95-97 SAM Graduate Catalogue

General Information

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The principal objective of Graduate Studies is to offer education beyond the baccalaureate level to those who aspire to become intellectual leaders in the professions and in various fields of teaching and research. These studies are designed to assist graduate students in developing and pursuing individual educational programs requiring superior accomplishment through carefully directed intellectual activity.

Purpose. The purpose of this catalogue is to provide information about the graduate programs of Sam Houston State University to students and prospective students, as well as to the faculty and staff of the University. Included is information concerning requirements for admission to Graduate Studies at Sam Houston State University, services available to students, graduate course offerings, and listings of the administrative officers and the graduate faculty of the University.

While every effort has been made to make this catalogue as complete and accurate as possible, it should be noted that changes may occur at any time in requirements, deadlines, fees, courses, etc. listed herein.

This catalogue was prepared well in advance of its effective date; therefore the course descriptions may vary somewhat from actual course content because of advancements in the discipline, interests of individual professors, or decisions to change the scope of a course. Thus the descriptions that follow are not provided in the nature of a contractual obligation.

Graduate Faculty. The faculty of Graduate Studies consists of those members of the University academic administration and faculty who have been appointed to graduate faculty membership in accord with established procedures. It is expected that these members will be actively engaged in recognized scholarly activities, fundamental research, or professional activity.

The Vice President for Academic Affairs and Student Services is responsible for the academic programs of all graduate students. The dean of each college serves as the official representative of the graduate faculty of the college and as the official channel of communication between the graduate students of the college and the University administration.

Graduate Council. The Graduate Council is a standing committee. It is an advisory body to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Student Services who is the chief administrative officer of the Graduate Faculty. This Council is responsible for making recommendations regarding general policies pertaining to graduate study at the University.

Graduate Courses. A graduate course is an advanced course requiring critical analysis and study. Such courses normally require frequent use of the library for reference to papers reporting original research. Five types of graduate instruction are recognized: (1) lecture courses requiring organization by the instructor of material on an advanced level; (2) supervised laboratory courses; (3) seminars for the critical study of an organized field through reports presented by students or instructors; (4) research by individual students under the direction of members of the Graduate Faculty; and (5) professional internships. In some instances, an undergraduate level course is required to provide sufficient stem work to pursue a graduate course. In order to receive graduate credit for an undergraduate level course, the student must receive prior written approval from the division/department chair and the dean of the college.


Plan I

A minimum of thirty semester hours of graduate credit, twenty-four of which must be in courses numbered 500 or above.
Composed of:

1. Twelve semester hours of course work within the major field.
2. A thesis of six semester hours in the major field. When on the basis of counseling with a student it is deemed appropriate from the standpoint of the student's professional needs and interests, the major division/department may substitute for the thesis twelve additional semester hours of course work in the major field, at least nine of which must be in courses numbered 500 or above.
3. A minor of twelve semester hours of graduate credit in a minor field that logically supports the major field.

Plan II

A minimum of thirty semester hours of graduate credit within a single academic program, twenty-four of which must be in courses numbered 500 or above.

Composed of:

1. A thesis of six semester hours in the major field. When on the basis of counseling with a student it is deemed appropriate from the standpoint of the student's professional needs and interests, the major academic program may substitute for the thesis twelve additional semester hours of course work in the major field, at least nine of which must be in courses numbered 500 or above.
NOTE: The only academic programs authorized to offer the Plan II program are Agricultural Education, Biology, English, History, Health, Home Economics, Industrial Technology, Kinesiology, Mathematics, Political Science, Photography, Psychology, and Sociology. The College of Criminal Justice is authorized for a degree program of thirty-six hours, including thesis.

Refer to the College of Criminal Justice section of this catalogue for information regarding the Master of Arts degree in Criminal Justice and Criminology.
Refer to the Department of Art in the College of Arts and Sciences section of this catalogue for information regarding the Master of Arts degree in studio art.


Refer to the College of Business Administration section of this catalogue for details.


Refer to Teacher Education and Professional Certification Programs in the College of Education and Applied Science section of this catalogue for details.


The Master of Fine Arts degree requires the successful completion of sixty semester credit hours with an emphasis in studio art. See page 57 of this catalogue. Refer to the Dance Program in the Division of Theatre and Dance in the College of Arts and Sciences section of this catalogue for information regarding the Master of Fine Arts degree in dance.


Master of Library Science, Plan I.
This 36-hour degree provides for the principles and procedures common to all types of libraries and information centers. The Department of Library Science is known for its preparation of school librarians whose program is built upon a foundation of general academic and professional education. All of the 36 hours are in Library Science.

Master of Library Science, Plan II
. This degree plan is for those persons who have already completed a master's degree in a field directly related to an area of library specialization, i.e., reading or computer science, or to persons who have completed hours in library science prior to pursuing the Master of Library Science degree. This plan also requires 36 semester hours.


Refer to the Department of Music section of this catalogue for details.


Plan I
A minimum of thirty semester hours of graduate credit, twenty-four of which must be in courses numbered 500 or above.
Composed of:
1. A minimum of twelve semester hours of course work in the major field.
2. A thesis of six semester hours in the major field. When on the basis of counseling with a student it is deemed appropriate from the standpoint of the student's professional needs and interests, the major division/department may substitute twelve additional semester hours of course work in the major field, at least nine of which must be in courses numbered 500 or above.
3. A minor of twelve semester hours of graduate credit in a minor field that logically supports the major field.

Plan II

A minimum of thirty semester hours of graduate credit, twenty-four of which must be in courses numbered 500 or above.

Composed of:
1. A minimum of twenty-four semester hours of course work in the major field.
2. A thesis of six semester hours in the major field. When on the basis of counseling with a student it is deemed appropriate from the standpoint of the student's professional needs and interests, the major division/department may substitute twelve additional semester hours of course work in the major field, at least nine of which must be in courses numbered 500 or above.

Plan III

A minimum of thirty-six semester hours of course work, thirty semester hours of which must be in courses numbered 500 or above.

Composed of:

1. A major of twenty-four semester hours, including a six-hour thesis, in one of the following fields: Biology, Chemistry, or Mathematics.
2. A minor of twelve semester hours in Physics or in another of the above listed fields .
Refer to the College of Criminal Justice section of this catalogue for information regarding the Master of Science in Criminal Justice Management. Refer to pages 76-77 for the Master of Science degree in Computing and Information Science.


Thirteen librarians, twenty-six paraprofessionals and a number of student assistants provide reference, interlibrary loan, circulation, acquisitions, and other library services to the faculty, staff and students of the university, as well as to visiting scholars and off-campus residents. The Library contains more than 1.3 million books, bound periodicals, and government documents on open shelving. The library subscribes to over 2,800 periodicals and is a depository for selected federal and state government publications which number over 230,000 documents. Special groups of materials include paperbacks for recreational reading, a children's literature collection, school curriculum material, and a public school textbook collection.

Library holdings information is available through an online catalog that may be accessed from the hundreds of computer terminals located throughout the library and the campus. The Data Research Associates computer software is used also by library staff for cataloging, acquisition, circulation and other purposes.

