccalaureate degree.  In addition, computerized tutorials for many teacher certification tests (TExES) are available in the Reading Center.

The Reading Center is in the Department of Language, Literacy, and Special Populations in the College of Education. The staff includes a full-time Literacy Specialist and graduate assistants who are trained as literacy tutors. For assistance, visit the Farrington Building, Office 109 or call at 936.294.3114. Website: https://www.shsu.edu/~rdg_www/.

Testing Center

A variety of college entrance, vocational, guidance, state-mandated, distance learning, and/or placement exams are available at Sam Houston State University. The Testing Center is an open testing facility (testing SHSU students as well as the general public), has limited seating, and reservations are made on a first come-first served basis. This section addresses some of the testing choices a student may use for counseling purposes, college entrance certification, and/or college placement. The Testing Center is located in Academic Building IV, Rm. #102 (south of the Lee Drain Building on the corner of Avenue I and Bowers Blvd.)  Testing policies and/or fees are subject to change at any time. Contact the Testing Center at (936) 294-1025, e-mail test.ctr@shsu.edu, or visit the web at www.shsu.edu/testing for the most current information.

Advanced Placement Program of the College Entrance Examination Board

A student may receive credit at Sam Houston State University based on the College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) Advanced Placement Examinations. These examinations are taken prior to the student’s high school graduation at designated test centers. Information on the CEEB Advanced Placement Examinations may be obtained from high school counselors.

An official AP Score must be received before credit will be granted by this institution for all beginning freshmen or transfer students who have not received credit in the past from other colleges/universities. Credit may be awarded in transfer from another college or university as long as an official transcript from that institution indicates the credit awarded and the credit is for a course or courses that are normally transferable from that institution to SHSU.

Current policy and/or additional information may be obtained by contacting the Testing Center at (936) 294-1025, by visiting the Testing Center website at www.shsu.edu/testing, or by visiting the AP website at www.collegeboard.org.

College Entrance Exams

ACT. This test is one of the two college admissions exams accepted by Sam Houston State University. The test is given five (5) times each year on SHSU’s campus. A student may receive college credit for a high score received on the English section of the ACT exam. Additional information may be obtained by contacting the Testing Center at (936) 294-1025, by visiting the Testing Center website at www.shsu.edu/testing or by visiting the ACT website at www.act.org.

ACT-Residual Test (ACT-R). The ACT-Residual test is only accepted at Sam Houston State University— it will not transfer to another college/university. Students taking this test must have applied for admission to SHSU before registering for this test or be a currently enrolled student at SHSU. Additional information may be obtained by contacting the Testing Center at (936) 294-1025 or by visiting the Testing Center website at www.shsu.edu/testing.

Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT). The SAT test is one of the two college admissions exams accepted by Sam Houston State University. This exam is given three (3) times each year on SHSU’s campus. Additional information may be obtained by contacting the Testing Center at (936) 294-1025 or by visiting the SAT website atwww.collegeboard.com.

Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is required of non-native speakers of English. The TOEFL is administered several times per year, and there is a fee for administration and scoring services. For information regarding paper-based or computer-based testing centers, refer to the appropriate edition of the TOEFL Information Bulletin or visit their website at www.toefl.org. For further information, contact the English Language Institute (ELI) Office on campus by calling (936) 294-3446 for the paper/pencil version of the test.

Credit By Exam

ACT/SAT English Credit. Sam Houston State University has a policy of accepting high scores from the ACT or SAT test for credit in freshman English courses. The current policy is as follows:

ACT - A score of 33 or above in the English section of the ACT test qualifies a student for exemption from both ENG 164 and ENG 165. A score of 27-32 qualifies a student for enrollment in ENG 164H (Honors Class), an accelerated class for students with superior skills in English. Students earning an A or B in ENG 164H will automatically receive credit for ENG 165 and become eligible for sophomore English. If the student does not make a grade of A or B in the ENG 164H class, he/she will be required to take ENG 165.

