Certification Programs

Curriculum and Instruction Degree Information

  • Elementary Education
  • Secondary Education

    Educational Leadership and Counseling Degree Information
  • Administration
  • Supervision
  • Counseling

    Language, Literacy, and Special Populations Degree Information
  • Bilingual Education
  • Early Childhood
  • Reading
  • Special Education

    Graduate programs in education can include various combinations of courses from these three departments. All such degrees are designed to accomplish the following basic purposes: to improve and extend the professional competence of early childhood, elementary, and secondary teachers, to prepare teachers for special positions in the schools, and to prepare students for doctoral work in university graduate programs.

    The degree plans listed below can lead to Professional Certification or Licensure in Texas. Certification candidates must apply for certification through the Certification Office, pass the appropriate ExCET tests, and attain the required years of teaching experience. For additional information about certification, contact the SHSU Certification Office. For licensure requirements see Master of Arts in Counseling (Plan II).


    Master of Education in Elementary Education (Plan I). This degree plan is designed primarily for the elementary teacher. All such degrees originate in the office of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. Students pursuing this plan should either hold elementary teacher certification or complete it prior to being awarded the degree. The degree plan requires the completion of a minimum of thirty-six hours of graduate credit, thirty hours of which must be in courses numbered 500 or above.

    The major consists of eighteen to twenty-four semester hours in Education which are approved in conference.

    The minor consists of twelve to eighteen semester hours in an approved subject in which the student has at least eighteen undergraduate hours. Exceptions to the prerequisite requirement for a minor include: Early Childhood Education, Special Education, Reading, Bilingual Education, English as a Second Language, Gifted and Talented, Mid-Management Administration, Counseling, and Library Science, for which no prerequisite hours are necessary.

    A comprehensive examination covering course work in Education and the minor field must be taken and passed prior to graduation.

    In addition to the above, a specialized program in Early Childhood Education is available for the student who holds a Texas Provisional Elementary or Vocational Home Economics teaching certificate. The master's program in Early Childhood Education is an interdisciplinary plan with courses taken from a variety of subject fields. For more information, please contact the Department of Language, Literacy and Special Populations.

    Master of Education in Secondary Education (Plan II). This degree plan is designed primarily for the secondary teacher. All such degrees originate in the office of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction and require the completion of a minimum of thirty-six hours of graduate credit, thirty of which must be in courses numbered 500 or above. (Eighteen hours in a single teaching field or twelve hours in dual teaching fields approved for secondary school teachers and for which the student has eighteen or more undergraduate hours and the University offers sufficient graduate course work are required.) Twelve to eighteen hours of professional education course work are required (twelve hours minimum for dual teaching fields/eighteen hours minimum for single teaching field.)


    Master of Education in Administration (Plan III). This degree plan is designed specifically for the student who wishes to work toward a certificate in Mid-Management Administration. It requires the completion of a minimum of thirty-six hours of graduate credit. The program must comply with existing standards for professional certification. A comprehensive examination will be taken upon the completion of or during the final semester of course work. The degree plan originates in the Department of Educational Leadership and Counseling.

    Master of Education in Supervision (Plan III). This degree plan is designed specifically for the student who wishes to work toward a certificate in Professional Supervision or Professional Vocational Supervision. It requires the completion of a minimum of thirty-six hours of graduate credit. The program must comply with existing standards for professional certification. A comprehensive examination will be taken upon the completion of or during the final semester of course work. The degree plan originates in the Department of Educational Leadership and Counseling.

    Master of Education in Counseling (Plan III). This degree plan is designed specifically for the student who wishes to work toward certification in School Counseling. It requires the completion of a minimum of thirty-six hours of graduate credit. The program must comply with existing standards for professional certification. A comprehensive examination will be taken upon the completion of or during the final semester of course work. The degree plan originates in the Department of Educational Leadership and Counseling.

    Master of Arts in Counseling (Plan II). This degree plan is designed for students seeking licensure as a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC). Students completing this degree will have all of the academic requirements needed to apply for the temporary license as a Professional Counselor in the state of Texas. Nine graduate semester credit hours in addition to the thirty-six hour program are required to fulfill LPC requirements. A comprehensive examination will be taken upon the completion of or during the final semester of course work. The degree plan originates in the Department of Educational Leadership and Counseling.


    Master of Education in Early Childhood Education (Plan III). This degree plan is designed for those holding a Texas Provisional Elementary or Vocational Home Economics teaching certificate. The master's program in Early Childhood Education is an interdisciplinary plan with courses taken for a variety of subject fields. The degree plan originates in the Department of Language, Literacy, and Special Populations.

    Master of Education in Reading (Plan III). This degree plan is designed for those holding a Texas Provisional Elementary or Secondary teaching certificate. It can lead to certification as a Reading Specialist in Texas. The degree plan originates in the Department of Language, Literacy, and Special Populations.

    Master of Education in Special Education (Plan III). This degree plan is designed for those holding a Texas Provisional Elementary or Secondary teaching certificate. It can lead to either Generic Special Education or Diagnostician Certification in Texas. The degree plan originates in the Department of Language, Literacy, and Special Populations.

    Master of Arts, Plan I. This degree plan is designed for individuals who wish to write a thesis as part of the requirements for the degree. It is available to majors in Elementary Education, Secondary Education, Special Education, Counselor Education, Administration, Supervision, Counseling, and Reading. A comprehensive examination will be taken upon the completion of or during the final semester of course work. The degree plan originates in the appropriate department. The course work for these degrees can also be applied to Texas Professional Certification.

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