Students and faculty may search both manual and computerized periodical indexes or abstracts for citations. Full access to bibliographic citations on a number of compact disk, read-only-memory (CDROM) databases such as ERIC, Sociofile, Psychlit and UMI Periodical Abstracts are available from terminals throughout the campus area network. This same network provides easy access to library holdings at a number of Texas university libraries, including Texas A&M and the University of Texas. Most material which is not available locally is easily obtained through the OCLC interlibrary loan system and database of over 30 million bibliographic records. It enables students and faculty to obtain books, journal articles and other materials from anywhere in the United States and many other countries by fax or mail within days.

The Library also houses over 12,000 rare books or other materials on Texas, the Southwest, Mark Twain, Gertrude Stein, the Civil War, Library Science, Criminal Justice and other topics in the Thomason Room. The recently restored Peabody Memorial Library contains the University Archives and SHSU Collection of faculty monographic publications.

A Learning Assistance Center opened in 1991 on the first floor of the library. The Center provides computer assisted learning, educational materials and tutoring services that will help students to pass the TASP (Texas Academic Skills Performance) test. Focusing on reading, writing and mathematics skills, the TASP must be passed by all students before they enroll in courses beyond the sophomore level.

A number of guides and bibliographies have been developed by library faculty and staff to assist library users in utilizing library material and services. Study carrels, electric coin-operated typewriters, and a modern copy center with several photocopiers and a public fax machine are available also. A lounge area furnished with soft drink and snack vending machines is also available.

Degrees Offered

Art M.F.A.
Art-Ceramics M.F.A.
Art-Drawing M.F.A
Art-Painting M.F.A.
Art-Printmaking M.F.A.
Art-Sculpture M.F.A.
Art, Studio M.A.
Art, Studio-Ceramics M.A.
Art, Studio-Drawing M.A.
Art, Studio-Jewelry M.A.
Art, Studio-Painting M.A.
Art, Studio-Printmaking M.A.
Art, Studio-Sculpture M.A.
Biology M.A., M.S.
Chemistry M.S.
Computing and Information Science M.S.
Dance M.F.A.
English M.A.
History M.A.
Mathematics M.A., M.S.
Music M.M.
Music-Conducting M.M.
Music-Kodaly Pedagogy M.M.
Music-Music Performance M.M.
Music-Musicology M.M.
Music-Theory/Composition M.M.
Music Education M.Ed.
Music Education-Elementary M.Ed.
Music Education-Instrumental M.Ed.
Music Education-Kodaly Pedagogy M.Ed.
Music Education-Vocal M.Ed.
Physics M.S.
Political Science M.A.
Sociology M.A.
Sociology-Social Research M.A.
Business Administration M.B.A.
Criminal Justice Ph.D.
Criminal Justice and Criminology M.A.
Criminal Justice Management M.S.
Administration M.A., M.Ed.
Agriculture M.S.
Agriculture-Agricultural Business M.S.
Agriculture--Agricultural Mechaniation
Agricultural Education M.A., M.Ed.
Counseling M.A., M.Ed.
Counselor Education M.A.
Early Childhood M.Ed.
Elementary Education M.A., M.Ed.
Health M.A., M.Ed.
Home Economics M.A.
Industrial Education M.A., M.Ed.
Industrial Technology M.A.
Kinesiology M.A., M.Ed.
Library Science M.L.S.
Psychology M.A.
Psychology--Clinical Psychology M.A.
Psychology--School Psychology M.A.
Reading M.A., M.Ed.
Secondary Education M.A., M.Ed.
Special Education M.A., M.Ed.
Supervision M.A., M.Ed.
Vocational Education M.Ed.


The University maintains an advanced fiber optic local area network (LAN). Connected to this network are Apple Macintosh servers, Novell Netware servers, Unix servers, and DEC VMS servers that may be accessed from workstations anywhere on campus. These servers are provided with the popular software applications for PCs and Macintoshes such as Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, Excel and Quattro Pro, as well as, a wide range of other software used for research, self-paced instruction, and other self-improvement. Many of these workstations are located in labs open to students 24 hours a day.

All students are allowed access from the LAN to the Internet over a high speed (T1) connection. The Internet is a wide-area network of academic, governmental, commercial, and military organizations. Students may correspond with their friends at other universities, as well as join international special interest subscription lists.

Also available for students is SamInfo, SHSU's campus-wide information system (CWIS). Through SamInfo, students may register for classes, access libraries, view their transcripts, change their addresses and majors, print their degree plans, and determine their university financial obligations.


Admission to Graduate Studies at Sam Houston State University and any of its sponsored programs is open to qualified individuals without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, disability or other criteria prohibited by law.

To be admitted to Graduate Studies, an applicant must (1) hold a baccalaureate degree from a college or university of recognized standing; (2) show promise of ability to satisfactorily pursue advanced study and research; (3) have had adequate preparation to enter graduate study in the field chosen; and (4) submit with the application acceptable scores on the appropriate entrance exam for each individual college, division/department.

Application Fee for Admission to Graduate Studies. Effective with the fall semester, 1995, a $20.00 non-refundable, one-time application fee must accompany the application form. Checks or money orders must be payable to Sam Houston State University. DO NOT SEND CASH.

Entrance Examinations. The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) and Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) will be given at Sam Houston State University and various centers throughout the United States and in other countries. To determine the most convenient locations, prospective applicants should write to Graduate Record Examinations Testing Service, Box 955R, Princeton, New Jersey 08540. Also, information may be obtained through the office of the appropriate academic dean.

Inquiries regarding admission to Graduate Studies should be addressed to the office of the appropriate academic dean, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas 77341. Inquiries about facilities for advanced studies, research, and requirements for graduate work in specified fields should be addressed to the department/division in which the principal work is offered.

A formal application is required of all persons seeking admission to Graduate Studies. To allow time for processing, the application forms, which are available from the office of the appropriate academic dean, should be filed at least 30 days (60 days for international students) prior to the beginning of the semester. After this time period, students must go to their major division/department before being allowed to receive an advisement sheet. Admission to Graduate Studies cannot be completed until all the credentials enumerated have been filed and evaluated:

1. Application for Admission to Graduate Studies
2. Official transcripts of all college-level work, including the official transcript which shows the date the undergraduate degree was conferred.
3. Copies of scores on the appropriate entrance exam required by each college and division/department as listed below:
College of Arts and Science --GRE
College of Business Administration--GMAT
College of Criminal Justice --GRE
College of Education and Applied Science--GRE
(Agriculture --GRE or GMAT; Health, Kinesiology, Psychology-- GRE or MAT)
4. Other credentials, as indicated by the division/department or academic college, as may be necessary for graduate study in a specific division/department or academic college.

Students who wish to pursue the doctoral program in Criminal Justice must complete the GRE and request the Doctoral Admission Form from the College of Criminal Justice, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas 77341.
In addition to the records sent to the office of the appropriate dean, students should have in their possession a copy of their records for use in conference with members of the Graduate Faculty in planning their work.

Admission to Graduate Studies may not be approved in instances where the facilities and staff available in the particular field are not adequate to take care of the needs of the student.

Admission to Graduate Studies remains valid for one (1) calendar year only, unless the student, during this period, engages in active graduate work.


The responsibility for admissions and records for graduate level studies at Sam Houston State University resides with the appropriate college dean. The following provides general guidelines for the procedures for graduate level studies; however, variations in procedures may occur among the colleges.