SAT - A score of 700 or above in the verbal section of the SAT test qualifies a student for exemption from both ENG 164 and ENG 165. A score of 600-690 qualifies a student for enrollment in ENG 164H (Honors Class), an accelerated class for students with superior skills in English. Students earning an A or B in ENG 164H will automatically receive credit for ENG 165 and become eligible for sophomore English. If the student does not make a grade of A or B in the ENG 164H class, he/she will be required to take ENG 165.

Advanced Placement Program (AP).Sam Houston State University has a policy of accepting up to a maximum of thirty (30) semester hours of credit through a combination of national standardized examinations and/or locally designed and administered departmental tests. More than thirty (30) semester hours of credit by examination will be considered on an individual appeal basis. Sam Houston State University may award college credit for the College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) Advanced Placement Examinations based on the score(s) received. The AP exams listed below may be taken for credit at SHSU. Policies are subject to change at any time. Contact the Testing Center at (936) 294-1025 or visit the web at www.shsu.edu/testing for current policy information.


Advanced Placement Exam SHSU Course Hours
Art, Drawing (review of portfolio required) departmental approval


Art, General (review of portfolio required) departmental approval
Art, Studio (review of portfolio required) departmental approval
Art, History ART 160 or 260
Biology BIO 161/111 and 162/112
Chemistry CHM 138/118 and 139/119
Comparative Government & Politics POL 265
Computer Science A CS 146
Computer Science AB CS 146 and 147
English, Language and Composition ENG 164
English, Literature and Composition ENG 165
French, Language FRN 141, 142, 263, 264
German, Language GER 141, 142, 263, 264
Government and Politics, United States POL 285
History, United States HIS 163, 164
Human Geography GEO 161
Mathematics, Calculus AB MTH 142
Mathematics, Calculus BC MTH 142 and 143
Macroeconomics ECO 234
Microeconomics ECO 233
Physics B PHY 138 and 139 (no lab credit)
Physics C, Mechanics PHY 141
Physics C, Electricity and Magnetism PHY 243
Psychology PSY 131
Spanish, Language SPN 141, 142, 263, 264
Statistics STA (or MTH) 169
World History HIS 265


The list above was revised March, 2009.

* The above information is subject to change.  Please visit www.shsu.edu/testing for the most current information.

1. General Information. The Advanced Placement (AP) examinations are taken prior to the student’s high school graduation at designated test centers. Information on the CEEB Advanced Placement Examinations may be obtained from high school counselors or by visiting the Advanced Placement website.

2. Limitations. Specific course prefixes, numbers, and semester credit hours will be awarded for acceptable scores but no grades will be awarded (except in transfer from another college or university). Credit will not be awarded for an exam if the student has already taken the course and received credit.

3. Acceptable Scores and Credit. An official Advanced Placement score report must be received from a beginning freshman (or any student who has not received college credit for these exams at another college or university) before credit will be awarded. A transfer student, who has received credit for one or more AP exams at another college or university, may have credit awarded at SHSU upon receipt of an official transcript from the other institution as long as the credit awarded at the other institution is transferable to SHSU.

Currently, the following scores are required in order to receive credit for AP exams at SHSU: (These scores are subject to change.)

  • A score of 4 or above is required for Art (majors), Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science A, Computer Science AB, Human Geography, Music Theory, Physics B, Physics C (Mechanics), Physics C (Electricity and Magnetism), and World History;
  • A score of 3 or above is required for French (Language), German (Language) and Spanish (Language) С specifically: a score of 3 = 141, 4 = 141 and 142, 5 = 141, 142, 263, and 264;
  • A score of 3 or above is required for all other subjects accepted at SHSU.

Interpretive information about the score reports is enclosed with the initial grade report. To obtain additional copies or for more information:


WRITE: AP Services
P. O. Box 6671
Princeton, New Jersey 08541-6671 or
E-MAIL: apexams@info.collegeboard.org or
CALL: toll free (877) 274-6474 or
(609) 771-7300 or
FAX: (610) 290-8979


4. QUESTIONS. Testing Center, Sam Houston State University, Box 2240, Huntsville, Texas 77341-2240; Academic Building IV, Room 102; telephone: (936) 294-1025; e-mail: test.ctr@shsu.edu.
5. AP Website. www.apcentral.collegeboard.com

College Level Examination Program (CLEP).Sam Houston State University is an open national testing center for the College Level Examination Program (CLEP). The University accepts CLEP Subject Exams for credit but does not accept General Exams for credit (except in transfer from another college or university). All CLEP exams may be taken at SHSU, but only the CLEP Subject Exams listed below will be accepted for credit at SHSU (except in transfer).

