Graduate Catalog : 2005-2007
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Students seeking admission to the graduate programs in Educational Leadership and Counseling must meet the basic requirements of Graduate Studies specified in the Admission section of this catalog. Please contact the Department of Educational Leadership and Counseling for additional requirements:

Box 2119
Huntsville, Texas

or by phone (936) 294-1147 or

Course Prerequisites, listed at the end of this section, are strictly observed.

Master of Education in Administration. This degree plan is designed specifically for the student who wishes to work toward a Principal certificate. It requires completion of thirty-six hours of graduate credit. The program must comply with existing standards for professional certification. A comprehensive examination will be taken upon the completion of or during the final semester of course work. The degree plan originates in the Department of Educational Leadership and Counseling.

Master of Education in Administration (with Principal Certification)

Core Coursework (taken first , in sequence) 6 SCH
ASE 532 Administration & Organization of Public Schools 3 SCH
ASE 668 Instructional Leadership I 3 SCH
Core Coursework (taken in any sequence, except as noted) 24 SCH
ASE 578 Curriculum Planning 3 SCH
ASE 586 Special Populations and Special Programs 3 SCH
ASE 563 School Support Services 3 SCH
ASE 572 Federal, State and Local School Law 3 SCH
ASE 579 Methods of Research 3 SCH
ASE 671 Role of the Principal in School Administration 3 SCH
ASE 694 Instructional Leadership II 3 SCH
ASE 662 3 Practicum in School Administration (Principalship) 3 SCH
Electives 6 SCH
ASE 587 1 Administrative Workshop 3 SCH
ASE 630 1 Public Information and Community Resources 3 SCH
ASE 660 Psychology of Learning 3 SCH
ASE 664 School Finance 3 SCH
ASE 690 2 School Plant 3 SCH
ASE 695 1 Human Resource Management 3 SCH
ASE 696 Appraisal and Development of Educational Personnel 3 SCH
ASE 675 Women in Educational Leadership 3 SCH
ASE 697 Current Issues for School Administrators 3 SCH
ASE 610/510 Workshop in Educational Leadership 3 SCH
Total 36 SCH

Master of Education in Instructional Leadership. This degree plan is designed specifically for the student who wishes to work in a curriculum/instruction leadership position. It requires completion of thirty-six hours of graduate credit. A comprehensive examination is required of all candidates for this degree. Students are required to be enrolled during the semester that the comprehensive examination is scheduled. The degree plan originates in the Department of Educational Leadership and Counseling.

Master of Education in Instructional Leadership

Core Coursework (taken first, in sequence) 6 SCH
ASE 532 Administration and Organization of Public Schools 3 SCH
ASE 668 Instructional Leadership I 3 SCH
Core Coursework (taken in any sequence)  
ASE 578 Curriculum Planning 3 SCH
ASE 586 Special Populations and Special Programs 3 SCH
ASE 694 Instructional Leadership II 3 SCH
ASE 660 Psychology of Learning 3 SCH
ASE 579 Methods of Research 3 SCH
ASE 672 3 Practicum in Instructional Leadership 3 SCH
Area of Concentration / Teaching Field 12 SCH
Total 36 SCH

Master of Arts in Instructional Leadership

This degree is designed for individuals who wish to write a thesis as part of the requirements for the degree. This degree plan is designed specifically for the student who wishes to work in a curriculum/instruction position. It requires completion of thirty-six hours of graduate credit. A comprehensive examination is required of each candidate for this degree. Students must be enrolled during the semester that the comprehensive examination is taken. The degree plan originates in the Department of Educational Leadership and Counseling.

Course Prerequisites for M.Ed. in Administration or Instructional Leadership
1 Prerequisite: ASE 694, 671
2 Prerequisite: ASE 664, 671
3 Prerequisite: ASE All coursework required for this program

Doctor of Education Degree in Educational Leadership

The Doctor of Education degree in Educational Leadership provides the highest professional degree available to students who aspire to leadership positions at either the school or college/university level. Although the degree requirements include a prescribed curriculum of required and elective courses, the doctoral degree is awarded not only on the basis of course work completion. In addition, each doctoral student is expected to conduct a major research project resulting in the presentation and defense of a dissertation. A comprehensive examination will be taken after the completion of 29 hours of required course work. Following the written part of the examination, an oral examination is scheduled with the student’s Doctoral Dissertation Committee. Students must be enrolled during the semester the comprehensive examination is taken. After successful completion of the written and oral comprehensive examination, the student may defend the dissertation proposal.