1. The original copies of all completed graduate studies admissions forms and documents are filed in the office of the appropriate academic dean. Copies of pertinent forms and documents are maintained in the office of the appropriate division/department chair.
2. The office of the appropriate academic dean enters all graduate studies applications into the computer.
3. After all admissions forms and documents are gathered for an applicant, a graduate student folder containing the material is forwarded to the graduate advisor of the appropriate division/department for admission review. The graduate advisor initiates an admissions recommendation to the dean who sends an admissions acceptance or rejection letter to the applicant. A copy of the letter from the dean is forwarded to the appropriate graduate advisor and another copy is placed in the graduate student folder which is maintained in the office of the dean together with the admissions review letter written by the graduate advisor.
4. The graduate student is responsible for the initiation of the graduate degree plan which is prepared by the appropriate graduate advisor. The original copy of each graduate degree plan is filed in the office of the dean with copies furnished to the appropriate division/department chair and the student.
5. After an applicant is admitted, all subsequent written communications concerning graduate records are forwarded to the appropriate division/department chair. This includes forms for admission to candidacy and for completion of the comprehensive examination. Forms initiated at the division/department level are forwarded to the office of the dean.
6. When the graduate student applies for a degree, the office of the dean forwards a copy of the student's degree plan (graduate study plan) to the Registrar. The Registrar will check the degree plan and transcript of the degree candidate. The student is responsible for initiating counseling for any graduation requirement problems by the office of the dean.
7. The appropriate dean is responsible for the certification for graduation of graduate students.

Regular Admission. The applicant shall have:
1. Earned a minimum grade point average of 2.5 (4.0 scale) on all previous college studies or 2.8 on the last sixty semester hours of course work applicable to the baccalaureate degree.
2. Earned a composite score of 800 or more on the aptitude section of the Graduate Record Examination. Only verbal and quantitative portions are used in calculating scores. The College of Business Administration requires the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT); see College of Business Administration section of this catalogue. The College of Education and Applied Science requires a score of 50 or more on the Miller Analogies Test when that test is accepted instead of the GRE.
3. Fulfilled specific requirements as indicated by the division/department or college for the pursuit of graduate study. Meeting stated minimum admission requirements does not constitute automatic admission to a graduate program at Sam Houston State University.
The above listing represents minimum requirements for Regular Admission; refer to the appropriate section of this catalogue to determine the specified requirements.

Divisional/Departmental Entrance Requirements. Under normal circumstances applicants to all Graduate Programs must fulfill the minimum graduate studies requirements specified under Regular Admission. However, all applicants should note that these are absolutely minimum standards and that most departments and programs have significantly higher requirements. These specific requirements are listed under individual divisional/departmental sections of this Catalogue. Any inquiries regarding these requirements should be directed to the individual department or to the Dean of the appropriate College in which the department is listed.

Conditional Admission. An applicant whose records are incomplete may be granted Conditional Admission and be classified as a Conditional Graduate Student until all records are complete and all Regular Admission requirements are fulfilled. Degree seeking graduate students taking one or two graduate courses per semester will be required to complete all requirements for regular admission prior to registering for the third graduate course.

An applicant whose grade point average or appropriate test score is substandard may, at the discretion of the chair of the major division/department and appropriate academic dean, be granted Conditional Admission and be classified as a Conditional Graduate Student.

The College of Business Administration and the College of Criminal Justice do not allow any type of conditional admission.

Personal Standards. Sam Houston State University requires the same personal standards and applies the same criteria in considering applications for admission as it uses in the retention of students who are enrolled. To be consistent with this policy, the University reserves the right to refuse acceptance to prospective or former students who have criminal records including conviction of a felony, offenses involving moral turpitude, or other serious offenses. The personal standards of conduct expected of students who enroll at Sam Houston State University are provided in the student affairs handbook, Student Guidelines.

Scholastic Record. The normal requirement for admission to Graduate Studies is a record during at least the last two years of full-time academic study which gives evidence of ability to do successful graduate level work.

A student whose academic record is not satisfactory for this purpose or who is changing fields of study may be required to take additional work to strengthen his or her background and to prepare for graduate study. Such work will normally be arranged in conference with the graduate advisor or the chair of the student's major division/department.

Before accepting a student for graduate study, the department in which he or she expects to take work may require that the student pass a comprehensive examination covering the basic undergraduate work in that field.

Graduate Students in Nondegree Status. Admission of post-baccalaureate nondegree graduate students to departments/divisions and courses is subject to individual departmental/divisional policy.

Continued registration as a post-baccalaureate, nondegree graduate student is contingent each semester upon satisfactory academic performance and the recommendation of the department/division with which the student is affiliated.

Graduate students in a nondegree status who failed initially to qualify for admission to advanced degree programs but who aspire to work for advanced degrees may be given the opportunity to demonstrate the ability to do graduate work, if the divisions/departments so recommend. A maximum of fifteen graduate semester hours credit completed in a nondegree status may be applied to a graduate degree program at the discretion of the department or division concerned.

No graduate student may be admitted to Sam Houston State University as a nondegree-student nor register in a nondegree status without the prior written approval of the appropriate academic dean.

International Students. A student from another country who seeks admission to Graduate Studies must meet the same requirements for admission and candidacy as students from the United States, including the submission of scores on the Graduate Record Examination (GRE), the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT), or the Miller Analogies Test.

In addition, prospective students from other countries must demonstrate the ability to speak, write, and understand the English language. Prospective students whose native language is not English must take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), which is administered by the Educational Testing Service in over 200 centers around the world. A registration form and a Bulletin of Information for Candidates may be obtained by writing to TOEFL, Educational Testing Service, Princeton, New Jersey 08540, U.S.A.

All applicants for admission from non-English-speaking countries must present a score of at least 550 on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). Sam Houston State University has an English as a Second Language Program for non-English-speaking international students. Information about this program may be obtained by contacting the English as a Second Language (ESL) Office, College of Education and Applied Science, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas 77341.

Each graduate student is responsible for becoming familiar with the rules and regulations pertaining to graduate study and the requirements for advanced degrees.


Before the initial registration the student should consult the graduate advisor representing the field of his or her major interest.

The normal load for a full-time graduate student is nine (9) to twelve (12) hours per semester. Any exception to this guideline must be approved in advance by the dean of the college in which the student is seeking a degree. Six (6) hours is the maximum load per summer session. The maximum load for assistant instructors on one-half time employment is nine (9) hours per semester or three (3) hours per summer session. Assistant instructors on less than a half-time assistantship may have their maximum course load authorization increased proportionately by the appropriate department/division chair. Recipients of assistantships are normally required to register for the course loads specified above.

Dual Registration. Undergraduates at Sam Houston State University who at the beginning of a given semester are within twelve (12) hours of graduation or at the beginning of a summer school are within six (6) hours of graduation may apply for admission to Graduate Studies provided they meet the appropriate entrance examination requirements and have a B average or better for the last three semesters of course work. Such students must complete their undergraduate work and obtain the bachelor's degree during the first semester or summer session following their admission to Graduate Studies. The maximum total credit hour load for dualregistered students is fifteen (15) hours in the regular semester or six (6) hours in a summer session.

An undergraduate student may enroll in a graduate course for graduate credit only if he/she files a written petition for approval with the appropriate college dean stating that the student is reserving the graduate course for graduate credit and is not including it for credit on his/her undergraduate degree program. Such petitions must be approved by the chair of the student's major (undergraduate) division/department and the student's academic dean. The combined undergraduate and graduate course load shall not exceed fifteen (15) semester hours in a semester or six (6) semester hours in a summer session.

