ENG 539 DIRECTED STUDY OF SELECTED TOPICS IN LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE. Designed for individual students who wish intensive supervision in the study of a topic in language or literature. May be taken only with the written consent of the department chair.
*ENG 567 PRACTICUM IN TEACHING COLLEGE COMPOSITION. An examination of modern rhetorical principles and methodologies used in teachig college-level writing.
ENG 568 LITERARY CRITICISM AND THEORY. The theory of literary genres, symbolism, and structure, with study and practice in various critical techniques.
ENG 571 STUDIES IN MODERN WORLD LITERATURE. Selected writers, movements, or literary types of 19th and 20th centuries.
ENG 575 STUDIES IN NEO-CLASSICAL LITERATURE. Selected writers, movements, or literary types of Restoration and 18th Century Europe.
ENG 576 THE CLASSICAL TRADITION. A survey of the Greek and Roman heritage and its influence upon subsequent literature.
ENG 577 STUDIES IN EARLY AND MIDDLE ENGLISH LITERATURE. A study of selected works in Old and Middle English literature.
ENG 578 STUDIES IN THE LITERATURE OF THE RENAISSANCE. Selected writers, movements, or literary types of 16th and 17th Century England. Topics include Studies in Shakespeare, Studies in Spenser, Studies in Milton, etc.
ENG 579 STUDIES IN ROMANTIC LITERATURE. Selected writers, movements, or literary types of the English Romantic period.
ENG 580 STUDIES IN VICTORIAN LITERATURE. Selected writers, movements, or literary types of the English Victorian period.
ENG 581 STUDIES IN TWENTIETH CENTURY ENGLISH LITERATURE. Selected writers, movements, or literary types of 20th Century England.
ENG 583 STUDIES IN ENGLISH LINGUISTICS. Areas of study include sociolinguistics, dialectology, lexicography, stylistics through linguistic analysis, principles of semantics, and linguistics in relation to the teaching of English.
ENG 584 STUDIES IN RHETORIC AND COMPOSITION THEORY. Selected topics in historical and contemporary rhetoric, rhetorical criticism and composition theory.
ENG 585 STUDIES IN AMERICAN LITERATURE, 1800-1860. Selected writers, movements, or literary types of the period.
ENG 586 STUDIES IN AMERICAN LITERATURE, 1860-1920. Selected writers, movements, or literary types of the period.
ENG 587 STUDIES IN AMERICAN LITERATURE, 1920-THE PRESENT. Selected writers, movements, or literary types of the period.
ENG 588 THE STUDY OF MAJOR FIGURES IN AMERICAN POETRY. Selected writers and movements contributing to the development of a uniquely American poetry.
ENG 589 HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. A cultural, historical, and philological survey of the development of the English language from its Indo-European prototype through Anglo-Saxon, Anglo-French, and Early Modern English to its present form.
ENG 698 THESIS RESEARCH METHODS (BIBLIOGRAPHY). Required of all English majors under M.A., Plan I, M.A., Plan II, and M.Ed., Plan II. Counted as first 3 hours of thesis under M.A., Plan I and M.A., Plan II.