Sam Houston State University has a policy of accepting up to a maximum of thirty (30) semester hours of credit through a combination of national standardized examinations and/or locally designed and administered departmental tests. More than thirty (30) semester hours of credit by examination will be considered on an individual appeal basis. Policies are subject to change at any time. Contact the Testing Center at (936) 294-1025 or visit the web at www.shsu.edu/testing for current policy information.


Subject Exam Name SHSU Course
Semester Hours
American Government POL 285


Analyzing & Interpreting Literature (+ essay)

ENG 165

Biology BIO 161/111
Calculus MTH 142
Chemistry CHM 138/118
College Algebra MTH 170
College Mathematics MTH 164, 170
French Language FRN 141/142/263/264
Freshman College Composition (+ essay) ENG 164
German Language GER 141/142/263/264
History of the U.S. I: Early Colonization to 1877 HIS 163
History of the U.S. II: 1865 to the Present HIS 164
Human Growth and Development PSY 374
Information Systems & Computer Applications CS 146
Introductory Business Law GBA 281
Introductory Psychology PSY 131
Introductory Sociology SOC 131
Pre-Calculus MTH 170
Principles of Accounting ACC 231
Principles of Macroeconomics ECO 234
Principles of Microeconomics ECO 233
Spanish Language (+ writing sample) SPN 141/142/263/264
Trigonometry MTH 163
Western Civilization I: Ancient Near East to 1648 HIS 265
Western Civilization II: 1648 to the Present HIS 266


The list above was revised August, 2009.

1. Registration. An individual appointment time for taking a test may be made by contacting the Testing Coordinator (see item 5 in this section). The registration form must be completed and returned with the registration/administration fee before an appointment for testing can be made. Examinees will receive written verification of their scheduled test appointment.

2. Registration/Administration Fee.Sam Houston State University charges a nontransferable, nonrefundable registration/administration fee for each exam requested at the rate of $30 for each test requested. This registration/administration fee is separate from the test fee, may be paid by check or money order made payable to SHSU or by credit card (Visa, American Express or MasterCard only) and should accompany the request to schedule the test. Information to be included on the front of the check or money order is a driver’s license number and social security number. If the individual wishes to change the testing date, payment of another registration/administration fee is required along with written information concerning the new testing date and time.

3. Test Fee.The fee for taking a CLEP test is $72 per test. A student may pay by check or money order made payable to CLEP, or by credit card (VISA, MasterCard, or American Express). The test fee payment must accompany the registration form when registering for an exam.

4. Acceptable Scores and Credit.The minimum recommended score for awarding credit is determined by the American Council on Education and is currently a score of “50” on the exams. (Exceptions to the recommended scores affect the English exams and the Foreign Language exams taken for credit at SHSU.)

The English exams require an essay that will be graded by university English faculty who will make a final decision based on a combination of the scores from the multiple choice portion of the test and from the essay portion of the test.

Credit may be awarded in transfer from another college or university when the official transcript from that institution indicates the credit awarded and the credit is for a course or courses that are transferable from that institution to SHSU or by receiving an official CLEP score report.

Credit will not be awarded for an exam if the student has already taken the course. Specific course prefixes, numbers, and credit hours will be awarded for acceptable scores but no grades will be awarded (except in transfer from another college or university).