The program design requires a concentration in educational leadership, with at least eighteen hours in the Leadership Core, twenty-one hours in the Research Component, twenty-four hours in the Specialization Area (Instructional Leadership and/or Content Fields) and twelve hours in the Cognate Electives. (See the Curriculum Outline for a listing of the courses included in the Leadership Core and Research Component.)

The Ed. D. program is a cohort program. This means that individuals are admitted to a specific cohort group who are required to take the Leadership Core and Research Components at the same time. Individuals accepted into the program will be expected to follow the schedule of the cohort group to which they are assigned. Cohort groups begin in June of each year. In the event of emergencies which require individuals to drop out of the normal schedule, they may be required to join another cohort group with a different schedule.

Admission to the program requires a commitment to devoting a significant amount of time for the period of the individual’s program. The inability to devote the required time will require the individual to drop out of the program. Students who complete the doctoral degree in educational leadership will be able to: Apply administrative theory to the instructional leadership function; set goals, assign responsibilities and verify how well resources are allocated and utilized in instructional improvement; plan and administer the curriculum of a school system; use appropriate communication and interpersonal skills in consultation, counseling and evaluation; interpret the relationships among federal, state and local education agencies and the laws applicable to the administration of the schools; design educational research and interpret results; and apply data to educational processing capabilities and leadership functions. Recruitment efforts will focus on attracting intelligent, highly motivated individuals.


Students seeking admission to the graduate programs in the Department of Educational Leadership and Counseling must meet the basic requirement of Graduate Studies specified in the Admission section of this catalog. Applicants for admission to the Doctor of Education Degree in Educational Leadership must submit a completed application including transcripts of all college level work. In addition, candidates must have:

  1. A master’s degree from an accredited institution;
  2. Five years of full-time professional experience in credible school or agency;
  3. A 3.50 grade point average (4.0 scale) on all graduate work;
  4. An acceptable score on all sections of the Graduate Record Exam: verbal, quantitative and analytical writing;
  5. Positive recommendations from three current or previous supervisors in schools or agencies where the applicant has been employed, plus two recommendations from current or previous graduate-level professors.

Applicants meeting the above criteria may be invited for an interview with the doctoral admissions committee. A writing sample will be completed on site at the time of the interview. A candidate who fails to meet one of the criteria may receive probationary admission if he/she is sponsored by a doctoral faculty member.

After the completion of thirteen semester hours of core doctoral level coursework at Sam Houston State University, each student will apply for admission to candidacy. A doctoral program committee will review his/her academic progress, interpersonal skills and motivation to determine whether or not the student should continue with the program. After full admission to the program, the student’s doctoral dissertation committee will be assigned by the Director of Doctoral Studies and the Chair of the Department of Educational Leadership and Counseling.

Curriculum Outline

Leadership Core: 18 hours

EDL 731 Leadership Theory and Applications 3 SCH
EDL 732 Instructional Theory and Applications 3 SCH
EDL 733 Societal Factors Affecting Education 3 SCH
EDL 734 Issues in Contemporary Education 3 SCH
EDL 735 Conflict Management for Contemporary Education 3 SCH
EDL 736 Educational Leadership Internship 3 SCH

Research Component: 21 hours

EDL 761 Accountability and Measurement for
Contemporary Education
EDL 762 Methods of Educational Research 3 SCH
EDL 763 Application of Educational Research 3 SCH
EDL 772 Qualitative Methodology 3 SCH
EDL 833 Dissertation 9+ SCH

Specialization Area: 24 SCH

(At least 12 hours in Instructional Leadership; maximum of 12 hours in Content Fields including EDL 770 and EDL 710-3 hours)

Cognate Component: 12 SCH
(Including STA 765)


EDL 710 DOCTORAL STUDIES IN EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP. This course is designed to provide an orientation to doctoral studies in educational leadership, topics of current interest to doctoral students, and information regarding areas of study and research related to the doctoral program. Students in the Ed.D. program in educational leadership are required to take the course each semester of residence. May be repeated for a total of three credits. Prerequisites: Admission to Ed.D. Program in Educational Leadership. Credit 1.