Requirements for Registration of International Students
1. Each student must provide evidence of his/her ability for financial support while studying in this country.
2. All international students are required to purchase the group Hospitalization, Medical Evacuation, and Repatriation Insurance available to all eligible SHSU students. Proof of this insurance must be presented to designated university officials each semester before the registration process can be completed. Further information concerning this required coverage may be obtained from the Undergraduate Admissions Office. Purchase of this insurance is coordinated through the University Health Center.
3. Immediately upon arrival on campus, international students should make contact with the University Coordinator of Graduate Studies to ensure that all admission and immigration papers are in order.
4. Certified English translations are required for documents prepared in a language other than English.

Graduate Advisors. A graduate student entering the University for the first time is required to consult with the advisor in his or her particular field of interest regarding courses and various programs of study. Academic advisement is required prior to each registration. Graduate advisors will be available for consultation several days prior to registration.


The awarding of residence credit is predicated upon the utilization of facilities on the campus of Sam Houston State University. Accrediting agencies expect the University to indicate that students and faculty loads are so constructed that facilities and laboratories can be effectively utilized.

Residence credit may be awarded for work off campus at the discretion of Sam Houston State University under especially approved conditions and in accordance with the terms of Section 4.3 of criteria for Accreditation, Commission on Colleges, Southern Association of College and Schools. At least onethird of the semester hours required for the degree program for any student enrolling in any of the proposed courses will be completed in course work on the campus. Additionally, a student is subject to the residency requirements as stated for each degree program.

> Transferred Credit. The number of semester hours of transfer credit allowed varies among the several academic divisions of the University; each student should inquire of the appropriate dean concerning transfer credit allowed for a specific degree. Credit toward a graduate degree may not be obtained by correspondence course study.


A Degree Plan is developed for each graduate student. All courses on the approved Degree Plan must be completed with a satisfactory grade to meet the requirements for the degree. Changes in an approved Degree Plan may be made by petition to the graduate advisor and approved by the appropriate academic dean.

A program leading to a master's degree or to a doctorate must be completed within six years from the date of the student's entry into that degree program.


R  Registrar DC  Division/Department Chair
GA  Graduate Advisor CD  College Dean
ADCom  Advisory Committee SI  Student Initiated

Procedure and/or Time
1. Take appropriate admissions exam. SI Six to eight months prior to registration.
2. Apply for assistantships, financial aid, Financial Aid Long semester prior to semester of
if applicable. Office/DC registration.
3. Apply for admission. CD At least 30 days prior to initial registration.
4. Become familiar with general regula SI Before registration.
tions and appropriate master's degree
section of Graduate Catalogue.
5. Meet with graduate advisor assigned DC CD Before initial registration.
by Division/Department Chair to plan
course of study for first semester.
6. Establish Advisory Committee; GA & DC CD Before second semester registration.
prepare degree plan.
7. Apply for admission to candidacy DC & CD After the completion of 9 semester
(must have removed all con as applicable hours, no later than completion
ditional admission requirements). for degree of 15; additional requirements for MFA
8. If thesis is required, submit ADCom 14 weeks prior to graduation.
thesis proposal. DC & CD
9. Apply for degree R See deadline in Academic Calendar.
10. Written and/or oral ADCom During semester of anticipated
comprehensive exam. graduation.
11. Submit 3 approved final copies ADCom By established deadline.
of thesis. DC & CD
12. Arrange for cap and gown SI Approximately two months
at University Bookstore prior to graduation.

NOTE: Each student is responsible for determining the specific dates each term in which the steps summarized above occur.

Prior to the semester or summer school in which the degree is to be conferred, a formal application and payment of the diploma fee of $18 must be made in the Registrar's Office. The Academic Calendar which is located in the current catalogue and in the Schedule of Classes indicates the deadline for making application for a degree. A student who is completing the last semester of course work at an institution other than the University must provide the Registrar with an official transcript of this course work no later than one day prior to the graduation date. Diplomas will not be released to students who have a financial indebtedness to the University.

Should a degree candidate be unable to attend commencement, a written request for the award of the degree in absentia should be directed to the Office of the President of the University. The degree candidate should indicate the address to which the diploma is to be mailed and should enclose $3.00 ($8.00 for diplomas to be sent to foreign countries) in check or money order to cover the mailing of the diploma. Checks should be made payable to Sam Houston State University.

1. Students may make schedule changes by accessing SamInfo at https://www.shsu.edu/saminfo
2. No schedule changes may be made after the deadline specified in the Academic Calendar. A course dropped after the stated deadline is entered on the student's permanent record with a grade of F.

It is necessary to have on file with the University a correct residence address. A student who changes an address after completing registration should immediately report this address to the Registrar's Office. The University assumes no obligation for failure of a student to receive communications.

Appropriate documentation which substantiates a legal name change for a student must be submitted to the Registrar prior to the student's next registration. Registration under a name different from that used in the student's last enrollment cannot be accomplished without the above certification, which becomes a part of the student's permanent file. All grade reports and transcripts are issued under the student's legal name as recorded in the Registrar's Office.

Courses taught at locations away from the main campus carry residence credit but are denoted on the transcript with "OC" after the course title. Students may register for off-campus courses on the Sam Houston State University campus during the regular schedule of registration periods. If it is not convenient for students to register on the campus at these times, they may register during the first organizational meeting of the class at the place and time it is held. Off-campus tuition, fees, and procedures for resignations, "Adds" or "Drops", are the same as for students attending classes on campus. See the current Schedule of Classes for a complete listing of courses and their locations.

To resign (officially withdraw) from the University, a student must report to the Registrar's Office (113 Bobby K. Marks Administration Building) and process a Resignation Request. The Resignation Request must be in writing and becomes effective on the date received by the Registrar's Office. The effective date of the Resignation Request, as received by the Registrar's Office, is the date which is used for determining any refund. The student is responsible for clearing all debts owed to the University.

Students who resign after the first nine weeks of a regular semester or after the first two weeks of a summer session receive a mark of WP (withdrew passing) or WF (withdrew failing) for each course for which they are enrolled. Students who resign from the University while enrolled in a course whose duration is less than a normal term will receive a mark of WP or WF if they resign after one-half of that course time has been completed. The mark of WP or WF is the responsibility of the student's instructors.

A currently enrolled student or a former student of the University may obtain a transcript of his/her completed work from the Office of the Registrar. All requests for transcripts must be in writing and must be accompanied by the individual's signature. A fee which, according to state law must be paid in advance, will be charged for each copy. The fee for each transcript is $3. Transcripts will not be released to students who have a financial indebtedness to the University. Checks should be made payable to Sam Houston State University.