Also, students must wait six months to repeat a test. There is a fee for each additional score report. To order an official score report or to get more information:


USE: The Transcript Request Form at the bottom of your original score report or
WRITE: CLEP Transcript Request Service
P. O. Box 6600
Princeton, NJ 08541-6600 or
CALL: (609) 771-7865
1-800-257-9558 or
E-MAIL: clep@info.collegeboard.org or
FAX: (609) 771-70898


5. Questions. Testing Center, Sam Houston State University, Box 2240, Huntsville, Texas 77341-2240; Academic Building IV, Room 102; telephone: (936) 294-1025; e-mail: test.ctr@shsu.edu.

6. CLEP WEBSITE. www.collegeboard.com/clep

DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST).Sam Houston State University is a testing center for the DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST) exams. All DSST exams may be taken at SHSU, but only the DSST exams listed below will be accepted for credit at Sam Houston State University (except in transfer from another college or university).

Sam Houston State University has a policy of accepting up to a maximum of thirty (30) semester hours of credit through a combination of national standardized examinations and/or locally designed and administered departmental tests. More than thirty (30) semester hours of credit by examination will be considered on an individual appeal basis. Policies are subject to change at any time. Contact the Testing Center at (936) 294-1025 or visit the web at www.shsu.edu/testing for current policy information.


  SHSU Course

PHY 133 (no lab credit)

Criminal Justice CJ 261
Drug and Alcohol Abuse CJ 462
Ethics in America PHL 263
Fundamentals of Counseling PSY 237
General Anthropology SOC 381
Human/Cultural Geography GEO 161
Introduction to Law Enforcement CJ 267
Introduction to World Religions SOC 468
Lifespan Developmental Psychology PSY 374
Physical Geology GEL 133 (no lab credit)
Technical Writing ENG 330


The list above was revised March, 2009.

1. Registration. Registration materials must be done at least one day in advance of a requested testing date if testing on the computer or at least one month in advance of a requested testing date if taking the paper-pencil version of a test (paper-pencil exams will need to be ordered).  You may contact the Testing Center at Sam Houston State University or register online at www.shsu.edu/testing.  If registering in person, by mail, or for a paper-pencil DSST exam, the registration form must be completed and returned, along with the required registration/administration service fee, in order for an appointment time to be finalized.  If you selected to take a paper-pencil exam, you will receive a call when the exam has arrived at the Testing Center in order to confirm a test date and time.  The DSST exam fee of $80.00 for all computer-based tests MUST be paid by credit card.  

2. Registration/Administration Fee. SHSU charges a nontransferable, nonrefundable registration/administration fee of $30 for each exam requested. This fee is separate from the test fee and may be paid by check or money order made payable to SHSU, or by credit card (Visa, American Express or MasterCard only). The examinee’s driver’s license number and social security number should to be written on the front of the check or money order. The registration/administration fee is paid when the examinee turns in their registration form and an appointment time is set for their exam. If the examinee wishes to change a scheduled exam date, another registration/administration fee is charged along with written information concerning the new appointment date and time.

3. Test Fee. The current cost for an exam is $80 per test. A student may pay by money order or certified check made payable to The DSST Program or by the following credit cards: VISA, MasterCard, or American Express. Personal checks are not an acceptable form of payment for the DSST test fee.

4. Acceptable Scores and Credit. Acceptable scores for DSST exams are determined by the American Council on Education’s “minimum score for awarding credit.” Credit will not be awarded for an exam if the student has already taken the course. Credit for DSST exams may be accepted in transfer from another college or university once the University has received an official transcript indicating the credit awarded (but only if the credit awarded at the previous college or university is transferable to SHSU) or by receiving an official DSST Score Report. Specific course prefixes, numbers, and credit hours will be awarded for acceptable scores but no grades will be awarded (except in transfer from another college or university). There is a charge for additional score reports. To order a score report or receive additional information:


USE: the transcript request form provided by ETS or
DOWNLOAD: (a transcript request form from the internet) at the DSST website listed below
WRITE: The Chauncey Group International
ATTN: DSST Program
664 Rosedale Road MS-23P
Princeton, NJ 08540 or
CALL: (609) 720-6800 or (866) 794-3497


5. Questions. Testing Center, Sam Houston State University, Box 2240, Huntsville, Texas 77341-2240; Academic Building IV, Room 102; telephone: (936) 294-1025; e-mail: test.ctr@ shsu.edu. website: www.shsu.edu/testing

6. DSST Website. www.getcollegecredit.com

SAT II Subject Exams. Sam Houston State University is an open national testing center for the SAT-II subject examinations. All SAT-II subject exams may be taken at SHSU. Only the SAT-II subject exams listed below will be accepted for credit at SHSU (except in transfer from another college or university).