EDL 731 LEADERSHIP THEORY AND APPLICATIONS. Examination of many leadership theories, models, and processes with emphasis on the results of the applications of various theories, models, and processes to educational leadership. Prerequisites: Admission to Ed.D. Program in Educational Leadership. Credit 3.

EDL 732 INSTRUCTIONAL THEORY AND APPLICATIONS. Systematic study is made of existing research on key factors infl uencing instructional effectiveness and on models for school restructuring. The relationship of instruction and school effectiveness is explored in depth. Prerequisites: Admission to Ed.D. Program in Educational Leadership. Credit 3.

EDL 733 SOCIETAL FACTORS AFFECTING EDUCATION. Through this course, graduate students will have the opportunity to examine the political, economic, and cultural factors affecting public school education and instructional leadership today. This course is designed to provide instructional leaders with insight and background into the life styles, values and aspirations of various cultural groups as related to the leadership process. Prerequisites: Admission to the Ed.D. Program in Educational Leadership. Credit 3.

EDL 734 ISSUES IN CONTEMPORARY EDUCATION. Analysis of the research literature and fi eld-based data relative to current issues facing instructional leaders in contemporary schools will be completed. Assessment of enrollment trends, curriculum changes, personal problems, and fi nancial patterns are issues that will be addressed. Prerequisites: Admission to the Ed.D. Program in Educational Leadership. Credit 3.

EDL 735 CONFLICT MANAGEMENT FOR CONTEMPORARY EDUCATION. Examination of confl ict management processes and skills with emphasis on interaction patterns, interpersonal relationships, and communication skills. Prerequisites: Admission to the Ed.D. Program in Educational Leadership. Credit 3.

EDL 736 EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP INTERNSHIP. Students participate and are evaluated in an intensive study and fi eld experience relating to positions in educational leadership. Designed to provide insight into problems in the leadership process in an operational setting distinct from prior or concurrent work experience. Prerequisites: Completion of 12 hours of leadership area core. Credit 3.

EDL 761 ACCOUNTABILITY AND MEASUREMENT FOR CONTEMPORARY EDUCATION. This course is designed for the study of educational problem solving and accountability and their relationship to needs assessment techniques, evaluation methodologies, and decision-making processes. Prerequisites: Admission to the Ed.D. Program in Educational Leadership and EDL 772. Credit 3.

EDL 762 METHODS OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH. Study of qualitative research with emphasis upon an understanding of statistical concepts and procedures necessary to create and implement effective educational research. Prerequisites: Admission to the Ed. D. Program in Educational Leadership. Credit 3.

EDL 763 APPLICATION OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH. Fundamental concepts and tools of research applied to educational problems. Each student will prepare a proposal for the dissertation. Prerequisites: Admission to the Ed.D. Program in Educational Leadership and EDL 761. Credit 3.

EDL 770 EDUCATION POLICY AND ETHICS. The purpose of this course is to provide the student with opportunities to study how educational policy is developed through micro and macro political elements, to examine ethical and value issues confronting educational leaders, and to demonstrate how individual values drive ethical behavior and ethical decisions. Prerequisites: Admission to Ed.D. Program in Educational Leadership. Credit 3.

EDL 772 QUALITATIVE METHODOLOGY. This course is designed to teach qualitative research methodology within an educational leadership problems-based contextual framework. The course will emphasize qualitative research techniques through lecture, discussion, readings, and fi eld-based research projects using the methods learned. Prerequisites: Admission to the Ed.D. Program in Educational Leadership and EDL 762. Credit 3.

EDL 787 DOCTORAL FIELD STUDIES IN EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP. This course will provide the doctoral student an opportunity to engage in a detailed and in-depth field study of a program or problem in educational leadership. The student will work under the supervision of a doctoral faculty member and will be expected to produce a written product or presentation. Prerequisites: Admission to the Ed.D. Program in Educational Leadership and permission of Supervising Professor. Credit 3.

EDL 833 DISSERTATION. The completion of an approved dissertation which will contribute to Instructional Leadership. Minimum of 9 hours total required. Field-based projects will be emphasized. May be repeated. Prerequisites: Admission to the Ed.D. Program in Educational Leadership; completion of required Leadership Core and Research Component course work and successful completion of comprehensive exam. Credit 3.