Students should recognize that admission to graduate work does not imply admission to candidacy for an advanced degree. The procedure for requesting admission to candidacy is as follows:

1. The student must have met all requirements for Regular Admission to Graduate Study (submitted all forms including official transcripts and required admissions test scores as appropriate) prior to being considered for admission to candidacy to a degree program.
2. The student may apply for admission to candidacy after completing nine hours of graduate work, but must apply for candidacy no later than the completion of fifteen hours of graduate work. Students who have completed fifteen or more graduate hours must present a copy of the final degree plan in order to register for additional course work. Students pursuing the MFA degree should refer to "Admittance to Candidacy" on page 57.
3. A student must complete all course stem work requirements prior to admission to candidacy.
4. The student must have a minimum graduate grade point average of 3.0.
5. The student must apply for admission to candidacy in one of the following ways:
a. Apply to the chair of the major division/department.
b. If seeking the Master of Education degree under Plan II, apply to the appropriate division/department chair for programs in Teacher Education, Agriculture Education, Home Economics Education, Vocational Education, Health, Industrial Education, and Kinesiology.
c. If seeking a degree from the College of Business Administration, apply to Coordinator of Graduate Studies, College of Business Administration.
d. If seeking a master's degree from the College of Criminal Justice, apply to the Assistant Dean for Graduate Programs for Criminal Justice.
e. In all cases, the academic dean of the college is the final review authority.
6. The chair will certify in writing to the dean of the academic division that the applicant has demonstrated to the satisfaction of the division/department's graduate faculty that he/she has the ability to:
a. Perform acceptably in graduate courses and seminars.
b. Do intensive research and investigation with a high degree of resourcefulness and self-direction, where applicable.
c. Complete satisfactorily the preliminary examinations, where required.
7. The chair will forward a copy of the student's final graduate degree plan with the certification of admission to candidacy to the appropriate dean.


A graduate student at Sam Houston State University writing a thesis or dissertation in partial fulfillment of the degree requirements must enroll in the thesis courses 698 and 699 or in dissertation courses 896, 897, 898, and 899, and may enroll for these courses concurrently.

Student enrollment in 699 or in 899 must be for the semester or summer session in which the student expects to receive the degree. If the degree in question is not awarded at the end of that semester or summer session, re-enrollment in 699 or in 899 will be required during a subsequent semester or summer session in which the degree is again expected to be awarded.

A student who enrolls for 699 or for 899 and does not complete the thesis or dissertation during the semester or summer session of enrollment will be awarded the mark of IP. That student must continue to enroll in 699 or 899 during regular semesters and summer sessions until completion of the thesis or dissertation, and must be enrolled in 699 or 899 during the semester or summer session the degree is awarded.

A student who is unable to work on the thesis or dissertation for a period of time may present to the appropriate academic dean a written request for a leave of absence of up to one year. The dean's approval of such a request must also be in writing. Additional requests for leaves of absence may be approved but they must be resubmitted after the previous leave has lapsed.

A student is required to complete graduate work within a six-year period, measured from the date of initial enrollment for graduate credit in a particular degree program. The period of time a student is on an approved leave of absence will be counted as time accumulated towards that six-year deadline for completion of the degree. After the deadline, the mark of IP will become a mark of Q.

Any extension of the six-year deadline must be approved in writing by the appropriate academic dean. A student on a leave of absence will be considered an active student for purposes of official records, but will lose access to university services.


Thesis Committee. A thesis committee will be appointed immediately following admission to candidacy. The thesis committee is composed of at least three members: two graduate faculty members from the major field and one from the minor field, provided a minor is elected. The thesis director will be selected by the student and, with guidance from the thesis director, the student will select the other two committee members. The thesis committee must then be approved by the chair of the major division/department and the appropriate academic dean. Any change in the composition of the thesis committee will be approved in the same manner.

Prospectus. The candidate, in consultation with the director of the thesis committee, will select a subject of investigation and determine the availability of the required sources, facilities, materials, and equipment for the research and the writing of the thesis. The student will prepare a thesis prospectus which will specify the thesis topic, detail the purpose of the proposed investigation, describe the proposed method(s) of investigation, indicate the relationship of study to relevant research and findings of scholars in the student's area of concentration, and provide a commentary on source materials and/or facilities available for the successful completion of the research.

The prospectus shall be submitted to the thesis committee during the semester following admission to candidacy. After the committee has approved and signed the prospectus, it is submitted to the appropriate academic dean for final approval. Any subsequent changes in topic or the proposed method of investigation must be approved in writing by the thesis committee and submitted for approval to the appropriate academic dean.

Thesis Preparation. In order to facilitate the preparation of the thesis, the candidate should procure a copy of the Directions on Form, Preparation, and Submission of The Final Copies of Master's Theses and Doctoral Dissertations. These guidelines are available from the appropriate academic dean's office, and from the University's Office of Graduate Studies.

Thesis Procedure. The candidate must submit the completed thesis to his/her committee for final approval at least three weeks prior to the date on which he/she expects to graduate. The following steps are the order of procedure:

1. The director of the thesis committee will establish a time and location for administering an oral examination on, or verbal defense of, the thesis. Members of the thesis committee and all members of the graduate faculty in the candidate's major field will be invited to attend the oral examination and may question the candidate.
2. The academic dean shall be informed of the time and location for the examination. Each academic dean shall appoint a member of the University Graduate Faculty to serve as a nonvoting representative of the dean for each thesis, dissertation, or oral examination committee within the respective college. The college representative may be selected from a related academic discipline within the college or may be requested to serve from another college. Each college representative will submit a final report to the appointing dean providing an assessment of the thesis, dissertation, or oral examination committee's procedures and actions.
3. After the examination is passed and the thesis is approved and signed by the committee, the typed original shall be submitted to the academic dean at least two weeks prior to the date on which the candidate expects to graduate.
4. Upon receipt of approval of the academic dean, the original and the required number of acceptable copies of the thesis are taken to the Newton Gresham Library by the candidate. (Reproduction of the thesis is the responsibility of the candidate.) The candidate will pay the Newton Gresham Library for the binding costs. The original copy of the thesis will remain in the library collection.
5. The Thesis Route Sheet is forwarded by the Newton Gresham Library to the appropriate academic dean.


All candidates for the master's degree must pass a comprehensive examination based on all course work in Graduate Studies. The major division/department will establish whether the comprehensive examination is written, oral, or a combination of both examinations.
The division/department chair of the major field will organize a committee of at least one graduate faculty representative from each area of concentration for the administration of the examination. The grade "high pass," "pass," or "fail," must be filed by the division/department chair in the office of the appropriate dean. A re-examination shall be permitted on any part(s) of the examination which the candidate fails. A third examination may be permitted upon approval of the appropriate academic dean and the committee.

Written Examination. The written examination usually will cover three areas of concentration: two areas in the major division/department and one area in the minor division/department. If all course work for the degree is within one division/department, the comprehensive examination will be determined by that division/department only.
Oral Examination. The oral examination is scheduled by the major division/department with committee members representing the major division/department and the minor division/department, if applicable.


A student may seek a second master's degree at Sam Houston State University, provided his/her field of concentration for this degree will be different from the field of concentration for the first master's degree.
Upon the written recommendation of the appropriate division/department chair(s) and dean, the following number of hours may be applied to the second degree :
1. A maximum of 6 semester credit hours may be applied toward satisfying the requirements of a second 30-hour master's degree at Sam Houston State University.
2. A maximum of 12 semester credit hours may be applied toward satisfying the requirements of a second 36-hour master's degree at Sam Houston State University.
3. A maximum of 24 semester credit hours may be applied toward satisfying the requirements of a second 60-hour Master of Fine Arts degree at Sam Houston State University.

A student may not simultaneously pursue two master's degrees at Sam Houston State University.

An individual holding a graduate degree from Sam Houston State University may relinquish the first graduate degree for a second graduate degree by completing all requirements for the second degree and securing the approval of the appropriate dean(s) and the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Student Services. The Vice President for Academic Affairs and Student Services shall be responsible for seeing that the permanent record reflects the change.


Four grades are given in graduate courses at the University: A denotes academic excellence; B denotes acceptable performance; C denotes insufficiency in achievement, although it is a passing grade; and the grade F denotes failure.