Sam Houston State University has a policy of accepting up to a maximum of thirty (30) hours of credit through a combination of national standardized examinations and/or locally designed and administered departmental tests. More than thirty (30) hours of credit by examination will be considered on an individual appeal basis. Policies are subject to change at any time. Contact the Testing Center at  936- 294-1025, or visit the web at www.shsu.edu/testing for current policy information.


Subject Exam Title Minimum Score Required SHSU Course Prefix and Number
Credit Hours Awarded
Chemistry 680 CHM 138 (no lab credit awarded) 3
Foreign Languages 450


  550 FRN/GER/SPN 141,142
4, 4
  650 FRN/GER/SPN 141, 142, 263
4, 4, 3
  750 FRN/GER/SPN 141, 142, 263, 264
4, 4, 3, 3


Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officers Standards and Education (TCLEOSE). Prospective police officers or jailers may take test which are required by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officers Standards and Education for certification by the State of Texas. This test is administered by the Testing Center and individuals may schedule an appointment by calling (936) 294-1025, by visiting the Testing Center website at www.shsu.edu/testing. An Endorsement of Eligibility form signed by the instructor of the course or academy must be provided by the student before the test may be administered. There is a fee for administration and scoring services.


TSI Placement
ACCUPLACER. The ACCUPLACER test is one of the TSI tests offered at this institution for evaluating a student’s performance in reading, writing, and mathematics. It is a computer-based test with results available immediately following completion of the test. Additional information may be obtained by contacting the Testing Center at (936) 294-1025, by visiting the Testing Center website at www.shsu.edu/testing, or by visiting the ACCUPLACER website at www.collegeboard.com/student/testing/accuplacer or www.collegeboard.com.

Texas Higher Education Assessment (THEA). The Texas Legislature requires all colleges and universities to administer a test that evaluates a student’s abilities in reading, writing, and mathematics. Sam Houston State University uses the Texas Higher Education Assessment (THEA) as one of the tests for this purpose. Students who do not pass one or more sections of the test are required to enroll in a developmental course. The state-scheduled THEA is given six (6) times a year on the campus of SHSU. Additional information may be found under the Texas Higher Education Assessment (THEA) section of this catalog, by contacting the Testing Center at (936) 294-1025, or by visiting the Testing Center web site at www.shsu.edu/testing.

Texas Higher Education Assessment-Quick Test (THEA-QT). The THEA-QT is one of the TSI tests scheduled to be administered on the SHSU campus each week. Additional information may be obtained by contacting the Testing Center at (936) 294-1025 or by visiting their website at www.shsu.edu/testing.

Writing Center

One of the highest performing writing centers in the state, the Sam Houston Writing Center is designed to help individuals become better writers and develop more confidence in their writing abilities. To this end, the Writing Center offers one-on-one tutoring sessions and small group writing instruction for the students, staff, and faculty of Sam Houston State University.

Students may seek assistance for any type of writing needs ranging from theses and dissertations to lab reports, case studies, research papers, as well as resumes, scholarship and job application letters. Writing Center tutors do not merely correct a student’s writing, but are trained to help students learn prewriting, revising, and editing skills. The Writing Center also provides distance tutoring for graduate students enrolled in off-campus or internet classes.

The Writing Center features a highly trained staff of English faculty and graduate and undergraduate students from a variety of majors, including English, psychology, history, forensic chemistry, music, foreign languages, and criminal justice. All tutors are certified by the College Reading and Learning Association and have received training in working with non-native English speakers. To contact the Writing Center: telephone (936) 294-3680, fax (936) 294-3560, email wctr@shsu.edu, website www.shsu.edu/~wctr.

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