The mark IP denotes "in progress" and is given in theses and other courses which cannot be completed within one semester. The mark CR denotes "credit" and is given in one-hour workshops and may be given on transferred courses. The mark WP denotes "withdrew passing" and the mark WF denotes "withdrew failing." The mark X denotes an incomplete course. If the student meets the prescribed requirements of the course before the end of the next academic semester after the X is given, the student will receive the grade earned; otherwise, the mark X will be automatically changed to an F. The mark of Q will be given students who drop courses from the thirteenth class day, for a semester, or from the fifth class day, for a summer session, until the last day for dropping courses without grade of F as stated in the Academic Calendar. Courses with the mark of Q will not be counted as courses attempted, and will not be included in determining grade point averages.

The graduate student who elects to drop all courses, i.e., to resign from the University, must report to the Registrar's Office and process a Resignation Request. (See Resignations.)


A minimum grade point average of 3.0 (B average on a 4.0 maximum) is required in all course work. All grades earned in courses listed for graduate credit on the student's official Degree Plan will be utilized in computing the grade point average.
When the grade of C is earned in any course, it must be balanced by a grade of A in a course of equivalent value taken in the same academic program. A grade of A earned at another institution may not be used to remove a grade deficiency earned in residence at this university. Semester hours of credit earned at another institution shall be recorded as received but not utilized in computing the student's Sam Houston State University overall grade point average. Only those transferred courses from accredited institutions in which a grade of A or B was earned and which are accepted toward an official degree program may be applied toward a degree (see Transferred Credit ).


A student who earns a total of two grades of C in any combination of courses will have his/her graduate status reviewed by a committee of the division/department or college Graduate Faculty. The committee will consider the advisability of his/her continued enrollment in a graduate program. A student who earns three grades of C or one grade of F will be terminated from graduate studies. Any appeal for a review of the termination of graduate status should be directed in writing to the appropriate academic dean.

If a student's cumulative grade point average falls below the minimum of 3.0, the student is automatically on scholastic probation. The probation must be removed in one semester or the student will be subject to suspension.

In order to achieve and remain in academic good standing at Sam Houston State University, a graduate student must maintain an overall grade point average of at least 3.0 (B) on all graduate course work attempted. (See Scholarship)

A 3.0 overall grade point average is the absolute minimum required for graduation. A graduate student who falls below a 3.0 overall grade point average at the close of any semester or summer school during which one or more semester hours are attempted will be placed on probation. Summer school (two sessions) is considered to be a unit equivalent to a semester. If an enrolled student on probation fails to achieve a minimum of 3.0 overall grade point average at the close of the next semester or summer school following the starting of the probation, the student will be suspended.

Academic actions are based on the total Sam Houston State University record and are implemented at the close of the fall semester, the spring semester, and the summer school.

The appropriate academic dean may place on probation or retain on probation or suspend any student deficient in grade points without regard to the regulations previously stated.

Any appeal for a review of the termination of graduate status should be directed in writing to the appropriate academic dean.


Positions of Assistant Instructor are made available to a limited number of graduate students each year. The purposes of the Assistant Instructor Program are to aid in financing the graduate studies of superior students and to provide experiences in the instructional program through the assignment of duties designed to support and improve the total instructional program of the University.

To be eligible for appointment to a position of Assistant Instructor, the applicant must have met all requirements for Regular Admission to Graduate Studies.

Assistant Instructors are usually appointed for one academic year, i.e., two semesters, and may have the position renewed for a second year. In some circumstances a position of Assistant Instructor may be limited to a single semester. Only in the most unusual of circumstances will an Assistant Instructor be considered for appointment for a fifth semester. Retention of the position of Assistant Instructor is at all times conditional upon the continued good standing of the student in Graduate Studies and upon satisfactory performance of work assignments for which the stipend is provided.

A halftime assistant instructor normally is responsible for two courses, or four laboratories, or twenty clock hours of duty each week and is expected to be enrolled in six to nine semester hours of course work each semester. Such instructors generally may not hold other salaried positions from the University. Any exception to this rule may be made only upon written approval of the appropriate academic dean. A stipend is paid semi-monthly. All assistant instructors must pay tuition and fees as required of all resident students.

Applications for positions of Assistant Instructor may be obtained from the office of the appropriate academic dean.


Fourteen Southern states including Texas participate in the Academic Common Market, an interstate agreement for sharing uncommon academic programs. Residents of these states who are accepted for admission into selected out-of-state programs can enroll on an in-state tuition basis. There are only two requirements:
1. Acceptance in a program to which your state has made arrangements to send its students;
2. Proof that the student is a legal resident of that state.
The Doctor of Philosophy in Criminal Justice at Sam Houston State University has been approved for the Academic Common Market by Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Tennessee.

Additional information regarding the Academic Common Market may be obtained from the Office of the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, 206 Bobby K. Marks Administration Building, telephone (936) 294-1002.


The Texas Legislature and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board have established guidelines for determining residence classification. Texas residency for tuition purposes is generally obtained by working in Texas for 12 months immediately prior to enrollment in any college or university, by being a dependent of a Texas resident (individual who is claimed as a dependent for federal income tax purposes by the individual's parent or guardian at the time of registration and for the tax year preceding the year in which the individual registers), or by being classified as a Texas Resident for the first five of the six years immediately preceding registration (not living out of the state more than 12 months immediately prior to registration).

A nonresident may qualify to pay in-state tuition if: 1) the student or his/her spouse or parent is a member of the Armed Forces and is stationed in Texas; 2) the student or his/her spouse or parent is employed by an institution of higher education in Texas and is a faculty or teaching/research assistant on at least a half-time basis; or 3) the student holds a competitive academic scholarship awarded by the university of at least $200 for the academic year or summer.

By state law, the student has the responsibility for registering under the proper residence classification. If a student has knowledge of an error in his/her residence classification for tuition purposes, it is the student's responsibility to notify the Residence Classification Officer immediately. Inquiries should be directed to the Residence Classification Officer, Undergraduate Admissions Office, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas 77341, or by calling (936) 294-1828.


Sam Houston State University's Academic Policy Manual and Student Guidelines provide specific information pertaining to the educational of the university and student conduct. Copies of these publications may be viewed at the Reference Desk of the Newton Gresham Library. Academic Policy Statements which may be of special interest to Sam Houston State University students include:
900823 Academic Grievance Procedures for Students
811006 Disabled Student Policy
861001 Student Absences on Religious Holy Days
810806 Student Educational Records
930226 Developmental Course Attendance
800521 Division/Department Academic Distinction Program Policy



The University receives Instructional Funds from the State as follows. For the two long semesters, the total number of semester hours for which students have registered, as of the twelfth class day, is the number of hours on which the funds are based. For each summer session, funds are based on total registered hours as of the fourth class day of each session. Students who have not completed their registration by the above dates may not receive credit for work for the semester/session.

The Texas Legislature has authorized collection of tuition and fees during a Fall or Spring semester by one of two methods: payment in full or one-half payment of the tuition and fees at registration and separate one-quarter payments due prior to the sixth and eleventh class weeks. Parking permits, late registration fees, and yearbook fees are examples of charges which must be paid in full and are not eligible for installment payment. There is an additional processing fee for administration of the installment payment plans, $30 for Texas residents and $50 for nonresidents. Failure to make timely installment payments will cause accrual of late charges ($20 per installment) and reinstatement charges ($50).

Any financial aid, tuition waivers, grants or deferments will be used to reduce the amount owed by the student, with the remaining balance eligible for the installment payment plan. During a summer session, the tuition and fees are collectible in full. The Texas Legislature has reserved the right to discontinue the installment payment plan.

Students will not be admitted to classes by the instructors until their tuition and fees are paid.

Payments made for registration purposes may be made by cash, cashier's check, personal check, money order, or VISA or MasterCard credit card. All checks and money orders are accepted subject to final payment.

Students are expected to meet financial obligations to the University within the designated time allowed. Registration fees are payable at registration, except for that portion of the registration fee that may be temporarily deferred, but payable later in scheduled payments as part of an installment payment agreement. Students are not entitled to enter classes or laboratories until their appropriate fees and deposits have been paid. Other charges are due at registration or within ten days after a bill is rendered by the University, or according to special payment instructions that may be printed on the bill or agreement.

Failure to pay the amount owed in full, including appropriate penalty and late fee charges, prior to registration for a future semester or prior to the last class day for the current semester or summer session can result in any or all of the following sanctions: 1) withholding of future registration privileges; 2) withholding award of degree; and 3) withholding of an official certified transcript. Any grades earned by the student during the semester or summer session an indebtedness to the University remains unpaid will not be posted to the student's academic transcript until the amount due the University is paid in full, including appropriate penalty and late fee charges.

Students who pay fees with a returned check may suffer the above sanctions as well as those shown in the following section.

Non-payment by the end of the semester will result in transfer of the student's account to a contracted collection agency and assessment of a collection fee of at least 25 percent of the outstanding balance. The University may also choose to litigate an account on advice of University legal counsel. Should an account be litigated, the student will be responsible for all litigation expenses including attorney's fees and court costs. Accounts that are referred to a contracted collection agency may also be reported to credit bureaus.

A returned check is defined as one returned to the University rightfully unpaid due to no fault of the bank or the University. The check may be written by the student or the check may be written on his/her behalf by a spouse, guardian, friend or sponsor.

The University reserves the right to refuse personal checks of any student who previously has had checks returned.

Each returned check is subject to a $20 check processing fee. Students have 10 days from the date on which notice is sent from the Business Office in which to pay the returned check and the returned check processing fee or inform the Business Office of their intent. Thereafter, the student may be resigned from the University. (The student should not assume that we are resigning him/her. If the student discontinues going to class without officially resigning from school, he/she will be subject to the grade of F.) Students who have been resigned are eligible for reinstatement upon redemption of such check or checks, plus the returned check processing fee and the payment of a reinstatement charge of $50. A student who fails to make payment prior to the first day of final exams will not receive credit for the work done that semester and will not be allowed to register for future semesters until the delinquent amount is paid. In addition, the checks will be referred to the District Attorney of Walker County for prosecution and collection. Past due accounts are referred to the District Attorney of Walker County for prosecution and collection. Past due accounts are referred to a national credit company.

Students will be given the opportunity to be heard regarding any special circumstances. Such circumstances will be given full and fair consideration, and exceptions to the returned check policy may be granted by the Director of the Business Office or a delegated employee, based on the evidence presented.


Tuition: Resident students will pay thirty dollars ($30) per semester credit hour with a minimum tuition of $100 per semester or $50 per summer session during fiscal year 199596; thirtytwo dollars ($32) per semester credit hour with a minimum of $100 per semester and $50 per summer session during fiscal year 199697. Nonresident students pay one hundred seventyone ($171) per semester credit hour.

Student Service Fee: The student service fee is required at the rate of $12 per semester credit hour (not exceeding $108 per semester and $54 per summer session) and covers services at the University Health Center, the Intramural Program, the Student Life Support Programs, and the Extramural Programs. The fee provides admission to athletic events at Sam Houston State under the auspices of the Department of Athletics.

General Use Fee: The general use fee at the rate of $10 per semester credit hour is required, and it funds the bonded indebtedness incurred for the Lowman Student Center, the University Health Center, the University Mall, the Bowers Stadium, and the Bernard G. Johnson Coliseum.

Student Center Fee: The Student Center Fee at the rate of $20 per semester ($10 per summer session) is required and, is used to fund the Lowman Student Center programs and activities.

Computer Use Fee: This fee will be charged at a rate of $4 per semester credit hour with a maximum of $35 per semester. It will be used for the training of students, faculty and staff, and for providing support services for operation, maintenance, and replacement of computer hardware and software.

Recreational Sports Fee: Legislative action authorizes a recreational sports fee not to exceed $35 per semester or $17.50 per summer session. It may be used to purchase equipment for and/or to construct, operate, and/or maintain recreational sports facilities and programs.

International Education Fee: This fee of $1 will be charged each semester or summer session and will be used only to assist students participating in international student exchange or study programs.

Late Registration Fee: A late payment fee of $10 will be charged all students who register on or after the first class day of any semester or summer session.

Matriculation Fee: A matriculation fee of $20 is charged if a student resigns before the 1st class day of the semester or summer session.

Special Fees:
Laboratory Fee (per course) $8
Music Fee for Individual Instruction (per course with suffix of �x�):
1 semester credit hour course $30
2 semester credit hours course $60
3 semester credit hours course $75
4 semester credit hours course $75
Audit Fee (per course) $50
Add-Drop Fee (per course) $2

General Property Deposit. Each student is required to make a General Property Deposit of $10 which will remain with the University through his/her career here except as noted below. All charges for property losses, damages, and breakages in libraries or laboratories must be settled promptly. However, any unpaid current charges will be deducted from the deposit before a refund is made.

Refund of General Property Deposit. The General Property Deposit, less charges, will be returned to the student at the end of his/her career as a student. However, any General Property Deposit which remains without call for refund for a period of four years from the date of last attendance at this university shall be forfeited. The deposit will then become a part of, and operative to, the permanent use and purpose of the University Student Deposit Fund.


A student enrolled at Sam Houston State University may receive financial refund of tuition and fees as outlined in the schedules listed below.

Refund policies were established by Senate Bill No. 604 of the 65th Legislature and adopted by the Board of Regents, Texas State University System, in August of 1977.

The University may refund tuition and fees paid by a sponsor, donor, or scholarship to the source rather than directly to the student who has withdrawn if the funds were made available through the University.

The student who officially withdraws from Sam Houston State University may be eligible for a refund of tuition and the specified fees, based upon the courses in which he/she is enrolled on the official date of withdrawal. Refunds are made in accordance with the following schedules:

Refund Schedule of Tuition and Fees
Fall and Spring Semesters
Before the 1st class day 100%--Less $20.00 Matriculation Fee
1st class day through 5th class day 80%
6th class day through 10th class day 70%
11th class day through 15th class day 50%
16th class day through 20th class day 25%
Thereafter No refund

The above schedule assumes the student had paid his or her fees in full. A different schedule applies to the installment payment plan participants--the primary difference in the schedule being the requirement for the University to compute the refund based on the assumption that the full amount of tuition and fees have been collected. Therefore, it is possible, and probable, that a student on the installment plan could owe more in tuition and fees than already collected by the University. These extra amounts, if any, would be due and payable before the student would be allowed to resign from the University.
Summer Sessions
Before the 1st class day 100%Less $20.00 Matriculation Fee
1st class day through 3rd class day 80%
4th class day through 6th class day 50%
Thereafter No refund
Class days are to be counted from the first class meeting of oncampus daytime courses as indicated in the Academic Calendar.
Dropping Courses
A student who submits a request to drop one or more courses from a schedule of classes may be eligible for refunds. The refund schedule for dropping courses is stated below. Class days are to be counted from the first class meeting of oncampus daytime courses as indicated in the Academic Calendar.
Fall and Spring Semesters Summer Sessions
First 12 class days 100% First 4 class days 100%
After 12th class day none After 4th class day none
NOTE: Class days are University class days, not the number of days an individual class meets.

In-State Students


Semester Hours Tuition Student Service Fee General Use Fee Student Center Fee Computer Use Fee Recreation Sports Fee Internat'l Ed Fee Total Cost
1 $100 $12 $10 $20 $4 $30 $1 $177
2 100 24 20 20 8 30 1 203
3 100 36 30 20 12 30 1 229
4 120 48 40 20 16 30 1 275
5 150 60 50 20 20 30 1 331
6 180 72 60 20 24 30 1 387
7 210 84 70 20 28 30 1 443
8 240 96 80 20 32 30 1 499
9 270 108 90 20 35 30 1 554
10 300 108 100 20 35 30 1 594
11 330 108 110 20 35 30 1 634
12 360 108 120 20 35 30 1 674
13 390 108 130 20 35 30 1 714
14 420 108 140 20 35 30 1 754
15 450 108 150 20 35 30 1 794
16 480 108 160 20 35 30 1 834
17 510 108 170 20 35 30 1 874
18 540 108 180 20 35 30 1 914
19 570 108 190 20 35 30 1 954
20 600 108 200 20 35 30 1 994
21 630 108 210 20 35 30 1 1,034
22 660 108 220 20 35 30 1 1,074
23 690 108 230 20 35 30 1 1,114


Semester Hours Tuition Student Service Fee General Use Fee Student Center Fee Computer Use Fee Recreation Sports Fee Internat'l Ed Fee Total Cost
1 $50 $12 $10 $10 $ 4 $20 $1 $102
2 60 24 20 10 8 15 1 138
3 90 36 30 10 12 15 1 194
4 120 48 40 10 16 15 1 250
5 150 54 50 10 20 15 1 300
6 180 54 60 10 24 15 1 344
7 210 54 70 10 28 15 1 388
8 240 5 4 80 10 32 15 1 432
9 270 54 90 10 35 15 1 475
10 300 54 100 10 35 15 1 515

The above schedule is predicated on tuition rates based on $30per hour, with a Legislaturedefined $100 minimum tuition ($50 for summer session) However, tuition rates may be revisedby theLegislature at any time All tuition and fees are correct as of the d ate ofprinting but aresubject to change by action of the State Legislature or by theBoard ofRegents

In-State Students


Semester Hours Tuition Student Service Fee General Use Fee Student Center Fee Computer Use Fee Recreation Sports Fee Internat'l Ed Fee Total Cost
1 $100 $12 $10 $20 $4 $30 $1 $177
2 100 24 20 20 8 30 1 203
3 100 36 30 20 12 30 1 229
4 128 48 40 20 16 30 1 283
5 160 60 50 20 20 30 1 341
6 192 72 60 20 24 30 1 399
7 224 84 70 20 28 30 1 457
8 256 96 80 20 32 30 1 515
9 288 108 90 20 35 30 1 572
10 320 108 100 20 35 30 1 614
11 352 108 110 20 35 30 1 656
12 384 108 120 20 35 30 1 698
13 416 108 130 20 35 30 1 740
14 448 108 140 20 35 30 1 782
15 480 108 150 20 35 30 1 824
16 512 108 160 20 35 30 1 866
17 544 108 170 20 35 30 1 908
18 576 108 180 20 35 30 1 950
19 608 108 190 20 35 30 1 992
20 640 108 200 20 35 30 1 1,034
21 672 108 210 20 35 30 1 1,076
22 704 108 220 20 35 30 1 1,118
23 736 108 230 20 35 30 1 1,160


Semester Hours Tuition Student Service Fee General Use Fee Student Center Fee Computer Use Fee Recreation Sports Fee Internat'l Ed Fee Total Cost
1 $50 $12 $10 $10 $4 $20 $1 $102
2 64 24 20 10 8 15 1 142
3 96 36 30 10 12 15 1 200
4 128 48 40 10 16 15 1 258
5 160 54 50 10 20 15 1 310
6 192 54 60 10 24 15 1 356
7 224 54 70 10 28 15 1 402
8 256 54 80 10 32 15 1 448
9 288 54 90 10 35 15 1 493
10 320 54 100 10 35 15 1 535

The above schedule is predicated on tuition rates based on $30per hour, with a Legislaturedefined $100 minimum tuition ($50 for summer session) However, tuiti on rates may be revisedby theLegislature at any time All tuition and fees are c orrect as of the date ofprinting but aresubject to change by action of the Stat e Legislature or by theBoard ofRegents

Updated Fees for 1999-2000

In-State Students

TUITION AND FEES PER SEMESTER Fall or Spring, 1995-96 and 1996-97

Semester Hours Tuition Student Service Fee General Use Fee Student Center Fee Computer Use Fee Recreation Sports Fee Internat'l Ed Fee Total Cost
1 $171 $12 $10 $20 $4 $30 $1 $248
2 342 24 20 20 8 30 1 445
3 513 36 30 20 12 30 1 642
4 684 48 40 20 16 30 1 839
5 855 60 50 20 20 30 1 1,036
6 1,026 72 60 20 24 30 1 1,233
7 1,197 84 70 20 28 30 1 1,430
8 1,368 96 80 20 32 30 1 1,627
9 1,539 108 90 20 35 30 1 1,823
10 1,710 108 100 20 35 30 1 2,004
11 1,881 108 110 20 35 30 1 2,185
12 2,052 108 120 20 35 30 1 2,366
13 2,223 108 130 20 35 30 1 2,547
14 2,394 108 140 20 35 30 1 2,728
15 2,565 108 150 20 35 30 1 2,909
16 2,736 108 160 20 35 30 1 3,090
17 2,907 108 170 20 35 30 1 3,271
18 3,078 108 180 20 35 30 1 3,452
19 3,249 108 190 20 35 30 1 3,633
20 3,420 108 200 20 35 30 1 3,814
21 3,591 108 210 20 35 30 1 3,995
22 3,762 108 220 20 35 30 1 4,176
23 3,933 108 230 20 35 30 1 4,357


Semester Hours Tuition Student Service Fee General Use Fee Student Center Fee Computer Use Fee Recreation Sports Fee Internat'l Ed Fee Total Cost
1 $171 $12 $10 $10 $4 $20 $1 $223
2 342 24 20 10 8 15 1 420
3 513 36 30 10 12 15 1 617
4 684 48 40 10 16 15 1 814
5 855 54 50 10 20 15 1 1,005
6 1,026 54 60 10 24 15 1 1,190
7 1,197 54 70 10 28 15 1 1,375
8 1,368 54 80 10 32 15 1 1,560
9 1,539 54 90 10 35 15 1 1,744
10 1,710 54 100 10 35 15 1 1,925

The above schedule is predicated on tuition rates based on $30 per hour, with a Legislature defined $100 minimum tuition ($50 for summer session) However, tuition rates may be revised by the Legislature at any time. All tuition and fees are correct as of the date of printing but are subject to change by action of the State Legislature or by the Board of Regents. [an error occurred while processing this directive]